今年度的賓士時裝周(Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week)於紐約舉行,以七零年代的新穎黑騎士輪軸,結合六零年代的淑女裝與龐克螺紋,作為設計主軸,共有超過85位來自世界各地的新銳設計師參展。
本屆賓士時裝周將延續去年在林肯中心(Lincoln Center)登場,這是第二年在林肯中心舉行,而在2009年以前,賓士時裝周都是在畢倫特公園(Byrant Park)舉辦。活動發言人莉莎‧哈勒迪(Lisa Holladay)表示,對於變更舉辦地點沒有任何遺憾,哈勒迪說:「我們很開心把新家安置在林肯中心,多麼優美的一個地方,可以用來舉辦時裝周。我們有更多的汽車展示空間,可以提供給VIP專屬座位區。」
2011年秋裝的主潮流,包括蕾絲、以輕薄透光材質剪裁成的連身裝,與卡布里褲(Capri pants)。超級名模海蒂‧克拉姆(Heidi Klum)談論她所看到的時裝用色:「顏色相當豐富,尤其在彩妝部門。亮色,像是亮橘色、亮粉色與充滿生氣的色彩。我想這會是個多采多姿的夏季。」
南非出生的名模坎帝絲‧斯瓦內普爾(Candice Swanepoel)補充說:「我感覺上很多動物圖騰又蹦了出來。我意思是說,不只是維多莉亞祕密(Victoria Secret)是如此,這是目前的潮流,再度重現我最愛的性感女人風格。」雖然斯瓦內普爾不會參與這次時裝周的活動,不過她在紐約協助美國零售商,推展維多利亞秘密的女性內衣新品。
無論你在時裝周裏扮演何種角色,都會牽扯到特別的事前準備工作。16歲就站上紐約時裝伸展台的艾琳‧希瑟頓(Erin Heatherton),自創一套嚴格的美容祕方。「我必須確保我的頭髮看起來很柔順,我的皮膚看起來很好,並且獲得充足的休息,所以我面前不會有任何的攜行包包。我會去給人按摩,每晚會幫自己的頭髮上保養熱油。」
本季其他備受矚目的焦點,還包括知名品牌麥可‧寇斯(Michael Kors)已經創立三十周年了。來自美國的設計師麥可‧寇斯,在1981年的2月16日創立品牌,如今已被公認為是運動品牌界的龍頭。根據內部人士透露,麥可‧寇斯正在著手計畫一場充滿慶祝意味的時裝秀,並且還打算在巴黎設立全球最大的銷售據點。
維多利亞秘密旗下名模莉莉‧奧爾德里奇(Lily Aldridge)說:「紐約時裝周真是太驚人了,而且很盛大,好像為其他的時裝秀定下了步調。」
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2011 Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in New York
The 70's are the new black, biker gear collide with 60's ladylike garments and punk threads stand out at this year's Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in New York. Over 85 of the world's most established and up-and-coming designers are on deck to present their collections for the Fall 2011 season.
The shows will be hosted at Lincoln Center for the second year since moving from long-time home Byrant Park in 2009. Fashion Week spokesperson Lisa Holladay says they have no regrets about the move. "We are so happy with our new home here at Lincoln Center. What an iconic beautiful place to have fashion week. We have more space for the car displays for our VIP lounge," said Holladay.
This new and spacious venue gives designers the opportunity to utilize a video wall when showing in the theater. As well as, live stream their shows onto poster sized television screens that are placed in the lounge. Holladay cites technology as one of the key reasons they moved, and says it is allowing visitors to have a better experience. "You can really show up at the event now and look around and because of all the electronic signage and the technology you're not going confused about where to go what's happening with when. So you can just enjoy the event more," Holladay told Reuters.
Key trends for the Fall 2011 collections include lace, sheer clothing jumpsuits and Capri pants. Supermodel Heidi Klum talked about the emergence of color that she is seeing. "A lot of color, especially in the makeup department. Bright, bright orange and pinks and vibrant, vibrant colors. Floral, I think it's going to be a colorful summer," said Klum.
"I feel like a lot of animal print is out again, I mean not only with Victoria Secret, but in fashion as well. Bringing that sexy woman back, which I love," added South African born model Candice Swanepoel.Swanepoel won't be taking part in Fashion Week, but she is in New York to help U.S. retailer Victoria's Secret unveil their new Love Me Push-Up lingerie collection.
No matter what role you play in Fashion Week, there is always a special type of preparation involved. Model Erin Heatherton, who walked in her first New York Fashion Week at the age of 16, has a strict beauty regimen. "I have to make sure my hair looks good, my skin looks good, make sure I'm well rested, so I don't have any bags under my eyes. I get massages; I put oil in my hair every night," said Heatherton, who is not walking this season.
Other highlights this season include Michael Kors 30th anniversary. The U.S. designer began his label February 16, 1981 and now is considered by some as the king of sportswear. Insiders say he is planning an all-out celebratory runway show and will continue with the launch of the largest Michael Kors store in the world, in Paris.
"New York fashion week is amazing it's such a big deal. It starts off Fashion Week so it kind of like sets the pace for all the shows," said Victoria's Secret model Lily Aldridge.
Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week will run from February 10 to 17.
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.