

(the Cannes film festival)中,一共有22部參展影片入圍。不過,其中有一部電影的名稱,可真把人搞糊塗了。這部電影原本定名為〝 換子疑雲 (The Changeling)〞,但是在製片時卻更名為〝調包小孩 (The Exchange) 〞。這齣電影故事取自洛杉磯市政廳(Los Angeles City Hall)的真實檔案,原本這個檔案即將被銷毀,不過電影編劇J邁克爾史崔克辛斯基(J. Michael Straczynski)獲知消息、奔走搶救之下,才讓整起事件得以呈現在觀眾面前。

柯琳絲 (Christine Collins ),有一天她九歲大的小孩失蹤了。警方斬釘截鐵的表示他們已經找回這名失蹤的小孩,不過柯琳絲卻堅持警方所尋獲的,並不是自己的孩子,因而遭到惡意中傷,被送入精神病房待了五天。

約翰馬爾科維奇(John Malkovich)所飾演的牧師的幫助下,柯琳絲開始找尋事實真相,而在過程之中,也揭露出警方腐敗與無能的一面。另一方面,一位連續殺害兒童的兇手落網,使的這兩個原本看似毫無瓜葛的事件,開始串連在一塊。

安吉麗娜朱莉(Angelina Jolie),認為這個角色對她而言是個挑戰。今年32歲的朱莉,目前懷有一對雙胞胎,她在參與完電影〝堅強之心 (A Mighty Heart) 〞的拍攝工作後,很快就與伊斯特伍德合作,開拍電影〝調包小孩〞。相信觀眾朋友並不陌生,在〝堅強之心〞一片中,朱莉飾演身懷六甲、慘遭殺害的記者丹尼爾波爾(Daniel Pearl)的妻子。

伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood)說:「電影中讓許多社會環節疊扣在一塊,但其中以這個部份最為令人詬病。而這位女性以她堅忍的毅力,擊倒了警方全體與整個政治架構。」shows 13伊斯特伍德現在看來,仍有37年前,他所飾演的硬漢警探哈里(Dirty Harry)的身影。不過,伊斯特伍德否認哈里一角將會重返螢幕與觀眾見面,而朱莉則笑稱自己可以勝任警探哈里這個角色。

伊斯特伍德執導、男星西恩(Sean Penn)所主演的電影〝神秘河(Mystic River)〞作比較。而在今年的戛納電影節中,西恩潘獲邀擔任評審團的主席。


※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 188


※ The original article was taken from
Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO: Eastwood and Jolie impress critics with 1920s drama. Clint Eastwood directs Angelina Jolie in a gripping 1920s drama based on the true story of a woman whose search for her missing son leads to confrontation with Los Angeles police and a serial child killer. 

STORY: There was confusion on Tuesday (May 20) over the name of the movie, one of 22 entries in the main competition at the Cannes film festival this year. It was originally titled "The Changeling" but production notes re-named it "The Exchange".

Based on archives from Los Angeles City Hall(
洛杉磯市政廳) that were about to be destroyed until screenwriter J. Michael Straczynski(J邁克爾史崔克辛斯基) rescued them after a tip off, the story is about working-class mother Christine Collins whose nine-year-old son goes missing. 

A police force in desperate need of positive publicity says they have found the boy, but when Collins insists the child is not hers, she is subjected to a smear campaign and sent to a psychiatric ward for five days. With the help of a charismatic pastor, played by John Malkovich, Collins goes in search of the truth, exposing corruption and incompetence in the police force along the way. Separately, a serial child killer is caught, and the two storylines begin to emerge. 

"There's been a lot of different regimes that come along but this particular one was really corrupt. And this woman, through her tenacious attitude brought down the whole police department and the whole political structure," Eastwood said after a media screening, where 'The Exchange' was applauded loudly.
shows 13

Jolie, a mother who is also pregnant with twins, said it was a difficult role to play. The actress, 32, started working with Eastwood shortly after making 'A Mighty Heart' in which she portrayed the pregnant wife of slain reporter Daniel Pearl. 

Eastwood even saw parallels with his role as a tough cop in "Dirty Harry", released 37 years ago, but denied rumours that Harry would be returning, although Jolie joked that she could take the part. "It will be Dirty Harriet and the 'Tomb Raider' will play  it," responded Eastwood. Early critical reaction suggests Eastwood could be a strong contender for the coveted Palme d'Or for best film in Cannes. 

Comparisons were drawn during the press conference between "The Exchange" and Eastwood's "Mystic River", which stars Sean Penn who is also president of the jury deciding the awards in Cannes this year.




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