

(Guinness world record)上年紀最輕的電影導演是幾歲呢?答案是12歲,夠驚訝吧?南印度邦加羅爾市(Bangalore)的一位12歲小男孩齊尚斯里肯斯(Kishan Shrikanth),在最近的開羅國際電影節(Cairo International Film Festival)上,以〝關懷街童(Care of Footpath)〞一片,囊括了兒童人氣獎(the Children's Jury Award)、特殊國際評審團獎(the Special International Jury's Award)以及特別成就獎(special achievement award)三項大獎。其中的特別成就獎,先前曾頒給寶萊塢超級巨星阿米特巴巴赫卡安(Amitabh Bachchan)這樣的傳奇人物。


2010年時,我會拍攝一部北印度電影。至於目前,〝關懷街童〞這部電影,將於六、七月間在北印度上映。此外,這部電影也將在加拿大當地的國際電影節中展出,走向國際。現在我正進行3D圖製與視覺效果的潤飾,大概再過二個月就能完成了。」【shows 9】

(Steven Spielberg)視為偶像的齊尚,在沒有進行拍攝工作時,則忙於研究新劇本、規劃下一部電影的製作或討論場景細節。齊尚表示自己想成為一位3D製圖工程師,不過他仍會持續拍電影,並且希望有一天能獲得奧斯卡的肯定。

※ 正式定稿與影像:「新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線179

※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO: Indian boy becomes the world's youngest professional movie director at 12 years old. An Indian boy, the world's youngest director of a professional feature film, wins international accolade for his film on street children. 

STORY: An Indian boy, the world's youngest director of a professional feature film wins international accolade for his film on street children. While most children of his age are being wowed by cinema blockbusters, 12-year-old Kishan Shrikanth of India's southern Bangalore city prefers to call the shots from behind the camera. 

Kishan, who holds a Guinness world record for being the youngest movie director, has now won himself international recognition after his feature film 'Care of Footpath' bagged three awards at the recent Cairo International Film Festival.  The film won the Children's Jury Award, the Special International Jury's Award and a third special achievement award which has previously been bestowed on such screen legends as Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan.

Kishan was out on a drive with his father one day when he saw poverty stricken children collecting rags from the street. Wanting to do something for the children, he suggested making an inspirational film and his family supported the idea. "C/o (care of) Footpath" tells the story of a street urchin who gets to go to school and makes it big, his example meant to be an inspiration for millions of street children", he said.  The 170,000 U.S. dollar 135-minute film was being produced by Kishan's mother, Shailaja, herself a movie music director.

As well as his work behind the camera, Kishan has also acted in several regional language films and now looks forward to future ventures. "I'll be making a Hindi film in 2010 and now this same film will be released in Hindi in June or July and July between that. Also this movie has been selected for an International film festival to be held at Canada and it's going worldwide. Now I'm doing my engineering in 3D graphics and visual effects so like I'll be finishing that in a couple of months," he said.

When Kishan, who idolizes Steven Spielberg, is not shooting he is busy researching new scripts, planning his next shots and discussing new scenes. Kishan says he wants to become a 3D graphic engineer, but adds he will continue making films, with dreams of one day winning an Oscar.




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