【主播】為了有效持續遏止印度邊境地區嚴重的非法移民問題,印度有關當局在北部邊界地帶,發行了內建晶片的智慧卡(smart cards),這將有助於當地合法居民的身分辨識。
【配音】這張智慧晶片卡,又被稱為多功能全國身份識別證(Multipurpose National Identification cards (MNIC)),原先只是一個實驗性質的計畫,在2003年時,由印度聯邦內政部 ( the federal Home (Interior) Ministry ) 在國內20個與鄰國交界的地區,進行試驗。
目前,位於印度北方烏塔普拉德什邦 ( Uttar Pradesh ) 的瑙坦瓦 ( Nautanwa ) 鎮,當地邦政府已經正式發行這種智慧卡。從治安觀點來看,隨著尼泊爾國內毛派份子活動的日益頻繁,擁有45萬人口、位於印度與尼泊爾邊界的瑙坦瓦鎮,它的地位顯得十分重要。
一位持有智慧卡的民眾表示:「這張卡片將成為身份與居住的證明。我們住在邊境地區,而想要辨認出從邊界滲入的恐怖份子,相當困難。而這張智慧卡正好能夠解決這個問題」。【shows 9】
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【主播】星期六晚間(12月1日),前南非總統納爾遜‧曼德拉(Nelson Mandela),在南非約翰內斯堡(Johannesburg)舉行了愛滋慈善音樂會,為愛滋防治事業進行募款。大約有五萬民眾,參與了這次的盛會。
【配音】慈善音樂會上,歌手彼得‧蓋布瑞爾(Peter Gabriel)、安妮‧藍妮克絲(Annie Lennox)與肯妮貝兒(Corinne Bailey Rae)賣力演出,而整場活動的所得將用在南非愛滋防治計畫上。曼德拉在晚會上致詞時說:「今晚,我們要促使每個人許下承諾來阻止愛滋病的傳染,我們可以從愛滋病的起因著手進行。當然,我們也需要完善的愛滋病防治策略。」【shows 11】。
現任南非總統博塔‧姆貝基(Thabo Mbeki) 所領導的政府,長期以來被抨擊在愛滋防治工作上不力。對此,南非政府終於在2003年時,開始提供抗逆轉錄愛滋病毒藥物,以延續病患的生命,不過進展的相當緩慢,導致每天都有數百名患者喪生。目前大約有七十萬的愛滋病患沒有獲得醫療照護,並且以鄉村地區的情況較為嚴重。
※ 正式新聞稿與影像:「新唐人亞太電視台」
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【主播】星期天,印度人權團體號召印度種馬來人走上馬來西亞首都吉隆坡(Kuala Lumpur)的街頭,抗議政府對少數人種的歧視,隨後遭到馬來西亞警方以催淚瓦斯進行驅趕。而這也是馬來西亞政府本月份以來,第二次針對批評政府的示威活動,進行大規模取締。
一位印度權益行動委員會(Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraft))的律師表示:「改變的時刻來臨了,你可以看到數千名群眾,無懼於催淚瓦斯,我們什麼都不怕」。【shows 16】 一位示威民眾則表示:「我們在這裡出生,而我們的孩子、孫子也是。在這個國家裡,我們變成了奴隸,這個國家到底怎麼了?」。【shows 17】
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【主播】美國國務卿賴斯(Condoleezza Rice)昨天(11月3日)再度抵達耶路撒冷(Jerusalem),讓巴勒斯坦與以色列雙邊的領導人,在舉行探討巴勒斯坦國家定位的會議之前,先行展開對談,以減少兩方認知上的差距。
負責領導以色列協商團隊與巴勒斯坦進行交涉的以色列外長理文妮 (Tzipi Livni),先前在耶路撒冷的中東政策會議上,已經與巴勒斯坦總理法耶茲(Salam Fayyad)會過面。每年美國與以色列就中東議題所展開的高規格「沙班論壇(Saban Forum)」,也曾邀請理文妮與法耶茲出席。這兩人在論壇期間曾經友好握手,並且被安排一同共進晚餐。
至於賴斯未來的訪問行程,將於星期天與星期一,分別與以色列總理埃胡德·奧爾默特(Ehud Olmert)和巴勒斯坦總統馬哈茂德·阿巴斯(Mahmoud Abbas)會面。近幾星期以來,以色列與巴勒斯坦雙方都強調會遵行2003年所立下的協定,減少兩邊發生衝突。
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【主播】就在前天(10月26日),位於印度北部的喜馬偕爾邦(Himachal Pradesh state),發生一起不幸的施工意外,造成六名進行巴爾伯蒂水力發電工程(the Parbati hydel project)的工人死亡。
【配音】事故發生當時,這六名工人正在賽尼村(Sainj village)進行第二階段的工程,他們搭乘前往地底施工地點的纜車,在傾斜30度的通道緩緩下降,不過支撐的鋼索卻突然發生斷裂,使的纜車急速墜落到底,釀成意外。
針對這起意外,國立水力發電公司(the National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC))的總工程師阿圖爾‧庫瑪(Atul Kumar)於星期六(10月27日)表示:「這起意外起因於纜線絞盤的不正常運作,造成纜線鬆脫,狀況相當罕見,在這之前我們未曾聽過類似的情況。」【shows 5】
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加拿大皇家騎警隊(the Royal Canadian Mounted Police)的戴爾‧卡爾(Dale Carr)表示:「我們未能確定本案是否為侵入住宅型的搶案,究竟是自殺或是他殺【shows 5】。目前全案正在偵辦中」。由於兇手可能還在當地活動,警方已請整棟樓的居民緊閉門窗。
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【主播】星期六(10月20日),許多示威者聚集在世界銀行 (the World Bank) 與國際貨幣基金會 (International Monetary Fund) 位於美國華府 (Washington, D.C.) 的總部外,進行抗議,要求先進國家停止對第三世界國家制定經濟政策,並且團結起來對抗設立於第三世界、剝削當地勞力的工業。
【配音】今年度國基會與世銀的秋季會議主軸,圍繞在全球經濟成長趨緩、世界性信貸風暴與節節攀升的油價危機等議題上。會議中,與會的多國財政領袖,呼籲國際貨幣基金會與各國日具影響力的國有投資基金,進行更加嚴密的金融監控,以穩定經濟市場,這對七大工業國(Group of Seven)而言,格外重要。
早在上周五(10月19 日),七大工業國的財政部長與中央銀行已先行會面並達成共識,一致認為金融市場的持續動盪將會傷害七國的經濟成長。然而相反的,對於同樣是國際貨幣基金會成員的發展中國家而言,卻是振興國家經濟力量的大好時機。
※ 正式新聞稿與影像:「新唐人亞太電視台」
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【配音】人權團體表示,自從1983年斯里蘭卡爆發內戰以來,已經造成大約七萬人死亡。在經過將近四年的短暫和平之後,從去年開始,政府軍與泰米爾之虎反叛軍(the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE))之間的內戰,持續進行,斯里蘭卡當地有上百人遭到殺害或是綁架,而從2006年上半年至今,大約造成五千人喪生。無論是政府軍或是反叛軍,都受到踐踏人權的指控。
聯合國人權高級專員路易斯.阿博爾(Louise Arbour)表示:「由武裝衝突、抵制恐怖主義所採取的緊急措施、薄弱無力的法律規範,以及普遍的刑罰豁免,所共同交織出來的環境背景,令人十分擔憂。目前仍有為數眾多的綁架或失蹤,懸而未決。我認為現階段我們所能夠做的,就是收集資訊,進行分析,並且公諸於世。」【shows 2 & 4】
◎ 杰贊:其實接受調查好處多多,也許可以藉此洗刷不實的指控。如今,斯里蘭卡政府卻拒絕配合聯合國,似乎是欲蓋彌彰、令人起疑呢!!
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【主播】星期六 (10月6日),古巴發生一起火車撞公車的意外事件,造成至少二十人死亡,超過七十名的乘客受到輕、重不同程度的傷害。
【配音】這輛從聖地牙哥 (Santiago) 出發,開往格蘭馬省 (Granma province) 曼薩尼約 (Manzanillo) 的列車,在位於哈瓦那 (Havana) 東南方約八百公里處,撞上一輛公共汽車。據了解,這起意外是古巴近年來交通事故死亡人數最多的一次。目前有關單位正在對這起意外事故的起因,進行調查。
※ 正式新聞稿與影像:「新唐人電視台」、「新唐人亞太電視台」
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【主播】一名紅十字國際委員會( the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) )的官員,於週六 ( 9月29日) 證實,先前遭到塔利班(Taliban)劫持的四名工作人員,在三天前已平安獲釋。
【配音】這四名工作人員,有兩位是阿富汗人,一位是馬其頓人,另一位則是緬甸人。他們在上週三 ( 9月25日 )於阿富汗首都喀布爾西南方的沃達克省(Wardak),被塔利班抓走。
紅十字會喀布爾代表團的副主席凡茲‧羅全斯汀(Franz Rauchenstien)表示:「我們真的非常、非常的高興四位遭到劫持的工作人員,能夠全身而退。對於這起事件的平安落幕,我們感到無比欣慰」。【shows 5】
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【主播】大約有四千名俄羅斯群眾,於星期六(9月8日)走上聖彼得堡(St Petersburg)的街頭遊行,抗議俄羅斯天然氣公司(Gazprom),打算於聖彼得堡興建摩天高塔的計畫。而前世界西洋棋冠軍卡斯帕羅夫(Garry Kasparov),也參與了這項遊行活動。
【配音】示威民眾攜帶旗幟與標語,高喊「打倒俄羅斯天然氣公司(Down with Gazprom)」、「支持聖彼得堡(Down with Gazprom)」,並且沿途發送說明這場遊行目地的小冊子。
而身為反對黨的雅布羅科黨(Yabloko)領導人格里戈里·亞夫林斯基(Grigory Yavlinsky),也參與這場和平示威,他表示:「政府當局不應該也無權強迫民眾接受他們不想要的事物,而且聖彼得堡不需要摩天高塔這種東西」【shows 9】
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【主播】就在這個星期,颶風斐利克斯(Hurricane Felix)肆虐加勒比海沿岸(the Caribbean coast)後,尼加拉瓜當地村民,緊抓浮木或房屋與船隻的碎片,在鯊魚經常出沒的海面漂流了四天,終於在星期六(9月8日)等到了救援。
【配音】尼加拉瓜海軍巡邏艇,從海上與孤島尋獲41位生還者,其中一名為女性,並且將他們載返卡貝薩斯港(Puerto Cabezas)。
巡邏艇的艦長艾杜爾杜‧桑德斯(Eduardo Sanders)表示:「由於大部分的生還者身體相當虛弱,使得搜救人員必須跳入海中進行救援。當生還者被救回巡邏艇上後,他們不太能夠進食,因為他們的胃完全被堵塞住了」。【shows 8】
時速高達每小時260公里的颶風斐利克斯(Hurricane Felix),在本周侵襲了尼加拉瓜與洪都拉斯的沿岸地區,並造成至少130人死亡。死者大部份為尼加拉瓜的米斯基托印地安人(Nicaraguan Miskito Indians)。
※ 正式新聞稿與影像:「新唐人電視台」、「新唐人亞太電視台」
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INTRO: South Korean unification minister meets with the former president, Kim
Dae-jung to discuss upcoming summit.South Korea's Unification Minister Lee Jae-jeong met with the former President Kim Dae-jung, who led the first North-South summit seven years ago.
STORY: South Korean unification minister visited the former president on Saturday (August 11) to seek advice for the second Inter-Korean summit scheduled to be held at the end of the month.
Former South Korean President Kim Dae-jung went to Pyongyang to hold the first historical summit between two Koreas in June 2000, and the summit was hailed as a breakthrough in bringing a chance of peace to the Cold War's last frontier.
"The denuclearisation will bring a peaceful system to the Korean peninsular and based on the system, the two Koreas will have economic growth in the future," said Lee Jae-jeong (李在禎), South Korea's unification minister.
The two Koreas earlier announced that the summit would be in Pyongyang between August 28-30. It follows moves by Pyongyang to implement an agreement with regional powers to end its nuclear weapons programmes in return for massive aid.
"Kim Dae-jung expects because him and Kim Jong-il(金正日) made good progress through talks rather than formalities during the last summit, President Roh Moo-hyun and Kim Jong-il should also be able to achieve a good outcome through open-minded talks," said Lee.
The Roh government has been criticised for being too accommodating to what many consider a renegade state. Roh is under strong pressure at home to win concessions from the North, especially greater commitment to nuclear disarmament, resolving the highly-emotional issues of South Koreans kidnapped decades ago and still held in the North and reunions of families divided at the end of the 1950~53 war.
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INTRO: Musharraf critic freed from prison after court order. An opposition leader in Pakistan, sentenced to life in jail for defaming the army, is released on bail by Pakistan's Supreme Court.
STORY: A leader of the opposition Pakistan Muslim League(巴基斯坦穆斯林聯盟), which is headed by former Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif(納瓦茲‧謝里夫), has been released from jail.
Makhdoom Javed Hashmi(馬克頓‧爪哇德‧哈席米), who was found guilty of defaming the army, was freed on bail by the Supreme Court on Saturday (August 4). It's another setback to embattled President General Pervez Musharraf(佩爾韋茲·穆沙拉夫).
The decision to release Hashmi, de facto leader of the opposition Pakistan Muslim League, came a day after Sharif petitioned the court seeking his return to the country.
Hundreds of cheering activists and supporters of the Muslim League greeted Hashmi as he emerged from prison in the eastern city of Lahore. They chanted "Go Musharraf ".
Hashmi, one of Musharraf's most outspoken critics, was arrested in 2003 for circulating an unsigned letter to reporters purporting to come from the army. The letter criticised Musharraf's support for the U.S.-led war on terror and called for an investigation into the 1999 Kargil conflict when Pakistan and India fought a limited war in the disputed region of Kashmir. Musharraf headed the army at the time of the conflict.
On Wednesday Hashmi's leader, former prime minister Sharif, petitioned the court seeking an order to stop the government from obstructing his return to the country after seven years of exile. Musharraf overthrew Sharif in 1999 and sent him and his family into exile in Saudi Arabia in 2000 in an apparent deal brokered by the Saudi royal family.
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INTRO: Hannah murder suspect returns to UK. Maninder Pal Singh Kohli, the prime suspect in the murder of British teenager Hannah Foster has been extradited to the UK to face trial.
STORY: The man wanted for questioning over the murder of British teenager Hannah Foster arrived back in the UK Saturday (July 28) night after a unsuccessful battle against extradition from India.
Maninder Pal Singh Kohli denies the abduction, rape and murder of 17-year-old Hannah.
The teenager was murdered after she walked home from a night out in Southampton(南安普敦), Hants, with friends in March 2003. Her strangled body was found outside the city at the side of a road.
Kohli left Britain two days after her death but was arrested in India in July 2004 after Hannah's parents, Trevor and Hilary, went there to appeal for information.
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INTRO: Peruvians protest Fujimori verdict outside Japanese ambassador's residence. Peruvian activists protest outside Japanese ambassador's residence, claiming Japan is pressuring Chile not to extradite Alberto Fujimori to Peru.
STORY: Dozens of Peruvians protested outside the Japanese ambassador's residence in Lima on Saturday (July 14), accusing Japan of protecting former President Alberto Fujimori from being extradited to Peru. The protest comes days after a Chilean court refused to extradite Fujimori on charges of corruption and human rights abuses saying prosecutors failed to prove their case against him.
The demonstrators held posters and yelled 'Immoral Japan protects the criminal' as police guarded the residence. The Peruvians claim that Japan pressured Chile to protect Fujimori, who holds dual Japanese and Peruvian citizenship.
"Japan has acted with dishonour," said one protester. "It has protected and guaranteed the impunity of Fujimori. It hasn't wanted to hand him over to Peruvian justice and now it is exercising political, economic pressure on Chile to guarantee the impunity of this assassin."
The 68-year-old fled to Japan -- the country of his parents' birth -- after his government collapsed under the weight of a huge corruption scandal. He lived there for five years until arriving in Santiago, Chile in 2005. Since then, he has been under house arrest in Chile.
The court decision came as a surprise since Chilean prosecutors had recommended extradition. Earlier this year, Chile and Japan signed a free trade agreement and expect to abolish most tariffs in the next 10 years.
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INTRO: Queen Elizabeth II, an avid(渴望的) horse enthusiast, arrives at the Kentucky Derby(肯塔基賽馬大會) at Churchill Downs(邱吉爾園).
STORY: Queen Elizabeth the Second fulfilled a lifelong dream Saturday (May 5) and went to the Kentucky Derby. Her majesty arrived at Churchill Downs this afternoon just a few hours before the race. If anything could overshadow the horses, this might be it.
The track president described the queen as the most prestigious guest in the modern-day history of the Kentucky Derby. The Queen and her husband, Prince Philip, went immediately to a private suite at the track where they watched the race.
In preparation for the royal visit, some workers at Churchill Downs took etiquette lessons. The royal couple's visit to the track is part of a six-day trip to the United States.
Next week, she'll visit President Bush at the White House.
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INTRO: Sri Lankan military on alert as Tamil Tiger rebels launch air raid.
STORY: Sri Lanka(斯里蘭卡)'s military went on alert on Sunday (April 29) when radar detected a suspect plane, military sources said, and witnesses said they heard explosions and firing in the capital Colombo(科倫坡:可倫坡).
A Reuters correspondent at Colombo international airport said passengers had been told to get off their flights, but were later told to re-embark. The security alert came after a similar one late on Thursday (April 26) when Sri Lankan authorities temporarily closed Colombo international airport after reports suspicious airplanes were seen flying south along the coast.
That air raid scare came two days after the Tamil Tiger rebels(泰米爾猛虎組織:塔米爾之虎反叛軍)' newly unveiled air wing staged its second attack ever, dropping bombs on a military position in the north killing six people.
The rebels' first air strike was on the air force base next to Colombo airport, and it took the military by surprise. Analysts believe the Tamil Tigers' air force consists of just two to five light propeller planes assembled from pieces smuggled in over time.
The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam(泰米爾民族解放之虎), as the rebels are officially known, want to create an independent state in the north and east of the island for ethnic minority Tamils.
Since 1983, the war in Sri Lanka has claimed some 68,000 lives, including more than 4,000 since late 2005. The intensified violence of the past 16 months has left a 2002 ceasefire in tatters.
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INTRO: Venezuela announces it has paid off IMF and World Bank debt of $3 billion.
STORY: Venezuela said Friday (April 13) that Venezuela has paid of the $3 billion it owed to the World Bank and the IMF(國際貨幣基金組織).
President Hugo Chavez made the announcement during an evening speech celebrating the fifth year anniversary of the brief 2002 coup(政變) which failed to topple(推翻) his government.
"The Finance Minister, Rodrigo Cabezas, told me this afternoon that yesterday, we made the last payment left of the old debt that the Fourth Republic (previous government) left us with the World Bank," Chavez told the crowd of supporters. "Today, today, with the last payment that debt that had been since 1998, almost $3 billion. We also had a large debt with the IMF. Venezuela was hand tied. I can tell you today, that we don't owe a cent of debt with either the IMF or the World Bank.
The IMF reported that Venezuelan inflation this year should be the highest in the Americas at 21.6 percent, compared with September's IMF forecast of 15.4 percent, prompting the multilateral lender to urge Caracas(加拉加斯) to rein(控制) in "exceptionally" rapid state spending. Venezuela disputes those numbers.
Venezuelan inflation in 2008 was seen at a galloping 25.7 percent, IMF data showed.
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INTRO: Riot police in Kathmandu clash with protesters against Miss Nepal beauty contest.
STORY: Thousands of demonstrators gathered outside the Birendra International Convention Centre in central Kathmandu(加德满都) to protest against Miss Nepal beauty contest held in the Nepali capital on Saturday (April 7).
Nepalese security forces in riot gear cordoned off(包圍隔離) the area as protesters marched towards the venue of the beauty contest carrying banners(橫幅) and shouting slogans demanding the pageant(慶典) be stopped. The protesters tore down huge welcome arch outside the venue and blocked one of the entrances. Scuffles broke out between the protesters and security forces after the protesters were prevented from entering the venue.
The protest was organised by All Nepal Women's Association, the women's wing(派系) of the Maoists and supported by nine other feminist(兩性平權主義) and human rights organisations who say the contest exploits women to promote business.
Despite the protest, the pageant, which was broadcast live on the state-run Nepal Television, went on according to schedule.
Sitashma Chand, a 23 year-old commerce graduate, won the title of Miss Nepal 2007 and was crowned by Sugarika KC, Miss Nepal 2005. The newly crowned Miss Nepal 2007 is expected to participate in the Miss World, Miss Earth and Miss Asia-Pacific pageants later this year.
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