以迪斯尼頻道(Disney Channel)電視影集《孟漢娜 (Hannah Montana)》榮獲艾美獎( the Emmy-award )肯定的影歌雙棲女星麥莉‧希拉(Miley Cyrus),於二月一日推出她個人的首部電影作品《孟漢娜3D立體演唱會(Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert)》。這部3D電影,主要針對去年未能如願參加希拉演唱會的粉絲而拍攝的,將在全美地區與加拿大的3D戲院上映一個星期的時間,到二月七日為止。
深受觀眾喜愛的電視影集《孟漢娜 (Hannah Montana)》,開播至今未滿兩年。希拉在劇中飾演麥莉‧史黛華特(Miley Stewart)一角,而這個角色也讓希拉嚐到走紅的滋味。在影集中,史黛華特擁有兩種不同的身份:白天的史黛華特,只是一位平凡的高中女孩,必須應付生活中的雜事;而到了晚上,史黛華特則搖身一變成為流行歌手孟漢娜(Hannah Montana)。史黛華特讓自己的兩個身份截然劃分開來,除了少數親密的好友、家人外,沒有人知道孟漢娜的真實身分,就是平凡的史黛華特。
希拉的父親、同時也是鄉村歌手的比利雷(Billie Ray Cyrus),也在電視影集《孟漢娜 (Hannah Montana)》中演出,飾演孟漢娜父親一角。比利雷在1992年時,曾以單曲「疼痛、碎裂的心 (Achy-Breaky Heart)」,奪下全美鄉村排行榜冠軍寶座。也因此,在希拉身上,似乎可以看到父親比利雷的身影。
希拉認為自己之所以受到粉絲的喜愛,不在於她是名人,而是因為真實的作自己。希拉說:「我想表達的是,你可以很酷,你可以很有趣、瘋狂並且很吵,或是做你想要做的。但是,你仍必須要有責任感」。【shows 9】
電影《孟漢娜3D立體演唱會》,由艾美獎得主肯尼‧奧塔葛(Kenny Ortega)幕後操刀。相信大家對於肯尼‧奧塔葛應該不陌生,因為他也曾參與廣受歡迎的《青春歌舞/高中音樂會(High School Musical)》與《青春歌舞2(High School Musical 2)》的幕後製作。另外,由兄弟檔三人組成的樂團喬那斯兄弟(the Jonas Brothers),也在電影《孟漢娜3D立體演唱會》中演出。
※ 正式定稿與影像:「新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線172」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: New "Hannah Montana" 3-D concert film in theaters for one week only. A new "Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert" 3-D film will be in theatres for one week only. The limited release is aimed at reaching fans who could not attend the sold-out shows last year. Teen pop phenomenon Miley Cyrus performs as both herself and as her television character on stage. The movie also takes a peek behind-the-scenes at Cyrus' life on the road.
STORY: Actress and singer Miley Cyrus(麥莉‧希拉), the star of the Emmy-award winning Disney Channel television series "Hannah Montana(孟漢娜)," is now appearing in her first film. "Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert" was released Friday (February 1) and will run for one week in theatres across the United States and Canada. The limited release 3-D movie is primarily aimed at reaching fans who could not attend the sold-out shows last year.
The film focuses on the live concert footage shot during Cyrus' 69-city tour. But it also takes a behind-the-scenes look at the young performer handling a busy life on the road. The 15-year-old entertainer is followed closely as she performs in front of thousands of screaming fans. But cameras also capture Cyrus while she practices singing, learns choreographed dance moves, changes costumes backstage, and hangs out with friends.
The popular TV series which has made her famous follows the adventures of her character, Miley Stewart, who lives a double-life: One, as an average teenage girl dealing with the normal high school problems during the day; and two, as a famous pop singer, Hannah Montana, at night. A key to the plot is that she keeps the two worlds separate, concealing her real identity from the public other than her close friends and family. The show has been on the air for just under two years.
Cyrus' father is country singer Billie Ray Cyrus, who before starring in his daughter's hit TV show (as her character's father) was best known for his one-time chart-topper, "Achy-Breaky Heart." And, she seems to be following in her father's footsteps.
Cyrus believes her growing appeal is rooted in the person she is outside of her celebrity."I think it's because of like the reality of it," said Cyrus. "I mean I think still, you know, you can be cool, you can be fun and crazy and loud and do what you want to do, but you also just gotta do it where you're still being responsible."
The show was produced, designed, and choreographed by Emmy Award-winning Kenny Ortega, who is also the man behind the enormously successful "High School Musical" and "High School Musical 2." The film also stars the Jonas Brothers, an upcoming band of three brothers.
The "Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert" will run from through February 7th in 3-D theatres across North America.