

33年牢獄生活的折磨,西藏喇嘛班旦加措(Palden Gyatso) 依舊以沉靜的笑容面對一切。然而加措臉上的皺紋,與他薄而皺起的雙唇,卻述說著加措所歷盡的滄桑與艱辛。除了可以透過加措的自傳來了解他的故事之外,也能藉由紀錄片「雪山下的火焰(Fire Under the Snow)」來認識他。這部紀錄片由日本年輕電影製作人莎莎誠(Makoto Sasa)所執導,即將於紐約的翠貝卡電影節( Tribeca Film Festival )中亮相。



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(The Dalai Lama: Peace and Prosperity)」。整個翠貝卡電影節,從四月二十三日開幕起,一直到五月四號為止。

※ 正式定稿與影像:「新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線185


※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO: Documentary about Buddhist monk examines struggle for Tibetan freedom. As the international debate over Tibetan freedom becomes more pointed, a Tribeca Film Festival documentary tells the story of a Tibetan Buddhist monk  who was imprisoned and tortured by the Chinese Communist Army for 33 years. 

STORY: The wizened Tibetan Buddhist monk still has eyes that serenely smile. But the lines on Palden Gyatso's(
班旦加措) face and his thin, pursed lips tell a different story, a story of torture and imprisonment for 33 years. Gyatso tells the story not only in his own book, but also in a documentary which is currently being featured as part of the ongoing Tribeca Film Festival(翠貝卡電影節) in New York. 

In "Fire Under the Snow" directed by young Japanese film-maker Makoto Sasa, Gyatso recounts his arrest in 1959 while peacefully demonstrating with thousands of monks and nuns. He went on to spend 23 years in prison and 10 in labor camps and was finally released in 1992. Gyatso talks of the torture and interrogations he underwent during his confinement. 

For Sasa, what drew her most to Gyatso's story was his strong, unbroken spirit despite undergoing soul wrenching duress. The film moves to and fro between Palden's life as an exile and activist and his haunting memories and nightmares of prison. The film depicts his life in Dharamsala, India where he lives now and also follows some of his travels around the world as an activist. In one scene in the documentary, Gyatso is seen in Turin, Italy where he undertook a hunger strike to protest the 2008 Beijing Olympics. 

Of his motivation to travel the world and tell his story, Gyatso explains that when he reached India after being released from a Chinese prison, he felt that he had a duty to tell his tale. "When I finally got to India I felt that I have reached the land of freedom and I felt that the atrocities that I experienced, the atrocities that my fellow prisoners faced in prison, I felt that I have the duty to tell about those atrocities to the outside world," said Gyatso.
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"Fire Under the Snow" is one of the two documentaries at the Tribeca Film Festival this year, which have Tibetans as their subject. The other film, "The Dalai Lama: Peace and Prosperity" is a visual record of the Dalai Lama's visit and presentation to a sold out Radio Music Hall in New York City. The Tribeca Film Festival began April 23rd and will wrap up on May 4th.




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