電影〝監獄生活〞由斯蒂芬‧多爾夫(Stephen Dorff)與瓦爾‧基爾默(Val Kilmer)聯手演出。由多爾夫所飾演的維德‧波特(Wade Porter),原先過著快樂的普通生活,並且懷有一個美國夢。然而這個美國夢卻在一夜之間,成了波特的夢靨。
斯蒂芬‧多爾夫談到了自己如何詮釋波特這個內心複雜的角色,他說:「演戲時我試著把自己融入主角的處境中。片中主角有未婚妻與一個小孩,很努力的打拼自己的事業,過著正常、規律的生活。不過卻僅僅因為犯了一個錯,而招來恐怖的事情。有人要闖入主角波特的家,在腎上腺素激增的作用下,原本應該待內屋內打電話報警的波特衝到了屋外,看見正在搜找東西的入侵者,便打了起來。出乎意料的是,波特竟然把這名入侵的男子打死了,因而入監服刑。」【shows 2】
至於瓦爾‧基爾默在電影中則飾演約翰‧史密斯(John Smith),與波特住在同一間牢房裡。史密斯的人生完全一蹋糊塗,沒有什麼事情會讓史密斯掛心,所以他的行為舉止總是毫無顧忌,是個鐵石心腸的獄中傳奇人物。不過,為了度過獄中的艱苦歲月,波特與史密斯兩人慢慢的建立起關係。
基爾默在接受訪問時表示:「當你看完這部電影後,將會感受到自由有多麼的可貴。此外,我們對於獄政的改革,都有一份責任,來幫助那些因為命運、厄運或是使壞而搞砸了別人或自己人生的受刑人。這些年來我體悟到這個道理,那就是強硬、粗暴的人總是會有很多蠻幹行為,然而他們在自己殺人後的歲月裡,沒有人對此不會感到悔恨與遺憾的,因為你痛下殺手的那一刻,將永遠緊緊跟隨著你,並且烙印在你的生命裏。」【shows 4】
這部電影真實的呈現出獄中生活的暴力與殘酷,而且片中打鬥場景很強烈而逼真。多爾夫對此表示:「片中打鬥畫面融合了武術基礎,非常的瘋狂而且真實,有很多的扭打。我們會看到獄中騷動與在院子裡打鬥的畫面,通常受刑人不會有很多時間待在這些地方,所以往往打個照面就打了起來,不是你死就是我活,而在實際情況中也真的就是發生的這麼快,畢竟這不是擂台上的拳擊賽。我在片中就有不少打鬥戲,而且不太容易。」【shows 6】
〝監獄生活〞這部電影的主軸在強調生活是如何在一瞬間驟變的,而劇本內容則是取材自美國加州柯克蘭監獄的實際案例 (California's Corcoran State Prison)。
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 195 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Movie 'Felon' starring Val Kilmer throws light on U.S. prison system. The movie "Felon" starring actors Stephen Dorff and Val Kilmer, examines life inside the U.S. prison system.
STORY: What happens when a person's life is turned completely upside down in just a moment? Wade Porter (Stephen Dorff) has a happy, normal life living out the American dream, which overnight becomes the American nightmare.
The movie starts out telling Porter's story, of a man with a young family, a fledgling business and a future that looks bright and promising. When he is forced to protect his fiancee and their three year old son, resulting in his killing a man, Porter is sentenced to three years in a frightening facility where the fellow prisoners are brutal, but less deadly than the guards put there to protect them.
Actor Stephen Dorff who plays Wade Porter, talks about getting into the complicated character. "I just tried to put myself into the situation of a guy that has a son, has a fiancee, is trying to build his business, living a normal healthy life, and basically makes a mistake, you know and something scary happens. Somebody comes into their house and he does not know what to do with the adrenaline that was going on. He rushes outside when he probably should have stayed inside from what they told him, called 911. He went outside, sees the guy going for something, hits him. Does not think he killed him and then the guy is dead, and I think it was the shock and the honest human mistake, and then being thrown into prison," said Dorff.
Val Kilmer shares the screen with Dorff, playing his cellmate John Smith, a stone cold prison legend. Smith is a man who had his life completely devastated and has nothing left to lose, so acts accordingly. In the film, a bond develops between Kilmer's character and Dorff's character as they struggle to survive in the tough world of prison life.
"What you leave the cinema thinking is, how lucky we are to be free. But we have a responsibility to prison reform and to help men and women that have by fate or bad luck or evil, been messed up or messed up someone else's life. I learnt this through the years that there is a lot of bravado with tough guys but there is not one man alive who does not regret killing someone because when you have killed it does not leave you, it's a defining moment in your life," said Kilmer.【shows 4】
Prison life is violent and brutal as depicted in the movie. The fight scenes are intense and real, and Dorff takes on the action scenes with panache. "The fight scenes in the movie are very frenetic and very real life mixed martial arts. A lot fo grappling. In prison when we looked at a lot of the footage of these riots, and fights in the yard, there was not a lot of time where people go, Hey lets fight. It's either I want you. and you get your head beaten in. It's so fast when it happens but that is how it is in real life. It's not a staged boxing match so the realism of the fights make them more effective and I was really doing it so it was tough."【shows 6】
"Felon" is a film devoted to showing how life can change in an instant, and based on the real life atrocities of California's Corcoran State Prison.