
弗萊明(Ian Fleming)的百歲冥誕,在今年一月初時(編按:原文為18),位於倫敦的皇家郵政(Royal Mail)發行了一套紀念郵票。

007系列小說的封面,分別是皇家賭場(Casino Royale)、諾博士(Dr No)、金手指(Goldfinger)、永遠的鑽石(Diamonds Are Forever)、最高機密(For Your Eyes Only)與來自俄羅斯的愛(From Russia With Love)

艾德格(Julietta Edgar)說:「郵票的設計理念,企圖呈現龐德系列小說封面的不同風貌,以及彼此間隨著時間而形成的差異。所以,我們特別挑了〝皇家賭場〞這本小說,因為它的封面是由作者弗萊明所親手設計的。」此外,艾德格也表示,弗萊明所塑造出來的龐德,幾乎人盡皆知,使得紀念郵票頗具意義。

薩曼莎邦德(Samantha Bond),在泰晤士河對岸、正對英國軍情五處(MI5 headquarters)的地點,與一輛阿斯頓馬丁(Aston Martin)所生產的D86型豪華汽車,一起現身。相信大家都知道,薩曼莎邦德,就是在最近幾部龐德電影中,與皮爾斯布魯斯南合作、飾演Miss Moneypenny的女星。


※ 正式定稿與影像:「新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線169

※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO: A set of stamps to celebrate the centenary of James Bond creator Ian Fleming's birth is launched. A set of six stamps showing a selection of different 007 novel covers has been created to celebrate the centenary of James Bond creator Ian Fleming's birth.

STORY: A set of long stamps to mark the centenary of James Bond creator Ian Fleming's birth was launched by Royal Mail in London on Monday, January 8. The stamps showcase the progression of artwork created for various James Bond novels. These designs include artwork from six novels, Casino Royale, Dr No, Goldfinger, Diamonds Are Forever, For Your Eyes Only and From Russia With Love. 

"The idea was to reflect the different book cover designs of the different Bond novels and how they progressed over time. So we have Casino Royale and the very first Casino Royal book was designed by Fleming himself, "Julietta Edgar, Royal Mail's head of special stamps said. 

To launch the new collection, Actress Samantha Bond, who played Miss Moneypenny in recent Bond films alongside Pierce Brosnan, was beside an Aston Martin DB6 on the opposite of the river thames to MI5 headquarters. 

Edgar added that, Fleming came up with a character that is known by almost half the people in the world, saying that it was quite an issue to commemorate. The Ian Fleming collection of James Bond stamps are available in UK Post Office branches and via the Internet as of January 8.





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