
(Marvel Comics)的電影「鋼鐵俠 (Iron Man)」,則首先為夏季電影黃金檔期,揭開序幕。

唐尼(Robert Downey Jr.)、女星格溫妮斯帕特洛(Gwyneth Paltrow),以及男演員特倫斯霍華德(Terrence Howard)等擔綱演出;他們也一同出席了舉辦於倫敦萊斯頓廣場(Leicester Square)的電影首映會。

史塔克(Tony Stark),遭到恐怖份子的挾持,並且被迫為恐怖份子打造武器。不過,史塔克並不是省油的燈,反而藉此設計出自己專屬的鋼鐵動力裝,然後順利逃出恐怖份子的魔掌。史塔克返家後,在他的秘書也是女友維吉納帕茲(Virginia Potts)的協助下,對鋼鐵動力裝進行改造。最後史塔克成為了超級英雄 鋼鐵俠。

唐尼,是因為妻子的緣故而參與「鋼鐵俠』的演出。雖然對於小羅伯特唐尼而言,超級英雄這種角色,似乎不在他的演戲觸角之內,但對於有幸扮演驚奇漫畫中的超級英雄,小羅伯特唐尼覺的十分高興。在接受訪問時,小羅伯特唐尼說:「這個角色是我爭取來的。我太太蘇珊經營一家大型的電影公司,所以我對於電影方面的事情也略知一二。」【shows 11】


費儒(Jon Favreau),本身就滿喜愛漫畫中的英雄人物,他表示由於小羅伯特唐尼非常適合演出鋼鐵俠一角,又拜現代科技所賜,能讓漫畫中的場景、特效重現在銀光幕前,所以吸引自己投入這部電影的製作,況且和小羅伯特唐尼一起合作這部電影相當有趣,也因此喬恩費儒就著手開拍電影「鋼鐵俠」。



※ 正式定稿與影像:「新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線184

※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO: Hollywood actor Robert Downey Jr. along with fellow stars of Marvel comics latest film venture Iron Man film walk the red carpet in London. 

STORY: Hollywood actor Robert Downey Jr.(
小羅伯特唐尼;小羅勃道尼) along with fellow cast members, Gwyneth Paltrow(格溫妮斯帕特洛;葛妮絲派特蘿) And Terrence Howard(特倫斯霍華德;泰倫斯霍華) graced the red carpet in London's Leicester Square(萊斯頓廣場) to premiere their latest film 'Iron Man(鋼鐵俠;鋼鐵人)' which marks the start of the Hollywood summer block buster season. 

Robert Downey Junior, who was joined by his wife in London, was upbeat to be given the chance to play a Marvel super hero, a role that up until recently would have seemed out of his reach. "I really chased it down, Downey Jr. told Reuters on the red carpet in London. "Susan, his wife, runs a big company that makes big movies like the Matrix, so I was pretty close to someone that understood that these things particularly work."
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Actress Gwyneth Paltrow who plays Pepper Potts, Tony Stark's long suffering personal assistant, was thrilled to be given the chance to work with some of the top actors in Hollywood today. Gwyneth Paltrow, who plays Virginia Potts in the movie, spoke to Reuters about how motherhood had changed the way she approached acting roles or rather how it hadn't.

The actor/director spoke about his love of comic book heroes. "I think the idea of doing this movie with Robert was what was intriguing because he fit the character so well and the technology has come far enough along that you can actually show what Iron Man does in the comic books, so I think it really lent itself to being made right now, and that's what drew me to it," Favreau told Reuters.

Director Jon Favreau whose first breakthrough film was the Christmas smash hit 'Elf' played down rumours of a sequel. "No there is nothing on the burner for Iron Man 2, but we would all love to do it. If this movie does well , I am sure you will all see us again."
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Based on a Marvel Comics(
驚奇漫畫) character, Iron Man is the story of billionaire industrialist Tony Stark who is captured by terrorists who force him to build weapons for them. Instead, Stark builds his own power suit and uses it to escape back home, where he further improves his suit of armour, helped by his secretary and love interest Virginia Potts. Along the way he becomes the superhero Iron Man.

The film is being released on May 2nd in the U.K. and the U.S.




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