榮獲奧斯卡獎肯定的法國作曲家莫里斯‧賈爾 (Maurice Jarre),於三月二十九日在洛杉磯病逝,享年八十四歲。
獲獎無數的賈爾,曾為許多電影配過樂,包括《齊瓦哥醫生 (Doctor Zhivago)》、《阿拉伯勞倫斯 (Lawrence of Arabia)》,以及由大衛‧連 (David Lean) 所執導的《印度之行 (A Passage to India)》等等,曲風豐富而感情豐沛。此外,他也曾與希區考克 (Alfred Hitchcock)、盧奇諾‧維斯康蒂 (Luchino Visconti) 以及彼得‧威爾 (Peter Weir) 等知名導演合作過。
長年居住於洛杉磯的賈爾,從一九五零年代開始為法國電影配樂,並持續了五十幾年。1962年,電影《阿拉伯勞倫斯》的配樂,為他打響國際知名度。而賈爾所精心編排的管弦配樂,也為電影《雷恩的女兒 (Ryan's Daughter)》、《鐵皮鼓 (The Tin Drum)》與《危險年代 (The Year of Living Dangerously)》等,增色不少。
就在上個月的柏林電影節中,賈爾獲得一個特別的獎項。電影節主席迪特爾‧寇斯立克 (Dieter Kosslick) 在頒獎給賈爾的致詞中表示,電影配樂者通常都不會比導演和演員來的耀眼,但莫里斯‧賈爾不同。就如同《齊瓦哥醫生》一樣,賈爾的電影配樂不僅世界聞名,同時也在電影史上留下令人難忘的一頁。
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Maurice Jarre, composer of "Dr Zhivago" score, dies. Oscar-winning French composer Maurice Jarre, who wrote the rich, lyrical scores for films including "Doctor Zhivago" and "Lawrence of Arabia," has died in Los Angeles.
STORY: Oscar-winning French composer Maurice Jarre, who wrote the rich, lyrical scores for films including "Doctor Zhivago" and "Lawrence of Arabia," has died in Los Angeles at the age of 84, March 29.
Jarre's music won him Academy Awards for those classics and for "A Passage to India," all directed by David Lean. He also worked with directors from Alfred Hitchcock and Luchino Visconti to Peter Weir.
Jarre, who had lived in Los Angeles for many years, was one of the most successful and industrious film composers of his time with more than 150 credits to his name.
After making a start working on French films in the 1950s, he made his international breakthrough with the score to the 1962 Lean epic "Lawrence of Arabia."
His work spanned five decades and his richly orchestrated scores contributed to films from "Ryan's Daughter," "The Tin Drum" and "The Year of Living Dangerously" to "Mad Max III" "Fatal Attraction" and "Witness."
Jarre maintained that music should be a central part of any film. "If it's just there to underline a piece of action or a love scene, it's really not interesting. It's like putting too much sugar in a cake," he said.
His final award came as recently as last month when he won a special prize from the Berlin Film Festival."Film composers often are in the shadows of great directors and acting stars," said festival director Dieter Kosslick when he announced the award."It's different with Maurice Jarre; the music of Doctor Zhivago, like much of his work, is world famous and remains unforgotten in the history of cinema," he said.