瑞士音樂(Swiss Music)這家新成立的音樂公司,在印度娛樂之都孟買(Mumbai),發行了公司首張音樂專輯。
這張名為「達德‧波爾塔‧海 ─ 桑‧薩拉(Dard Bolta Hai - Sun Zara)」的專輯,意思為「悲語─請聽我說」,由歌壇火紅新聲代雷胡爾‧威爾馬(Rahul Verma)演唱專輯曲目。而曾經在1985年時,榮獲Filmfare最佳音樂製作獎的資深作曲家雷賓德拉‧賈恩 (Ravindera Jain),則為整張專輯操刀。
至於專輯的歌詞部份,則由A M土雷茲 (A M Turaz) 負責填寫。另外,專輯中的soulful music,則請來知名音樂製作人伊斯邁爾‧達巴爾(Ismile Darbar)的兄弟,亞辛‧達巴爾(Yasin Darbar),進行打造。
整張專輯一共收錄六首音樂作品,除了專輯同名歌曲外,還包括一首蘇菲風格(Sufi style)的悲傷歌曲「阿里阿里 (Ali Ali)」。
首次發片的歌手雷胡爾‧威爾馬(Rahul Verma)說:「在我們日常生活中,當需要別人聽我們說話時,我們會對任何人說意思為〝請聽我說〞的〝桑‧薩拉(Sun Zara)〞。可能是對朋友、愛人,或者是神明。但是這一次,我是要對我的歌迷說〝桑‧薩拉(Sun Zara)〞,希望他們聽見我的歌聲」。
※ 正式定稿與影像:「新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線170」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Music album 'Sun Zara' released in India's entertainment capital Mumbai.
STORY: A new music company, Swiss Music, released its debut album 'Dard Bolta Hai - Sun Zara' (Please listen) featuring a new singing sensation Rahul Verma in India's entertainment capital Mumbai. Veteran composer Ravindera Jain, who won the Filmfare Best Music Director Award in 1985, released the music.
A M Turaz has written the lyrics of this album and soulful Music of this album has been given by Yasin Darbar, who is the brother of famous music director Ismile Darbar.
There are a total of six songs in this album, which includes a sad song 'Ali Ali' which is sung in a Sufi style and the title track 'Dard Bolta Hai' (Sadness speaks).
"We say Sun Zara to someone or the other in our life. Sun Zara is a very common word, daily you say Sun Zara to some one or the other. A person may be saying Sun Zara to any one it can be his friend, his beloved, to god but here I'm saying Sun Zara to my audiences," said debutant singer Rahul Verma. 【shows 7】
The music company Swiss Music is planning to pick up and promote new talent.