






電影《paper man》是一部特別的喜劇,內容講述一位中年失意的作家,在長島上與一位花樣少女,發展出奇特的友情來,這名少女孩還教導這位作家關於成長的意義。

理查‧丹尼(Richard Dunne)是一位中年不得志、長不大的小說家,而十七歲的少女艾比(Abby)則是家世悲慘,這讓她耗費了許多大好青春。兩個人同樣的都缺乏自信、不敢向前邁出步伐,依賴幻想中的朋友來指引自己未來的方向。理查的幻想朋友,是一位身穿奇異服裝的超級英雄,名叫超讚隊長(Captain Excellent,),而艾比的幻想朋友,則是與她年紀相仿而又孤僻的克里斯托福爾(Christopher)。

在太太克萊兒的催促下,理查搬到長島(Long Island)上的一處濱海社區過冬,並且希望藉此衝破自己寫作上的瓶頸。而在那兒,理查遇見了艾比並且雇用她為保姆,不過理查自己並沒有小孩。因此,看似毫無交集的兩人,慢慢發展出特別的友誼來。兩人間平淡而嶄新的友誼,來自於理查對艾比自製家常濃湯的讚嘆,而艾比則在理查寫作與學習摺紙的過程中,獲得了快樂。




※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」











movie <paper man >

A coming-of-middle-age comedy that chronicles the unlikely friendship between failed author Richard Dunne and a Long Island teen who teaches him a thing or two about growing up, all under the disapproving eye of his long-suffering wife and his imaginary Superhero friend.

An unlikely friendship forms between Richard, a failed middle-aged novelist who has never quite grown up and Abby, a 17-year-old girl whose role in a family tragedy years earlier has stolen away her youth. Both are unsure, both are afraid to take firm steps forward, and both rely on the imaginary friends in their heads to help guide them into the future - for Richard, it is the costumed superhero Captain Excellent, and for Abby, it's morose fellow teenager Christopher.

At the urging of his wife Claire, Richard has moved to a Long Island beach community for the winter season in order to overcome his writer's block. There, Richard meets Abby and hires her as a weekly babysitter, even though he has no children. Their tenuous, new friendship is sparked by Richard's awe over Abby's homemade soup and Abby's enjoyment of Richard's writing and his attempts at Origami.

As the season progresses and the warm, quirky friendship between Richard and Abby grows, the two begin to share with each other their dreams and life hardships. Becoming the best of friends, Richard and Abby discover there comes a time to let go of imaginary friends of the past and to embrace the future as a new beginning - just as one would embrace a new and unique friendship.



※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )




    paper man 電影

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