

(How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days;絕配冤家)」贏得廣大影迷回響的好萊塢巨星馬修麥康納(Matthew McConaughey)與凱特哈德森(Kate Hudson),再度聯手出擊,為歐洲影迷帶來最新的冒險喜劇「淘金俏冤家(Fool's Gold;傻愛成金)」,於410日在倫敦萊斯特廣場(Leicester Square)舉行首映。

(Warner Bros. Pictures)估計,電影「淘金俏冤家」在今年28日於美國上映時,只花了三天的時間,票房就累積達二千兩百萬美元,比他們預期要來的好。

加里亞諾(John Galliano)之手,令人眼睛一亮。

凡內根(Ben Finnega),是一位職業尋寶冒險家,埋首於尋找傳說中價值連城的女王嫁妝。據聞這位女王的嫁妝在十八世紀初的一趟船運中,不幸翻覆,沉沒於加勒比海的某處。尋寶運不佳的凡內根,與由凱文哈特(Kevin Hart)所飾演的畢格邦尼(Bigg Bunny)一同在深海尋寶。畢格邦尼是一個冷酷的壞蛋,他讓凡內根債築高台,最後還迫使凡內根離開尋寶船。

(Tess),打算與凡內根離婚。雖然一開始凡內根與泰絲是因為女王嫁妝而結婚,不過在經過八年的觀察後,泰絲認為凡內根不夠重視兩人的婚姻關係,總是把海底尋寶擺在第一位。泰絲決定讓自己的生活回歸常軌,於是在一艘名為〝珍貴寶石號(Precious Gem)〞的巨型遊艇上,擔任管家工作。而這艘遊艇,是由唐納德薩瑟蘭(Donald Sutherland)所飾演的百萬富豪尼格爾哈尼卡特所擁有。不過,當凡內根透過一塊瓷盤碎片找到寶藏線索時,這兩人又重修舊好,並且在尼格爾與尼格爾女兒的協助下,一同尋寶。

(People magazine)喻為全球最性感的男人。今年38歲的他,在德州土生土長,過著相當簡樸的生活,直到最近才決定砸下重金購買自己的房子。在今年七月份時,馬修麥康納與巴西籍名模女友卡蜜拉艾爾維斯(Camila Alves),即將迎接他們第一個小孩的到來。


※ 正式定稿與影像:「新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線183

※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO: Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson team up once again on big screen and at European premiere of Fool's Gold.  Kate Hudson said she can't get enough of working with one-time "World's Sexiest Man" Matthew McConaughey as the pair look for sunken treasures and lost love in their latest romantic comedy. 

STORY: The stars of the adventure comedy attended the European premiere of their film in London's Leicester Square(
萊斯特廣場) on Thursday (April 10). After the success of their first romantic comedy "How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days"(十日拍拖手冊), the Hollywood A-listers hoped to repeat success with their latest offering.

"Fool's Gold"(
淘金俏冤家) earned 22 million U.S. dollars for the three days it opened in the United States, beginning on Friday February 8, according to estimates issued by its distributor, Warner Bros. Pictures. The Time Warner Inc-owned studio said the tally exceeded its expectations by 3 million to 4 million USD.

McConaughey charmed the crowd waiting in the blistery spring chill in the British capital by taking his time to sign autographs and take pictures with excited fans, mostly girls and women. Hudson sparkled in a light green, Indian-inspired gown by British designer John Galliano.

In the movie, McConaughey's Ben "Finn" Finnegan is a career booty hunter whose burning obsession concerns the legendary Queen's Dowry, a shipload of priceless Spanish treasure believed to have sunk in Caribbean waters in the early 1700s.

His latest ill-fated expedition has landed him in deep water with ruthless rapper-gangster Bigg Bunny (Kevin Hart), with whom he already is in escalating debt. While Finn is being forced to walk the plank off Bigg Bunny's boat, his ex is about to mark the spot on their divorce papers. 

Even though the Queen's Dowry was what initially brought them together, for the past eight years Kate Hudson's Tess has watched their marriage continually place second to Finn's undersea pursuits.
Determined to get her life back on track, she's been working as a steward aboard the Precious Gem, a huge yacht owned by billionaire Nigel Honeycutt (Donald Sutherland). But when Finn finds a shard of a plate that puts the treasure in the immediate vicinity, all is forgiven, and the pair resume the joint hunt with Nigel's support, along with his alarmingly dim-witted daughter (Alexis Dziena).

McConaughey, who is often photographed shirtless, was once named the "World's Sexiest Man" by People magazine. The 38-year-old Texan native is famed for his low-maintenance approach to life. He was once arrested for playing bongos in the nude, and was recently living in a Malibu trailer park until he decided to buy a nearby 10 million USD home. He and his Brazilian girlfriend, model Camila Alves, are expecting their first baby in July. 

"Fool's Gold" opens at cinemas across the UK on April 18.




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