INTRO: Badgley Mischka's 60's chic(時髦的) and Vera Wang's Russian(俄國的) insipirations (靈感) are the highlights(最精采的部份) of New York Fashion on Thursday (February 08).
STORY: As New York Fashion Week draws to a close, American designer duo(二人組) Badgley Mischka(巴傑利‧米施卡) and wedding gown wear sweetheart Vera Wang(王薇薇) showed their Fall 2007 collections on Thursday (February 08).
The label(商標) of Badgley Mischka has behind it designers James Mischka(詹姆斯·米奇卡) and Mark Badgley(馬克·班格雷), who have worked together for almost twenty years, starting in 1988.
The Badgley Mischka label is generally known for its "refreshing(清新的), light take on(呈現) glamour(迷惑)" and for Fall 2007, the glamor designed by the duo is inspired by the classicism(古典主義) of the 60's and icons(圖像) like Mia Farrow(米婭法羅).
While Badgley added that the swinging(活耀的) London aspect(樣子) was present through subtle hints. "Subtle hints of that, I mean it's not that literal but there's definitely a group of very short leggy cocktail dresses that have sort of a 60's mood to them and some of the silhouettes(輪廓) are little more cleaned up, also sort of reminiscent(懷舊) of more simple, monastic(儉樸的) 1960's shape, so there's definitely a touch of that here," explained Badgley.
On the runway(伸展台), the duo's Fall 2007 collection included models in tweed(花呢) jackets and pants, jersey(針織) sweaters, tweed suits(套裝), boucle(飾有簇毛) coats(大衣) and wool dresses(連衫群). The colour palette(獨特色彩) included a generous(大量的) sprinkling(噴霧) of black and white as well as shades(色塊) like chocolate, cream, coffee, navy(深藍色) and amethyst(紫色).
Badgley and Mischka added sportswear to their line-up starting this year, where they took everyday business wear and added touches(感動) of glamor, making it a little less office-like, the duo said
Another cream(最精彩的部分) of the crop(同一批) designer to unveil on Thursday was Vera Wang. Wang, who is most famous for her elaborate wedding gowns, designed a somewhat(一點兒) more austere (樸素的) line-up for fall, using turn-of-the century Russia as inspiration.
Wang's colour selection reflects the time period, with the majority of pieces in hues(色系) of brown and black, with only a selection of headscarves(頭蓋巾) adding bold(明亮的) colours like emerald and ruby.
Wang's mélange(混合物) of poverty(貧困) meets royalty(皇室、高貴) is reflected in her designs, with heavy furs(毛皮) and wools(羊毛) mingled(混和) with sequence (連續;接續;一連串) and silk. So be it the roaring(喧鬧) sixties or the severity of 1900's Russia, fans of both Badgley Mischka and Vera Wang should be prepared for a return to yester-year(過去的時光) when their collections hit stores for fall 2007.
【引言】就在紐約時裝周接近尾聲之際,星期四 (二月八日),美國服飾經典品牌巴傑利‧米施卡(Badgley Mischka)的六零年代復古風秋裝,與設計師王薇微(Vera Wang)的俄羅斯風格服飾,為紐約時裝周掀起高潮。
【報導內容】巴傑利‧米施卡(Badgley Mischka)這一個品牌名稱,是由該品牌的兩位設計師 ─馬克‧巴傑利(Mark Badgley)與詹姆斯‧米施卡(James Mischka) ─ 的姓名組合而成的。這兩位服裝設計師從1988年開始,就在一起工作了。
巴傑利‧米施卡長久以來,以清新又別具魅力的風格聞名於時裝界。這次2007年的秋裝,兩位設計師承襲該品牌以往的風格,並融入六零年代的復古風潮,與知名藝人米婭‧法羅(Mia Farrow)的螢幕形象,進行設計。
與巴傑利‧米施卡的設計同一天登場的,還有華裔服裝設計師王薇薇(Vera Wang)的作品。她以細膩的工法製作結婚禮服聞名。而在2007年的秋裝,王薇薇選用了當代的俄羅斯風格,作為設計服裝的元素,一系列的秋裝作品因而呈現出略顯陰暗的感覺。
【標題】印度新德里舉行古董車競賽 在線 下載
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- Feb 13 Tue 2007 18:26
〈新唐人亞太新聞編譯〉USA-NEW YORK FASHION 紐約時裝周