

( 編按:原文為110 ),電影〝我叫安東尼龔薩福 ( 暫譯;My Name Is Anthony Gonsalves )〞在印度西部城市孟買 ( Mumbai ) 舉行首映會,許多寶萊塢 ( Bollywood )

尼沃斯 (E Niwas ) 所執導的電影〝我叫安東尼龔薩福〞,由尼奇爾德懷夫迪 ( Nikhil Dwivedi ) 飾演片中主角安東尼龔薩福。全片故事主軸就圍繞在安東尼身上,他懷抱夢想,希望有朝一日能成為演員。和許多擁有明星夢的人一樣,安東尼先從酒吧侍者做起,最後卻遇上由帕凡馬爾賀卓 ( Pavan Malhotra ) 所飾演的西班牙人。

阿蘿拉 (Amrita Arora ) 所飾演的女主角,並且墜入愛河。至於安東尼跟女主角最後結果如何,答案就有待電影揭曉囉!

卡普爾 ( Kunal Kapoor ) 說:「〝我叫安東尼龔薩福〞這部電影很特別。雖然每個人都認為自己的電影與眾不同,但是這部電影光從預告,就已經顯露出它的獨特之處。」【shows 11


1977年時,由寶萊塢超級巨星阿米塔巴吉汗( Amitabh Bachchan )所主演的電影〝 三教兄弟 ( Amar, Akbar, Anthony )〞,腦中就會立即湧現出濃濃的懷舊之情。電影中那首扣人心弦、眾人傳唱的經典歌曲,據說是作曲家皮阿瑞拉爾 (Pyarelal) 向自己小提琴老師安東尼龔薩福 ( Anthony Gonsalves )的致意之作。


※ 正式定稿與影像:「新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線171

※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO: Bollywood film 'My Name Is Anthony Gonsalves' gets star studded premiere. Bollywood glitterati descends at the premiere of 'My Name Is Anthony Gonsalves' directed by E Niwas held in India's western Mumbai city.

STORY: Bollywood glitterati descended at the premiere of 'My Name Is Anthony Gonsalves' on Thursday (January 10) held in India's western Mumbai city. The film directed by E Niwas, who won awards for his well-acclaimed movie 'Shool' in 1999.

'My Name Is Anthony Gonsalves' introduces Nikhil Dwivedi on the silver screen in the lead role of Anthony Gonsalves. Nikhil Dwivedi plays the title character who dreams of hitting it big one day. He starts off; as many would dreamers do, by becoming a bartender. 

The film revolves around this bartender (Nikhil Dwivedi) who dreams of becoming an actor someday but ends up meeting a don played by Pavan Malhotra. 

Unknown to him the three brothers who own the bar are conducting illegal activities. Unfortunately one day, Anthony is witness to a brutal crime and is forced to fight for his life. Along the way, he meets and falls in love with Amrita Arora's character, but will he survive long enough to make an honest woman out of her remains the film's mystery.

Bollywood actor Kunal Kapoor, who was present at the premier, said: "This picture is a full masala picture. Everyone says that their film is different from that of others but the promos of the film suggest that it is really different from other movies."
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Although the moment one reads the title one thinks of a tall thin man in a top hat 'n' tail singing out loud, "My name is Anthony Gonsalves?mein duniya mein akela hoon?", the flick has nothing to do with the old classic apart from the title.

An immediate burst of nostalgia floods the brain cells as one remember the classic hit movie of 1977, "Amar, Akbar, Anthony" starring Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan. The song that caught the fancy of practically everyone who has heard it ever since, is said to be composer Pyarelal's tribute of sorts to his violin teacher - Anthony Gonsalves.

While the name may fail to strike a chord with anyone from this generation, the song and indeed the man's memories continue to send shivers down the spine of the many who saw and heard him, right from the 40s. But the title has just been kept to intrigue the audience to reach the theatres, as it has nothing to do with the old classic flick. 

The film releases in theatres across the India on Friday (January 11).






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