

馬塔爾奎(Amin Matalqa)的電影《阿布拉德機長(Captain Abu Raed)》,獲邀參加今年度的聖丹斯電影節(Sundance Film Festival)。《阿布拉德機長》一片不僅劇情故事動人,同時也別具一番歷史意義,因為這部電影是第一部來自約旦(Jordan)的獨立製片。


13歲時搬到美國居住的導演馬塔爾奎,他在接受訪問時表示,他希望 《阿布拉德機長》一片能將自己獨特的成長背景,呈現在觀眾面前。馬塔爾奎說:「這是一部充滿約旦風格的約旦電影。除此之外,這部電影還有點像我,我在美國與約旦兩地長大。我想要做出能夠吸引並且抓住美國與約旦兩地觀眾口味的電影,同時又不牽扯到政治與宗教,這兩項常常與中東連在一塊的議題。」【SHOWS 2


雷福德 (Robert Redford)所創設的聖丹斯協會(Sundance Institute)所贊助的。對於許多獨立製片人而言,聖丹斯電影節相當重要,因為可以讓他們聚在一塊相互觀摩彼此的作品。2008年的聖丹斯電影節,自117日開幕以來,經過十天的展出,於127日畫下完美句點。

※ 正式定稿與影像:「新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線172

※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO: Sundance's "Captain Abu Raed" blends Arabic traditions with Amercian sensibilities.  Sundance Film Festival's "Captain Abu Raed" makes history as the first independent film to come out of Jordan. 

STORY: Besides an invite to this year's Sundance Film Festival(
聖丹斯電影節), director Amin Matalqa's film "Captain Abu Raed" is noteworthy for several reasons. It has the historical significance of being the first independent film to come out of the country of Jordan. It also happens to be a great story.

Set in Jordan, Matalqa tells the story of Abu Raed, an old airport janitor, who lives vicariously through the travelers he meets at the airport. Because he wears a discarded Captain's hat, some of the neighborhood children believe he's a real airline pilot.  A friendship with the children soon develops as he spends time telling them about his "worldly" adventures. With that friendship though, Abu discovers not only their dreams, but also their difficult challenges. 

The young director was born in Jordan, but moved to the U.S. at the age of 13. Matalqa told Reuters that he wanted the film to relfect his diverse upbringing. "It is a Jordanian film, that has Jordanian flavors," Matalqa said. "At the same time, it's kind of like me, I grew up in the U.S. and Jordan. I wanted to do something that appeals to both and captures both. It doesn't get into religion or politics, that is normally associated with the Middle-East."

As you would expect, the director is also very excited about "Captain Abu Raed" earning a spot at Sundance. Matalqa believes that the festival's efforts to embrace the international film community will continue to help open up markets and talent abroad.

The Sundance Film Festival is a key gathering for independent filmmakers, backed by Robert Redford's Sundance Institute. The 10-day festival runs through January 27.

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