INTRO: Indonesian soccer fans flock to street arena to see Zinedine Zidane play. Thousands of Indonesian soccer fans gather to see retired French footballer Zinedine Zidane play in a futsal match in Jakarta.
STORY: Authorities closed a Jakarta main street for three hours on Sunday (July 8) to create to create futsal street arena for a special match between retired French football star Zinedine Zidane and Indonesian players.
Frenzied supporters poured into the street to see the 34-year-old three-time FIFA World Footballer of the Year take to the field to play a match with pop stars, national team players, and officials.
From hours before kick-off, soccer-mad men and boys lined the streets to catch a glimpse of the former Juventus and Real Madrid midfielder. Others climbed on walls to photograph him during the game.
Zidane ended his soccer career with a red card after head-butting Italian defender Marco Materazzi in World Cup final last year. He is on three-day visit to Indonesia ahead of the Asian Cup which is being co-hosted by Indonesia, Malaysia Thailand and Vietnam during the July 7-29, 2007 period.
【主播】星期天(七月八日),雅加達當地政府將主要道路封閉起來達三小時之久,好讓法國籍退休足球明星席丹‧齊達內(Zinedine Zidane)與印尼籍的國家足球選手們,進行一場特別的五人制足球賽,吸引了大批瘋狂球迷湧入現場觀看。
現年34歲的齊達內,曾經三度獲得國際足聯的年度風雲選手。在去年世足賽的決賽中,齊達內以一記頭槌撞倒義大利籍選手馬爾科‧馬特拉齊(Marco Materazzi),因而獲得一張紅牌退場,結束了他的足球生涯。就在由印尼、馬來西亞、泰國與越南所共同舉辦的亞洲盃足球賽開始前,齊達內抵達印尼進行為期三天的訪問行程。今年度亞洲盃足球賽的比賽時間,從七月七日起,一直到七月二十九日為止。
【標題】法國退休足球名將齊達內訪問印尼 在線 下載
【主播】星期天(七月八日),雅加達當地政府關閉了交通要道長達三小時之久,好讓法國足球明星席丹-齊達內(Zinedine Zidane)與印尼國家隊的足球選手們,進行一場特別的五人制足球賽,這場球賽也吸引了大批的球迷們到場觀看。
今年34歲的齊達內,曾經三度獲得國際足聯的“足球先生”獎。在去年世界杯足球賽的決賽中,齊達內以一記頭槌撞倒意大利選手馬爾科-馬特拉齊(Marco Materazzi),因而被紅牌罰下,也就此結束了他的足球生涯。
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