主播:朝鮮今天 (4月5日) 上午成功的發射長程火箭,越過日本領空。這樣的舉動,立刻引來日本、韓國的譴責,而聯合國安理會(the U.N. Security Council )也立即召開緊急會議。
韓國方面則稱朝鮮行動過於魯莽。韓國外交部長柳明桓 (Yu Myung-hwan) 說:「這是個挑釁的舉動。朝鮮應該把錢拿來拯救飢餓的朝鮮人民,而不是花在火箭發射上。」(shows 3- ASIA-APR05-7017-SOUTH KOREA-FOREIGN MINISTER)
早在去年十二月的六方會談中,平壤 (Pyongyang) 方面就曾威脅表示,如果聯合國對朝鮮發射火箭進行任何制裁,將退出六方會談。長年以來,貧窮的朝鮮借助本身的軍事力量來獲取國際讓步與區域性權力,並宣稱送衛星上軌道是太空和平計畫的一環,同時還揚言如果火箭發射遭到干擾,將不惜發動戰爭。
※ 正式新聞稿與影像:「 新唐人亞太電視台 」、「 新唐人電視台 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: N.Korea launches rocket over Japan, draws condemnation. North Korea launched a long-range rocket over Japan, drawing swift Japanese condemnation and triggering an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council.
STORY: North Korea launched a long-range rocket over Japan on Sunday (April 5), drawing swift international condemnation and triggering an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council.
The Japanese government reacted immediately after the launch as government officials rushed to the prime minister's office. "We've protested against North Korea through our embassy in Beijing. We've also asked for an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council," Hirofumi Nakasone, Japanese Foreign Minister, told a group of reporters. "I'm going to speak with foreign ministers from various countries including the U.S. and South Korea soon."
The six-party talks stalled in December and Pyongyang has threatened to quit the dialogue if the United Nations imposes any punishment over its rocket launch.
The United States, Japan and South Korea will view the launch as a violation of a U.N. Security Council resolution passed in 2006 after Pyongyang carried out the nuclear test and other missile tests.
That resolution, number 1718, demands North Korea "suspend all activities related to its ballistic missile programme".
U.N. Security Council diplomats have told Reuters on condition of anonymity that no country was considering imposing new sanctions but the starting point could be discussing a resolution for the stricter enforcement of earlier sanctions.
Both Russia and China, the latter the nearest the reclusive North has to a major ally, have made clear they would block new sanctions by the Council, where they have veto power.
Sunday was the second day in the April 4-8 timeframe the secretive North had set for the launch. The first rocket booster stage appeared to drop into the Sea of Japan, an estimated 280 km (170 miles) west of the northern Japan coast, the prime minister's office said in a statement. The second piece appeared to fall into the Pacific Ocean.
Many Japanese in the streets of Tokyo expressed their concerns on North Korea's rocket launch. "I'm relieved the rocket didn't fall on us, but it's threatening," Keiko Moroboshi, 62-year-old Tokyo resident, told Reuters.
Others said they have been preparing for this day. "Of course I don't feel good about the rocket launch, but I'm not surprised since we've been warned all this week," said Tomoya Akira, a 21-year-old Tokyo resident.
Another young resident in Tokyo showed his frustration towards the rocket launch. "I'm outraged by the fact that the rocket flew over our land," said Takuya Nomura.
In the United States, President Barack Obama said North Korea, which tested a nuclear device in 2006, had violated U.N. resolutions and increased its international isolation. He urged North Korea to refrain from further "provocative actions". Washington said it would take steps to let the reclusive North know it could not threaten regional security.
South Korea called the launch of the rocket, seen by many powers as a disguised missile test, a "reckless" act.
Japan said it stopped monitoring the Taepodong-2 rocket after it had passed 2,100 km (1,305 miles) east of Tokyo, indicating the launch had been a success. In its only previous test flight, in July 2006, the rocket blew apart 40 seconds after launch.
South Korea's Yonhap news agency quoted a government official in Seoul as saying the rocket appeared to have carried a satellite, which Pyongyang had insisted was its plan.
Japan's chief cabinet secretary, Takeo Kawamura, said that even if the object launched was a satellite, it would violate U.N. resolutions on North Korean ballistic missile activity.
In New York, Japan's U.N. ambassador requested an emergency meeting of the Security Council to discuss the launch. A diplomat said a meeting would be held later on Sunday.
Analysts said the launch may help North Korean leader Kim Jong-il shore up support after a suspected stroke in August raised questions of his grip on power and bolster his hand in using military threats to win concessions from global powers.
The United States, South Korea and Japan had said the launch would actually be a test of the Taepodong-2, which is designed to carry a warhead as far as Alaska. It has an estimated range of 6,700 km (4,200 miles).
Impoverished North Korea, which for years has used military threats to wring concessions from regional powers, had said it was putting a satellite into orbit as part of a peaceful space programme and threatened war if the rocket was intercepted.