


松下公司(Panasonic)推出了最新款應用〝微型四分之三〞技術的數位相機樂米克斯 G1 (Lumix G1),不僅可以更換鏡頭,還搭配有大尺寸的感光元件,以及傳統的快門裝置,並且把光學取景器取消了。因此樂米克斯G1可說是單眼數位相機與傻瓜相機相結合的機種。

樂米克斯產品經理約翰米歇爾(John Mitchell)表示,這項商品的訴求,是讓業餘攝影者擁有一台看起來很專業卻容易上手的相機。米歇爾說:「舉例來說,樂米克斯擁有臉部偵測與場景偵測功能,所以使用時相機會自動進行設定。如果你的畫面上有人,相機會自動採用人物刻劃模式,讓你把照片上的人物拍得自然而生動。」

樂米克斯 G1 不採用傳統單眼相機所使用的反光鏡,而是以感光元件來取代,因此讓整體尺寸小巧許多,有別於傳統的單眼相機。米歇爾說:「如果我把鏡頭拿掉,你可以直接看到感光元件與保護它的除塵裝置。由於不採用傳統單眼相機使用的反光鏡盒,讓鏡頭與感光器間的距離縮短了一半,也因此得以大大裁剪機體大小與鏡頭尺寸。」





※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 216 」

※ The original article was taken from
Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO: Panasonic introduces the Lumix G1 digital camera with electronic viewfinder and interchangeable lens, offering keen amateur photographers an alternative to bulky DSLRs.



MORE INFO: Using interchangeable lenses, a large sensor, and a traditional shutter mechanism, but no mirror or optical viewfinder, the G1 is part DSLR and part point-and-shoot. This new technology is known as 'Micro four-thirds'.  It looks like a Digital Single Lens Reflex camera and that's the idea. In fact Panasonic's new Lumix G1 is something of a hybrid - neither a DSLR or compact. Panasonic are calling it a 'Micro four-thirds'.


John Mitchell the Lumix product manager says the concept behind the design was to give amateur photographers a professional looking camera that was simple to use:"And for example it has face detection and it has scene detection, so it can automatically set the camera up. If there are people in your picture it will set the camera up to do a portrait to make sure you get lovely natural tones for people and that's one of the great features of the intelligent auto that's built on.


What sets the G1 apart from the SLRs is its size. By removing the mirror found in traditional SLRs and replacing with a sensor, the whole thing is much smaller. John Mitchell says:"If I take the lens off you can see straight through to the sensor and the dust reduction system which makes sure that no dust can hit the sensor and by removing the mirror box that you get on the traditional SLR means that we've halved the distance between the sensor and the lens element and by doing that you can significantly decrease the size of the body and also significantly the size of the lenses."


Panasonic say they've developed the smallest camera with interchangeable lenses. But the choice is limited:""For the launch of the camera we've actually got two unique micro four thirds lenses. So there's a kit lens and also a second tele-photo lens but there's also an adapter that's available that allows you to put four thirds lenses onto the camera."


Panasonic are hailing their latest development as a major innovation but in the fast-changing world of digital technology the next new gadget is only ever just around the corner.  




    Panasonic Lumix G1
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