




 由馬汀勞倫斯(Martin Lawrence)所飾演的馬高特納(Malcolm Turner),為了順利進行探員工作,十一年來屢屢喬裝成大奶霸(Big Momma)。而這一回,馬高十幾歲的繼子特倫特皮爾斯(Trent Pierce),在馬高偵辦案件時來訪,並且目睹了犯人謀殺被害者的經過。



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western movie-Big Mommas Like Father, Like Son 

Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son is an upcoming 2011 crime comedy film .

Malcolm Turner (Martin Lawrence) has been frequently going undercover as "Big Momma" for the last 11 years. This time around, his teenage stepson Trent Pierce (Brandon T. Jackson) visits him while he is working on a case and witnesses the criminal murder of somebody.

To keep Trent safe, Malcolm goes undercover as Big Momma for the third time. In addition to this, Trent also goes undercover as Big Momma's great niece "Charmaine Daisy Pierce" at a performing arts' school for girls.[1] Meanwhile, Trent tries to develop a romance with one of the girls as his real self while "Big Momma" is being pursued by the school's goofball janitor Kurtis Kool (Faizon Love) who has a fascination with big women. 


※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. 




    絕地奶霸 Big Mommas

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