

1223日,在巢鴨監獄(Sugamo Prison)內,日本前首相廣田弘毅(Koki Hirota)妻子的亡魂,就坐在牢房旁的陰暗角落,向丈夫作最後的告別,因為廣田弘毅即將以甲級戰犯的身份,被絞刑處死。

「南京真相 ( 暫譯The Truth About Nanjing )」中的場景。這是一部頗具爭議性的紀錄片。位於東京郊外的拍片現場,導演水島悟 ( Satoru Mizushima ) 靜靜的坐在暗處檢查攝影系統,以確保每個細節都能準確的被拍攝下來。

shows 11】」。

(Shintaro Ishihara)等日本民族主義人士的支持,卻也遭受到中國政府的大力譴責。


華裔女作家張純如(Iris Chang)的暢銷作品作為劇本,製作一部關於南京大屠殺的電影,這部電影於今年的十一月份開拍。2007年這一年,剛好是南京大屠殺屆滿七十週年,目前一共有七部以此為題而風格不同的電影,預計進行拍攝

※ 正式定稿與影像:「新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線

※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO: Japanese documentary movie claims the 1937 Nanjing Massacre never happened.  The director of a documentary entitled "The Truth about Nanjing", which is currently being filmed in Tokyo, says the Nanjing Massacre never happened and compares Japanese war criminals to the Last Seven Samurai. 

STORY: Seated by a dark corner of a cell in Sugamo Prison on December 23rd, 1948, the ghost of the wife of former Japanese Prime minister Koki Hirata(
廣田弘毅), bids her husband farewell in the last moments before he is due to be hanged as a Class A war criminal.

While the ghost is pure fantasy and the prison is part of a film set, this will all be part of a controversial documentary entitled "The Truth About Nanjing", due to be released to the public in the spring of next year.  On the film set, director Satoru Mizushima sat quietly in the dark checking on his video monitors and ensuring the most minute detail is accurately portrayed.

In fact, Mizushima is proud of the research he has put into his film set, located on the outskirts of Tokyo.  "We even reproduced the gallows here faithfully down to the size of the ropes," he told Reuters on Sunday (November 25) as he stepped on to the reproduction of the gallows where Japan's war criminals where sentenced to death by the Allied war crimes tribunal after World War Two.
shows 11

Backed by nationalist figures including Tokyo governor Shintaro Ishihara, this film - which will be part documentary and a part fictionalized re-enactment of the final 24 hours in the lives of the seven Japanese hanged for war crimes - has already been heavy condemned by the Chinese government. 

Reacting to Chinese criticism, Mizushima told Reuters his research proves the Chinese government wrong. China puts the death toll at 300,000 men, women and children.  An Allied war crimes tribunal after World War Two heard estimates that about 142,000 civilians and prisoners of war had been killed when the Japanese captured the city, then known as Nanking and the capital of Nationalist China.  Mizushima says China fabricated the casualties in order to politically gain the upper hand in world politics.

Last year China announced plans to make a movie about the "Nanking Massacre" based on Iris Chang's best-selling book, and filming was due to start this month, media reports have said.  These are among seven different films scheduled to be made about Nanjing this year, the 70th anniversary of its capture.



1948年12月23日,在巢鴨監獄(Sugamo Prison)內,日本前首相廣田弘毅(Koki Hirota)妻子的亡魂,就坐在牢房旁的陰暗角落,向丈夫作最後的告別,因為廣田弘毅即將以甲級戰犯的身份,被絞刑處死。

剛才提到的亡魂與牢房,都是即將於明年春季上映的電影 ─ 「南京真相 ( 暫譯The Truth About Nanjing )」中的場景。這是一部頗具爭議性的紀錄片。位於東京郊外的拍片現場,導演水島悟 ( Satoru Mizushima ) 靜靜的坐在暗處檢查攝影系統,以確保每個細節都能準確的被拍攝下來。

導演水島悟對於把歷史研究融入電影場景中,感到相當滿意。他在接受採訪時說:「我們忠實的重現了二次大戰後,用來處死日本戰犯的絞刑台,連所使用的繩索尺寸大小也是【shows 11】」。

「南京真相」這部電影,將真實的歷史時空背景與虛構的故事情節交融在一塊,除了宣稱南京大屠殺不存在外(註1) ,他並重新詮釋七名日本戰犯,把他們塑造成最後的七名武士(註1) ,並描述了他們在被絞刑處死前二十四小時的種種經過。本片獲得日本東京都知事石原慎太郎(Shintaro Ishihara)等日本民族主義人士的支持,卻也遭受到中國政府的大力譴責。


根據媒體報導,中國在去年公開宣布,將以華裔女作家張純如(Iris Chang)的暢銷作品作為劇本,製作一部關於南京大屠殺的電影,這部電影於今年的十一月份開拍。2007年這一年,剛好是南京大屠殺屆滿七十週年,目前一共有七部以此為題而風格不同的電影,預計進行拍攝。




※ 感謝 Amanda Liu 的校稿

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