
Venezuela announces it has paid off IMF and World Bank debt of $3 billion.

STORY: Venezuela said Friday (April 13) that Venezuela has paid of the $3 billion it owed to the World Bank and the IMF(

President Hugo Chavez made the announcement during an evening speech celebrating the fifth year anniversary of the brief 2002 coup(
政變) which failed to topple(推翻) his government. 

"The Finance Minister, Rodrigo Cabezas, told me this afternoon that yesterday, we made the last payment left of the old debt that the Fourth Republic (previous government) left us with the World Bank," Chavez told the crowd of supporters. "Today, today, with the last payment that debt that had been since 1998, almost $3 billion. We also had a large debt with the IMF.
Venezuela was hand tied. I can tell you today, that we don't owe a cent of debt with either the IMF or the World Bank.

The IMF reported that Venezuelan inflation this year should be the highest in the Americas at 21.6 percent, compared with September's IMF forecast of 15.4 percent, prompting the multilateral lender to urge Caracas(
加拉加斯) to rein(控制) in "exceptionally" rapid state spending. Venezuela disputes those numbers. 

Venezuelan inflation in 2008 was seen at a galloping 25.7 percent, IMF data showed.



【主播】委內瑞拉於週五(四月十三日)表示,目前已經清償先前積欠世界銀行(the World Bank)與國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)的三十億美元。

【配音】委內瑞拉總統查維茲(Hugo Chavez),在慶祝2002年企圖推翻查維茲政府政變失敗的五週年之際,公開發表了晚間談話。他向支持群眾表示:財政部長羅德瑞果‧卡比薩斯(Rodrigo Cabezas)在今天下午向我報告時表示,就在昨天,我們已經完全清償先前舊政府所積欠世界銀行的債務。這筆接近三十億美元的龐大債務,從1998年起持續至今。我們也積欠國際貨幣基金組織鉅額的債務。因此,過去委內瑞拉的財政一直很吃緊。但是,就在今天,我可以告訴你們,我們不再欠國際貨幣基金組織與世界銀行一毛錢了。




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