蝙蝠俠( Batman )系列電影新作〝暗夜騎士(The Dark Knight)〞,在北美地區上映短短十天內,票房就衝破三億美元,讓同檔期的電影都黯然失色。在電視節目〝通向好萊塢(Access Hollywood)〞中擔任影評的史考特‧曼茲(Scott Mantz)說:「今年夏天是超級英雄電影稱霸的局面,不僅是因為這些電影的票房成績亮眼,而且它們真的拍的很好。例如〝鋼鐵人(Iron Man)〞就是一部很棒的電影,不僅本身很有特色、劇情張力十足,而且小羅伯特‧唐尼(Downey)的演技也發揮的很好。另一部電影則是充滿娛樂性的〝神奇綠巨人(The Incredible Hulk)〞。」【shows 3】
電影〝暗夜騎士〞由克里斯蒂安‧貝爾(Christian Bale)飾演蝙蝠俠,已故男星希斯‧萊杰(Heath Ledger)飾演罪犯小丑。影評人史考特‧曼茲(Scott Mantz)說:「這部電影不只讓蝙蝠俠迷叫好,也受到熱愛動作片影迷的歡迎,不僅如此,更吸引了許多原本不看這種電影、卻因為好奇希斯‧萊杰演出的人,到戲院捧場。」【shows 6】
此外,由威爾‧法瑞爾(Will Ferrell)與約翰‧C‧雷利(John C. Reilly)所聯手主演的喜劇片〝賤兄賤弟(Step Brothers)〞,竟然令人跌破眼鏡,以三千萬的票房位居第二。
至於科幻電影X檔案(The X-Files)續集〝我要相信(I Want to Believe)〞,則是一部讓人失望的作品。影評人史考特‧曼茲(Scott Mantz)說:「電影X檔案續集〝我要相信〞,毫無疑問的,是專為該劇影迷所打造的一部電影。由於口碑不佳,因此難以吸引非X檔案劇迷的觀眾。而我自己本身是X檔案的劇迷,不過看完這部電影後感到滿失望的,因為這部電影沒有作出X檔案應有的風格來。」【shows 9】
觀眾朋友如果看膩了超級英雄的戲碼,不如換換口味,看看這部以音樂劇方式來呈現的愛情電影〝媽媽咪呀(Mamma Mia!)〞。整部電影以阿巴(ABBA)合唱團的經典名曲貫串起來,是阿巴合唱團樂迷與喜歡愛情電影者的另類好選擇喔!
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 197 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Superheroes rule the box office in the Summer of 2008. Batman rules the weekend box office, as superhero flicks dominate the summer of 2008.
STORY: Batman buried his rivals at the North American box office for a second weekend, racing past the 300 million dollar (USD) mark in a record 10 days. "The Dark Knight," sold an estimated 75.6 million worth of tickets over this past weekend, adding further proof that the summer of 2008 is the season of the superhero.
"This summer has been a milestone for superhero films," explains Scott Mantz, the film critic for the entertainment program Access Hollywood. "Not only are they all doing well, but they are all really good. "Iron Man" is a fantastic film. It's sharp, action-packed and Downey is great. Then you have "The Incredible Hulk" which was a very entertaining reboot from the other movie that wasn't so hot." 【shows 3】
"The Dark Knight," which stars Christian Bale as Batman and late actor Heath Ledger as the anarchic Joker, has reportedly been drawing strong repeat business, and has played well with those who avoid superhero flicks or rarely go to the movies at all. "You not only attract the fans of Batman, you not only attract action fans, but you also attract fans who might not see a movie like this, but are curious about seeing Health Ledger's performance," said Mantz.【shows 6】
Elsewhere, the comedy "Step Brothers," starring Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly as perpetual adolescents, opened surprisingly strongly at No. 2 with $30 million. Although the sci-fi sequel "The X-Files: I Want to Believe" was a disappointment: "One movie that did not do so hot was "The X-Files: I Want To Believe," said Mantz. "This was movie that was clearly made for the fans. It was not well reviewed, so there was no reason for non-fans to see it. It's fans like me who saw it and were disappointed, X does not mark the spot."【shows 9】
In between, the ABBA-inspired musical romance "Mamma Mia!" continues to play well both domestically and abroad, providing movie fans with an alternative to the superhero franchise.