由瑪丹娜(Madonna)與其女羅德絲(Lourdes)共同創立的少女服飾品牌〝拜金女郎(Material Girl)〞,推出一系列新裝,找來了演出影集《花邊教主(Gossip Girl)》同時兼具歌手身份的女星泰勒‧摩森(Taylor Momsen)站台。摩森說:「能在〝拜金女郎〞所推出的新服飾中露臉,我感到欣喜若狂。其一是因為這與瑪丹娜有關,所以你明白這一切會很酷,而且也正是如此。這是有史以來最棒的經驗了。我們剛完成拍攝工作,而且衣服很讚。」
在名攝影師湯姆‧曼洛(Tom Munro)的掌鏡下,摩森於紐約的布魯克林區為該系列服飾拍攝宣傳廣告。瑪丹娜母女也抵達拍攝現場,並且提供自己對於攝影畫面的想法。摩森說:「羅德絲整天都待在拍攝現場,協助形塑攝影風格,我和她一起挑選搭配的衣服,她真是個甜心女孩。瑪丹娜當天稍晚也抵達現場,她在各領域的成功都是紮紮實實的,能見到她很棒。」摩森還開玩笑的表示,有時候瑪丹娜會糾正她與羅德絲想出來的衣服搭配模式。
這一系列的宣傳照,會刊載於《Teen Vogue》、《Seventeen》、《Nylon》與《Cosmopolitan》等流行、生活風格與娛樂雜誌上,同時今年整個夏季也將在各大電影院與網路上強力曝光。
〝拜金女郎〞系列服飾的命名靈感,來自瑪丹娜於1985年時所推出的同名火紅單曲,而這首單曲也成功的把專輯《宛如處女(Like a Virgin)》,打入告示牌排行榜的百大當紅專輯裡。至於服飾的銷售地點,只限於美國當地的兩百家梅西百貨(Macy'),而上市時間則挑在8月3日,正好是學生的返校時刻。為了慶祝8月3日正式開賣,摩森將會於紐約的梅西海諾德廣場(Macy's Herald Square)進行表演。
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Actress, musician and "Gossip Girl" star Taylor Momsen is the face of Madonna and her daughter Lourdes' new "Material Girl" clothing line. SUBTITLES:"I'm psyched to be the face of Material Girl. For one it's Madonna, so you know it's going to be cool. It's really, it's been an awesome experience so far. We just finished shooting and the clothes are awesome."
Momsen shot the advertising campaign for the line in Brooklyn, New York with famed photographer Tom Munro. The mother and daughter duo were also on-hand to give their input on the images. SUBTITLES: "Well Lola was here all day. She helped style the shoot and I worked with her to put the outfits together and she's a sweetheart. Madonna came in a little bit later and she's totally, she's very down to earth for all of her success and it was good to see that." Momsen joked that Madonna changed some of the looks she and Lourdes, also known as Lola, came up with.
The campaign will appear in fashion, lifestyle and entertainment magazines such as Teen Vogue, Seventeen, Nylon and Cosmopolitan and will also be heavily integrated online and appear in cinemas throughout the summer.
The collection is named after Madonna's 1985 hit song which helped shoot the pop star's "Like a Virgin" album into the Billboard Hot 100 charts. "Material Girl" will launch exclusively in 200 Macy's stores across the U.S. on August 3rd for the back-to-school season. To celebrate the launch on August 3rd, Momsen will perform at Macy's Herald Square in New York City.
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.