

INTRO: Indian pop singer refuses state award by western Goa. Indian pop singer Remo Fernandes turned down an award announced by his native western Goa state, accusing the government of nepotism and bringing about environmental degradation.

STORY: Pop singer Remo Fernandes(
雷莫·費爾南德斯) on Saturday (August 18) refused to accept an award announced by his native western Goa state(果亞省), accusing the government of nepotism and bringing about environmental degradation. The award, given by the state government's art and culture department, was due to be presented on Saturday.

Fernandes, who has belted out hits like "Bombay City", "Pack that smack" and "Politicians don't know how to Rock'n'Roll", some with social messages and satires, said he was upset with the state government's Regional Plan 2011 that would turn the laidback coastal tourist hotspot into a concrete jungle.

"The refusal of the award was a protest. It was a public protest against the fact that the government of Goa is made up of all the ministers and politicians who are rejected by the people of Goa due to famous Regional Plan just a few months ago, whereby they were trying to sell and rape most of Goa intercity to commercial and construction site - destroying mangroves, beaches, hills and rice fields. And same politicians are today in power through backdoors or horsetrading," he said.

Fernandes also asked the state government to donate the 50,000 rupees cash reward to Goa Bachao Abhiyan (Save Goa Campaign), an NGO. Fernandes, who received the Padma Shri, India's fourth highest civilian award in January, said the state award at this stage was irrelevant to his stature.

The tiny Goa state has a history of unstable governments, with legislators from smaller parties switching sides between the Congress and Hindu nationalist  Bharatiya Janata Party.



【主播】由於不滿印度果亞省(Goa state)政府,在人事制度上裙帶關係充斥,而且讓當地環境惡化,星期六(818),印度流行樂手雷莫費爾南德斯 (Remo Fernandes),拒絕領受由當地省政府藝術文化局所頒發的獎項。

【配音】以帶有社會關懷氣息與嘲諷風格的作品,如〝孟買城市(Bombay City)〞、〝政客不懂搖滾樂(Politicians don't know how to Rock'n'Roll)〞等,而聞名的印度流行歌手費爾南德斯,由於對果亞省政府的2011年區域計畫(Regional Plan 2011)感到不滿,因此拒絕受獎。

費爾南德斯說:「拒絕受獎,是一種公開的抗議表達方式。就在幾個月前,因為2011年區域計畫,而遭受果亞省當地人民抵制的部會首長與政客們,一直試圖設法兜售並洗劫果亞的土地,成為商業與工業用地。如此一來,將會摧毀當地的美洲紅樹、海灘、山丘與稻田等自然景觀。再者,當前這些政客,透過走後門與利益交換的方式,獲取權力」。【Shows 8


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