

(1116),在墨西哥全國230家戲院,上映了一部震撼人心的電影 「墨西哥2006選舉騙局 ( 暫譯 Fraude: Mexico 2006 )」。這部由墨西哥籍導演路易士曼杜奇(Luis Mandoki)所執導的紀錄片,以2006年墨西哥總統大選期間為背景,並以傳聞中的選舉騙局作為故事主軸。為了彰顯選舉騙局真的存在,導演路易士將暗中實地拍攝到的畫面融入電影中,並以〝敢於面對真相〞作為口號。

200672日時,以微幅差距擊敗對手的洛帕茲奧布拉多(Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador),認為總統大選遭到操控,並且花了將近一年的時間奔走墨西哥各地,宣稱自己為墨西哥的合法總統。儘管奧布拉多的支持群眾靜坐抗議長達數個月之久,墨西哥最高選舉法庭最後仍宣判領先0.58個投票百分點的菲利浦卡德隆(Felipe Calderon),合法當選。


shows 6

亞瑞歐拉(Federico Arreola)則表示他們必須克服許多障礙,因為許多墨西哥記者被威脅不許就「墨西哥2006選舉騙局」一片進行報導。亞瑞歐拉說:「我不得不提在這部電影發行期間,我們遭遇到各式各樣的電影審查,我們努力設法通過。除此之外,有些電子媒體記者被威脅不能報導這部電影,這真的非常可恥」。【shows 9

里昂(Arturo Leon)表示,墨西哥這個國家目前仍由制度革命黨(PRI)與國家行動黨(PAN)所組成的政治聯盟所把持。其中的制度革命黨,是在兩千年總統大選中,因為保守派人士比森特福克斯(Vicente Fox)的當選,才結束了長達71年的一黨獨統墨西哥局勢。里昂說:「這部電影將會影響全墨西哥人。我認為是改變局勢的時候了,而這部電影將有助於引起全墨西哥人的注意,並且更進一步讓大家了解到我們自己國家目前仍在延續的情況。每個墨西哥人都將明白長久以來把持我們生活的制度革命黨,或是如今與國家行動黨組成的政治聯盟,其不為人知的可恥之處。」【shows 12


導演曼杜奇執導過不少好萊塢膾炙人口的電影,包括由梅格‧瑞安 (
Meg Ryan)與安迪賈西亞(Andy Garcia )所主演的當男人愛上女人(When a man loves a woman)」,以及由凱文‧科斯特納 (Kevin Costner)與羅蘋懷特潘(Robin Wright Penn) 所主演的瓶中信(Message in a bottle)等等。此外,曼杜奇曾贏得數座大獎的肯定,並且也榮獲奧斯卡金像獎的提名

※ 正式定稿與影像:「新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線

※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO: Documentary alleging electoral fraud in Mexico coming to a theatre near you. Movie on alleged fraud in 2006 election opens in Mexico City amid controversy - opening up old wounds. 

STORY: Mexican director Luis Mandoki's documentary "Fraude: Mexico 2006," about alleged electoral fraud during the 2006 presidential campaign in Mexico will be shown in 230 theatres nationwide opening on Friday (November 16).  Using the slogan "Dare to see to truth," the film shows what happened before, during and after election day. It incorporates visual images taken by undercover cameras that the director says proves that there was electoral fraud.

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who insists his razor-thin defeat to Felipe Calderon in the July 2, 2006, election was rigged, has spent most of the past year crisscrossing Mexico to declare himself the "legitimate president."  Calderon, a bespectacled conservative, won by 0.58 percentage point, and despite months of sit-in protests by Lopez Obrador's followers, Mexico's top electoral court eventually ruled that Calderon had won fairly.

After organising some of the biggest political marches ever seen in Mexico, ordinary Mexicans say the leftist former indigenous rights activist has dropped off the political map.  Lopez Obrador's down-to-earth persona, austere lifestyle and populist rhetoric earned him a huge following. For months he led opinion polls and alarmed Wall Street analysts who were concerned he would threaten Mexico's economic stability.

Nevertheless, Ma ndoki said that every citizen has the right to information. " I think that many journalists around the world who carry out their work very seriously, are usually jailed or assassinated. When you see that in Mexico there are so many journalists who are dedicated to do the opposite thing, it's a crime against human dignity. So this film is made in honour of human dignity and right (of being informed)."
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The film's producer, Federico Arreola added that they had to jump over several hurdles. He said that some journalists in Mexico have been threatened if they talk about the film. "I should like to mention that during the launch of the film, we were confronted with various stages of censorship, just like what Video Cine and Warner Brothers tried to do, as well as the shameful fact, shameful fact, that certain reporters from electronic media have been threatened if they talk about the film."
shows 9

Arturo Leon, who saw the film, told Reuters that the country is still being run by an alliance between the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) who ruled Mexico for decades and the National Action Party (PAN). The 2006 election was the first since conservative Vicente Fox's election win in 2000 ended 71 years of one-party rule. "They have affected all Mexicans. I think that it's time that the situation changes and this film will help all Mexicans to take note and make Mexicans realise what still goes on in our country, including that disgrace of a party which we have had all our lives, the PRI and now the PRI-PAN."

Despite only scraping into power, Calderon is enjoying sturdy popularity ratings and has impressed many with his quick response to dealing with the emergency crisis in flood-ravaged Tabasco, an army crackdown on drug cartels and by swiftly passing a critical pension reform.

Mandoki has directed Hollywood blockbusters such as, "When a man loves a woman," staring Meg Ryan and Andy Garcia, "Message in a bottle," staring Kevin Costner and Robin Wright Penn among others as well as several short films. He has won several awards including an Oscar nomination.


十一月中旬的時候(11月16日),在墨西哥全國230家戲院,上映了一部震撼人心的電影 ─ 「墨西哥2006選舉騙局 ( 暫譯 Fraude: Mexico 2006 )」。這部由墨西哥籍導演路易士‧曼杜奇(Luis Mandoki)所執導的紀錄片,以2006年墨西哥總統大選期間為背景,並以傳聞中的選舉騙局作為故事主軸。為了彰顯選舉騙局真的存在,導演路易士將暗中實地拍攝到的畫面融入電影中,並以〝敢於面對真相〞作為口號。

 堅稱自己在2006年7月2日時,以微幅差距落選(註1)的洛帕茲‧奧布拉多(Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador),認為總統大選遭到操控,並且花了將近一年的時間奔走墨西哥各地,宣稱自己為墨西哥的合法總統。儘管奧布拉多的支持群眾靜坐抗議長達數個月之久,墨西哥最高選舉法庭最後仍宣判領先0.58個投票百分點的菲利浦‧卡德隆(Felipe Calderon),合法當選。


導演曼杜奇表示,每個墨西哥人都有知的權利。他說:「我知道世界上有很多認真嚴肅看待自己工作的新聞記者,他們經常面臨坐牢與被殺害的悲慘下場,而墨西哥當地正是如此。這是違反人性尊嚴的重大罪行。所以,我以這部電影來紀念人權與人性尊嚴。」【shows 6】

電影製片菲德瑞可‧亞瑞歐拉(Federico Arreola)則表示他們必須克服許多障礙,因為許多墨西哥記者被威脅不許就「墨西哥2006選舉騙局」一片進行報導。亞瑞歐拉說:「我不得不提在這部電影發行期間,我們遭遇到各式各樣的電影審查,我們努力設法通過。除此之外,有些電子媒體記者被威脅不能報導這部電影,這真的非常可恥」。【shows 9】

看過這部電影的阿圖洛‧里昂(Arturo Leon)表示,墨西哥這個國家目前仍由制度革命黨(PRI)與國家行動黨(PAN)所組成的政治聯盟所把持。其中的制度革命黨,是在兩千年總統大選中,因為保守派人士比森特‧福克斯(Vicente Fox)的當選,才結束了長達71年的一黨獨統墨西哥局勢。里昂說:「這部電影將會影響全墨西哥人。我認為是改變局勢的時候了,而這部電影將有助於引起全墨西哥人的注意,並且更進一步讓大家了解到我們自己國家目前仍在延續的情況。每個墨西哥人都將明白長久以來把持我們生活的制度革命黨,或是如今與國家行動黨組成的政治聯盟,其不為人知的可恥之處。」【shows 12】


導演曼杜奇執導過不少好萊塢膾炙人口的電影,包括由梅格‧瑞安(Meg Ryan)與安迪賈西亞(Andy Garcia)所主演的「當男人愛上女人(When a man loves a woman)」,以及由凱文·科斯特納(Kevin Costner)與羅蘋懷特潘(Robin Wright Penn)所主演的「瓶中信(Message in a bottle)」等等。此外,曼杜奇曾贏得數座大獎的肯定,並且也榮獲奧斯卡金像獎的提名。



**(註1) 我查了一下, "defeat"這個字在當名詞的時候, 可以是"失敗", 也可以是"擊敗"的意思, 至於什麼時候該當何意, 我還在研究當中, 但在這裡根據上下文覺得應該是"失敗"之意, 所以改成"落選"。

※ 感謝 Amanda Liu 的校稿

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