
INTRO: Queen Elizabeth II, an avid(渴望的) horse enthusiast, arrives at the Kentucky Derby(
肯塔基賽馬大會) at Churchill Downs(邱吉爾園). 

STORY: Queen Elizabeth the Second fulfilled a lifelong dream  Saturday (May 5) and went to the Kentucky Derby. Her majesty arrived at Churchill Downs this afternoon just a few hours before the race.  If anything could overshadow the horses, this might be it. 

The track president described the queen as the most prestigious guest in the modern-day history of the Kentucky Derby.  The Queen and her husband, Prince Philip, went immediately to a private suite at the track where they watched the race. 

In preparation for the royal visit, some workers at Churchill Downs took etiquette lessons. The royal couple's visit to the track is part of a six-day trip to the
United States

Next week, she'll visit President Bush at the White House. 


【主播】星期六下午(五月五日),英國女王伊麗莎白二世實現了畢生的夢想,她抵達邱吉爾園(Churchill Downs)觀賞了賽馬界重要競賽之一的肯塔基賽馬大會(Kentucky Derby)。也由於女王陛下的到訪,讓賽馬大會更加蓬蓽生輝。

伊麗莎白女王是目前到訪邱吉爾園的訪客中,最具聲望的人,也因此園方的工作人員,為了善盡地主之誼,特地上了禮儀課程。她與丈夫菲力普親王(Prince Philip),在園內的貴賓室觀看比賽。



【標題】英女王觀賞肯塔基賽馬大會    在線 下載       

【主播】正在美國訪問的英國女王伊麗莎白二世實現了畢生的夢想,她抵達邱吉爾園(Churchill Downs),觀賞了賽馬界重要競賽之一的肯塔基賽馬大會(Kentucky Derby)。也由於女王陛下的到訪,讓賽馬大會更加蓬蓽生輝。 



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