六月十二日晚間,好萊塢許多影視名流齊聚集於柯達劇院(Kodak Theatre),要向榮獲第三十六屆美國電影學會(AFI)終生成就獎的傳奇演員沃倫‧比提(Warren Beatty)致意。在演藝界闖盪近半個世紀之久的比提,不僅人高馬大、身手矯健、外表出眾,而且無論是幕前還是幕後工作,都難不倒他,可說是演藝界的傳奇人物,也因此,美國電影學會將終生成就獎這個最高榮譽,授與沃倫‧比提。
在接受訪問時,比提說:「我只是度過生命中的每個片刻,通常我不會作長遠、完整的規劃。雖然我會做很多的計畫,但都無法落實,往往都是等到條件充足後,才能實行。所以,如果談到我對於電影的演出,還有從事演藝工作,它就是這樣慢慢成形的,而我自己也花了一點時間來認清自己是個演員的事實。」【shows 4】
1967年時,比提與導演阿瑟‧佩恩(Arthur Penn)合作,投入電影〝雌雄大盜(Bonnie and Clyde)〞的製片工作。無論是挑選劇本、監督劇本重製,或是協助選角,比提樣樣都來,也證明自己有足夠的能力勝任製片。此外,比提也參與電影〝雌雄大盜〞的演出,他那深具魅力的演技,更讓他獲得當年奧斯卡最佳男演員獎的提名,而電影〝雌雄大盜〞也獲得最佳影片(Best Picture)等十個奧斯卡獎項的提名。
不過,真正把比提的演技、編劇、導戲與製片能力發揮淋漓盡致的,是1981年的電影〝烽火赤焰萬里情(REDS)〞。這是一部史詩般的愛情電影,故事內容以新聞記者約翰‧里德(John Reed)的生活作為主軸,時空背景設定在俄國革命時期。這部由比提所執導的電影,一共獲得12項奧斯卡獎提名,不僅為比提贏得最佳導演獎的肯定,還另外抱得其它兩項獎座。
當問到對於比提的觀感時,身為比提老友的簡‧芳達(Jane Fonda)表示:「比提是個別具魅力的電影明星,但是不同於一般的電影明星。因為在好萊塢,他同時也參與製片與導演工作,並且交出很棒的作品。我指的是〝烽火赤焰萬里情〞這部電影,你很難再看到任何一部電影,要比它還具有獨創性。」【shows 8】
美國電影學會的終生成就獎,由該學會的信託理事會(the AFI Board of Trustees)所創設,而且每年只頒獎給一位受獎人。曾獲得這項殊榮的有亨利·方達(Henry Fonda)、克林特·伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood)與伊麗莎白·泰勒(Elizabeth Taylor)等人。
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 192 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Warren Beatty honored with life achievement award. Hollywood's biggest stars celebrate as legendary actor Warren Beatty is honored at the 36th AFI Life Achievement Award.
STORY: Hollywood biggest stars arrived at the Kodak Theatre(柯達劇院) Thursday night (June 12, 2008) to honor Warren Beatty(沃倫·比提), as the legendary actor received the 36th AFI(美國電影學會) Life Achievement Award. The American Film Institute's highest honor is in recognition of Beatty's long and storied career that spans nearly 50 years. Tall, athletic and movie star-handsome, Beatty has been a force both in front of and behind the camera.
"I just live from moment to moment. I don't have long range plans usually," Beatty said. "I make a lot of plans that don't materialize, until they materialize. So, if you are talking about going in the movies and being an actor, it just sort of gradually happened and it took me awhile to accept that I was an actor."
In 1967, Beatty turned to producing, with director Arthur Penn's "Bonnie and Clyde." By championing the script, supervising rewrites and assisting with casting, Beatty proved to be a truly hands-on producer. In addition, his charismatic lead performance earned him a Best Actor Oscar nomination, one of 10 Academy Award nominations for the film, including Best Picture.
Beatty's acting, writing, directing and producing efforts all coalesced brilliantly in 1981 with REDS, an epic love story based on the life of journalist John Reed, set against the Russian Revolution. Nominated for 12 Oscars, REDS received three, including one for Best Director for Beatty.
"He's unusual in that he is a true movie star, you know a glamorous movie star," explained longtime friend Jane Fonda. "But, at the same time he has produced and directed some of the great films to come out of Hollywood. I mean "Reds" it is hard to find a film more original then "Reds."
The AFI Life Achievement Award was established by the AFI Board of Trustees and is presented to a single honoree each year. Other notable winners include Henry Fonda, Clint Eastwood and Elizabeth Taylor.