榮獲格萊美(Grammy)與美國公告榜(Billboard)肯定的墨西哥歌手亞雷漢德羅‧費南德茲(Alejandro Fernandez),在今年一月下旬 ( 編按:原文為1月21日)宣布,即將在西班牙與拉丁美洲等20個國家舉辦50場演唱會,展開他演藝生涯中最為盛大的巡迴演出。費南德茲將這次巡迴表演的名稱定為「等待風起 (Viento a Favor)」,取自他最新的同名暢銷流行樂專輯。
「等待風起」這張專輯,在墨西哥當地狂賣了25萬張。專輯中有一首名為「我將失去你(Te Voy A Perder)」的火紅歌曲,深受費南德茲的喜愛。這首歌在描述戀人彼此間的猜疑與不忠,而這樣類似的主題,也經常出現在費南德茲的音樂世界裡。
當問到費南德茲這次的演出,觀眾會期待些什麼,他回答說:「參加演唱會的樂迷朋友,首先會從中獲得樂趣,然後他們將會發覺到完全不同於以往的費南德茲【shows 4】」。
不過,在費南德茲展開巡迴演唱會之前,他將應墨西哥當地歌迷的熱烈要求,在一月份與二月份時,於墨西哥城(Mexico City)與墨西哥第二大城瓜達拉哈拉(Guadalajara),先行舉辦幾場音樂會。隨後,費南德茲將啟程前往巴拿馬、格斯達里加、尼加拉瓜、洪都拉斯、薩爾瓦多、危地馬拉、多米尼加共和國、波多里哥、委內瑞拉、哥倫比亞、玻利維亞、烏拉圭、阿根廷、智利、秘魯與厄瓜多爾,展開巡迴演出,最後則在西班牙為巡迴演唱畫下完美的休止符。
年輕時的費南德茲,曾在建築領域專研過。後來他與身為民謠歌手的父親維森 (Vicente Fernandez),一同錄製「我倆的愛(Love of us two)」這首歌,啟迪了費南德茲的歌唱事業,並讓他決心追隨父親的腳步。
※ 正式定稿與影像:「新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線173」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Alejandro Fernandez announces new Latin American and Spain tour. Mexican singer Alejandro Fernandez prepares to launch new Latin American / Spain tour featuring his new pop album "Viento a Favor" (Favourable winds). The tour - the largest of Fernandez' career, promises a spectacular - larger than life - production.
STORY: Mexican singer Alejandro Fernandez(亞雷漢德羅‧費南德茲) announced on Monday (January 21) that he is about to embark on the largest tour of his career through several Latin American countries and Spain.The double Grammy and Billboard winner - who made his debut in 1992 - will star in 50 concerts in 20 different countries and promised to travel with a spectacular production on this tour named after his latest fast-selling pop album, with 250,000 thousand sold copies in Mexico, titled: "Viento a Favor" (Favourable winds). Fernandez enjoyed a hit song with "Te Voy A Perder" (I'm Going To Lose You) about jealousy and infidelity - constant themes in his music.
He promised to stage a never-before-seen show featuring 100 square metres of soft LED screens, more than 120 lights, eleven mariachi singers, four chorus singers and ten musicians with a total of 25 people on stage.
"In the first place they (the Latin American audience) will have fun and secondly it's something totally different to what they have seen with Alejandro Fernandez. " Alejandro Fernandez told Reuters when asked what the Latin American audience should expect to see.
The 36-year-old Fernandez, who is also known as "El Potrillo," (the colt), will sing his hit singles, including romantic ballads and traditional rancheros (Mexican folk songs), which have conquered the hearts of Mexicans and the international audience.
Before starting his tour through Latin America and Spain, Fernandez will give a few concerts due to high demand in Mexico City and Mexico's second largest city, Guadalajara in January and February. He then plans to visit the following countries: Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Colombia, Bolivia, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ecuador and finally Spain.
With a 15-year musical career, 17 records and more than 15 million sold copies internationally, Fernandez is one of Mexico's most loved singers. His songs are regularly featured in popular "telenovelas," or soap operas.
As a youngster he studied architecture and then recorded a duet called "Amor de los dos" (Love of us two) with his father – favourite "charro" (folk) singer Vicente Fernandez(維森費‧南迪茲) - became inspired by him and decided to follow in his father's footsteps. After the tour, Fernandez, plans to work on another ranchero (folk music) music album.