INTRO: Peruvians protest Fujimori verdict outside Japanese ambassador's residence. Peruvian activists protest outside Japanese ambassador's residence, claiming Japan is pressuring Chile not to extradite Alberto Fujimori to Peru.
STORY: Dozens of Peruvians protested outside the Japanese ambassador's residence in Lima on Saturday (July 14), accusing Japan of protecting former President Alberto Fujimori from being extradited to Peru. The protest comes days after a Chilean court refused to extradite Fujimori on charges of corruption and human rights abuses saying prosecutors failed to prove their case against him.
The demonstrators held posters and yelled 'Immoral Japan protects the criminal' as police guarded the residence. The Peruvians claim that Japan pressured Chile to protect Fujimori, who holds dual Japanese and Peruvian citizenship.
"Japan has acted with dishonour," said one protester. "It has protected and guaranteed the impunity of Fujimori. It hasn't wanted to hand him over to Peruvian justice and now it is exercising political, economic pressure on Chile to guarantee the impunity of this assassin."
The 68-year-old fled to Japan -- the country of his parents' birth -- after his government collapsed under the weight of a huge corruption scandal. He lived there for five years until arriving in Santiago, Chile in 2005. Since then, he has been under house arrest in Chile.
The court decision came as a surprise since Chilean prosecutors had recommended extradition. Earlier this year, Chile and Japan signed a free trade agreement and expect to abolish most tariffs in the next 10 years.
【主播】許多祕魯人於星期六(7月14日),聚集在祕魯首都利馬(Lima)的日本大使館外,對於日本政府協助前祕魯總統藤森(Alberto Fujimori) 豁免引渡回國一事,進行示威抗議。
祕魯方面聲稱,由於藤森同時握有日本與祕魯兩國的國籍,因而使日本影響智利所做出的決定。一位抗議的群眾表示:「日本的行徑真是無恥,竟然擔保藤森免於接受法律制裁。現在日本又以政治與經濟對智利施壓,讓藤森高枕無憂」【Shows 7】
【標題】影響藤森引渡 祕魯人日本大使館外抗議 在線 下載
【主播】周末,許多祕魯人,聚集在祕魯首都利馬(Lima)的日本大使館外,對於日本政府協助前祕魯總統藤森(Alberto Fujimori) 豁免引渡回國抗議。
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