





主播:本星期北美娛樂界頭條消息,包括哈利波特電影再締佳績,小賈斯汀(Justin Bieber)贏得全美音樂大獎(the American Music Awards),以及音樂小天后泰勒絲的巡迴演唱計畫,一起來看看。




演出電視喜劇《好漢兩個半(Two and a Half Men)》的男星查理辛(Charlie Sheen)1122日控告一位情色女演員,理由是在今年上半年的時候,這位女演員宣稱查理辛在紐約一家旅館的房間內威脅並侵犯她,並藉此向查理辛勒索一百萬美元。不過在這起訴訟案之前,這名情色女演員已經先向查理辛,提起侵犯人身的民事告訴。

鄉村流行樂手泰勒絲 (Taylor Swift) 在本周二宣布,即將在2011年展開19國的巡迴演唱,為她的暢銷專輯《愛的告白 (Speak Now)》進行宣傳。而巡演行程,預定二月份起先在新加坡打頭陣,隨後是日本、南韓、菲律賓與香港,然後三月份前往歐洲,五月份則在美國。



※ 正式播稿與新聞畫面:新唐人電視新唐人亞太電視




Harry Potter experienced magic again at weekend box offices as the newest chapter, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1," cast a spell in more than 50 countries and collected 330 million dollars (USD) in global ticket sales. The tally included a best-ever U.S. and Canadian debut of 125 million in this latest adventure. Its take was good enough to land "Deathly Hallows: Part 1" at the No. 6 position on the list of all-time best weekend debuts.

Canadian teen idol Justin Bieber enjoyed a very good week. The singer swept the American Music Awards on Sunday (November 21), overshadowing Eminem to take home four prizes, including artist of the year.

"Two and a Half Men" star Charlie Sheen on Monday (November 22) sued a porn actress, saying she tried to extort 1 million U.S. dollars (USD) from him by claiming he threatened and assaulted her in a New York hotel room earlier this year. The porn star had earlier filed civil charges against the actor for assault.

Country-pop singer Taylor Swift on Tuesday announced a 19-nation tour in 2011 to support her best-selling album "Speak Now." The tour will start in Singapore in February and take Swift to Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and Hong Kong before moving onto Europe in March, and the United States in late May.


※ 原文取自路透社



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