INTRO: Hannah murder suspect returns to UK. Maninder Pal Singh Kohli, the prime suspect in the murder of British teenager Hannah Foster has been extradited to the UK to face trial.
STORY: The man wanted for questioning over the murder of British teenager Hannah Foster arrived back in the UK Saturday (July 28) night after a unsuccessful battle against extradition from India.
Maninder Pal Singh Kohli denies the abduction, rape and murder of 17-year-old Hannah.
The teenager was murdered after she walked home from a night out in Southampton(南安普敦), Hants, with friends in March 2003. Her strangled body was found outside the city at the side of a road.
Kohli left Britain two days after her death but was arrested in India in July 2004 after Hannah's parents, Trevor and Hilary, went there to appeal for information.
【主播】涉嫌謀殺英國少女漢娜‧福斯特(Hannah Foster)的嫌犯,馬尼德‧帕爾‧辛‧科里(Maninder Pal Singh Kohli),於星期六晚上(7月28日)從印度被引渡返抵英國,準備接受司法審判。
【配音】 目前科里仍否認自己對年僅十七歲的漢娜,犯下綁架、強姦與殺人的罪行。
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