主播:星期六(2月7日),有超過一百位的漁夫,受困在北美伊利湖(Lake Erie)面的一塊浮冰上,美國海岸巡防隊 (The U.S. Coast Guard) 立刻動員搭救,不過仍有一人不幸喪生。
這起湖冰斷裂的意外事件,發生於當地時間上午十點半左右,受困的漁夫們當時正在北俄亥俄州、伊利湖西濱的鶴溪州立公園(Crane Creek State Park)附近工作。
※ 正式新聞稿與影像:「 新唐人亞太電視台 」、「 新唐人電視台 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: One person dead, more than 100 rescued from Lake Erie ice floe. Authorities say more than 100 fishermen have been rescued from a Lake Erie ice floe. One person died after falling into the freezing water.
STORY: Authorities said more than 100 fishermen were rescued from an eight-mile wide slab of ice on Saturday (February 7). The ice floe broke off from the Ohio shoreline of Lake Erie. One person died after falling into the lake's frigid waters. The U.S. Coast Guard used boats and helicopters to rescue those stranded on the ice.
The floe drifted away shortly after 10:30 a.m. EST (1530 GMT), an official for the Ottawa County Sheriff's Department said. The fishermen were near Crane Creek State Park on the western shore of Lake Erie in northern Ohio when the ice broke.