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在以結婚照戲弄全韓國粉絲後,張東健(Jang Dong Gun)與高素榮(Go So Young)兩人,終於在52日於首爾的新羅飯店(Shilla Hotel)舉行婚禮。婚禮上,除了身為俊男美女的主角兩人備受矚目外,受邀前來參加的五百多位貴賓,也都是各界重量級人物, 讓人眼睛為之一亮。




Wonder Girls成員宣美離團

超人氣的南韓女子流行樂團Wonder Girls換新血,原本成員當中18歲的宣美,在完成長達一年的美國巡迴演唱後,於二月份離開了這個五人女子樂團。


宣美離開後的空缺,將由同樣18歲的惠林 (Hye Lim) 替補。已經花了三年時間栽培的惠林,據說是為了吸引中國粉絲而入團,能說一口流利的英語、華語與粵語。

2007年粉墨登場時,Wonder Girls就連續以單曲《Tell Me》、《So Hot》與《Nobody》,奪下單曲榜的冠軍寶座。而未來,還將發行首張英曲專輯。




Rain 贏得2010 MTV電影獎的最佳動作明星獎

以電影《忍者刺客》奪下最佳動作明星獎 (the Biggest Badass Star award) 的Rain,是首位贏得MTV電影獎 (the MTV Movie Awards)肯定的韓籍明星。他在片中飾演Raizo一角,隸屬於忍者刺客界當中最致命的殺手組織。而一同角逐該獎項的,還有安吉莉納裘莉(Angelina Jolie)、克里斯潘(Chris Pine)等人。

受獎時,Rain 以流利的英文發表簡短的致詞,他是繼劉玉玲 (Lucy Liu)、成龍 (Jackie Chan) 與鄭肯(Ken Jeong) 之後,第四位榮獲MTV電影獎肯定的亞洲巨星。今年度的MTV電影獎,於66日在洛杉磯舉行,現場眾星雲集,像是珊卓布拉克、克莉絲汀(Christina Aguilera)等巨星,都出席了這場盛會。





根據日本最富盛名的Oricon 音樂排行榜,韓國女子團體Kara與少女時代(Girls Generation)成為日本最受歡迎的新進藝人。以全日本39,580家唱片行銷售量為準的Oricon 音樂排行榜,2010年年度排行出爐,由韓國女子團體Kara與少女時代分別奪下第一與第二名。


 五人女子團體Kara,由具荷拉(Gu Hara)、韓勝妍(Hang Seung-yeon)、朴奎利(Park Gyu-lee)、姜智英(Kang Ji-young)與鄭妮可(Nicole)組成,於2007年時出道。隨著在韓國當地受到熱烈歡迎,今年八月份時,拓展演藝事業進軍日本,並且交出優異的成績單,不僅在日本手機音樂榜RecoChoku被票選為年度最佳新進藝人,Kara 的專輯也曾打入Oricon每周排行榜的第2名。








~~~~~~ 原文 ~~~~~~

1. Jang Dong Gun and Go So Young ĄĶs epic wedding ceremony 

 Something Koreans mere mortal can only dream of ĄK Mega stars, Korea ĄĶs Brangelina, Jang Dong Gun and Go So Young tied the knot on 2nd May. The wedding ceremony was held at Shilla Hotel. After teasing the entire nation with their wedding photos, the A-listers couple dazzles us with their conspicuous beauty and guest list. About 500 of influential people were invited. 



2. Wonder Girls member Sunmi leaves Wonder Girls

SOUTH Korea's top female pop group the Wonder Girls had a new line-up. Sunmi, 18, left the five-member group when they wrap up their year-long tour of the United States in February, JYP Entertainment said.

According to the Billboard website (, 'Nobody' topped the year-end Hot Singles Sales chart in 2009, beating stars such as Mariah Carey, Lady Gaga and Beyonce. 'Nobody' also ranked 76th in the Billboard Hot 100 in late October, a first for any Asian group, JYP Entertainment said. 

Sunmi will be replaced by Hye Lim, 18, who has been groomed by the group's agent for the past three years with a view to appealing to Chinese fans. She is fluent in English, Cantonese and Mandarin.

Debuting in early 2007, the group scored three consecutive number one hit singles with 'Tell Me,' "So Hot' and 'Nobody.' The Wonder Girls, also including Sohee, Sunye, Ye-eun and Yubin, plan to launch their first English album in February. 



3. Rain wins Biggest Badass Star Award at MTV Movie Awards 2010 

 Rain has done Korea proud by becoming the first native Korean to win an award from the MTV Movie Awards. Rain had been nominated for the Biggest Badass Star award for his role as Raizo, the most lethal Special Forces Ninja assassin in Ninja Assassin and was up against Hollywood stars like Angelina Jolie, Chris Pine, Channing Tatum and Sam Worthington.

But he came away as the winner and spoke in fluent English with his short acceptance speech. He becomes the fourth Asian star after Lucy Liu,Jackie Chan and Ken Jeong to win an award from MTV.  Among the stars that graced the ceremony that aired live from Los Angeles on June 6 (June 7 in the Philippines) were Sandra Bullock, Christina Aguilera, Robert Pattinson, and Zac Efron. 



4. Kara, Girls' Generation Most Successful New Artists in Japan 

Korean girl groups Kara and Girls Generation were the most successful new artists in Japan this year in terms of sales, according to the website for the prestigious Oricon music chart on Monday. Oricon 43rd annual rankings, based on sales data from Japans 39,580 music stores throughout Japan, showed that Kara and Girls Generation placed No. 1 and 2, respectively, on the chart for the year of 2010. 

The girls swept sales charts in terms of singles as well, with Girls Generations Gee and Genie taking first and second place, and Kara Jumping following in third.

Composed of members Gu Hara, Hang Seung-yeon, Park Gyu-lee, Kang Ji-young and Nicole, Kara expanded their career into Japan in August of this year seeing a successful career in Korea since their debut in the country in 2007. They have achieved a number of feats including being selected best new artist of the year on top Japanese mobile music chart RecoChoku and their albums reaching up to No. 2 on Oricon weekly chart. 

Nine-member girl group Girls Generation has taken the Japanese music market by storm since making their debut in the country in August this year as well, becomung the first Korean girl group to place in at No. 1 on the prestigious Oricon chart. Their Japanese singles Gee and Genie have each sold over 100,00 copies to be certified gold discs.



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