

主播】就在這個星期,颶風斐利克斯(Hurricane Felix)肆虐加勒比海沿岸(the Caribbean coast)後,尼加拉瓜當地村民,緊抓浮木或房屋與船隻的碎片,在鯊魚經常出沒的海面漂流了四天,終於在星期六(98)等到了救援。

尼加拉瓜海軍巡邏艇,從海上與孤島尋獲41位生還者,其中一名為女性,並且將他們載返卡貝薩斯港(Puerto Cabezas)

(Eduardo Sanders)表示:「由於大部分的生還者身體相當虛弱,使得搜救人員必須跳入海中進行救援。當生還者被救回巡邏艇上後,他們不太能夠進食,因為他們的胃完全被堵塞住了」。【shows 8

260公里的颶風斐利克斯(Hurricane Felix),在本周侵襲了尼加拉瓜與洪都拉斯的沿岸地區,並造成至少130人死亡。死者大部份為尼加拉瓜的米斯基托印地安人(Nicaraguan Miskito Indians)


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※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO: Survivors of Hurricane Felix come to shore after days at sea. A Nicaraguan Navy patrol ship finds 40 men and one woman to shore after they spent four days clinging to driftwood in the aftermath of Hurricane Felix.

STORY: Nicaraguan villagers spent four days in shark-infested seas clinging to driftwood or smashed houses and boats after Hurricane Felix battered the Caribbean coast, survivors said on Saturday (September 8).

A Nicaraguan navy patrol boat brought 40 men and one woman ashore in the port of Puerto Cabezas(
卡貝薩斯港) after plucking them out of the sea or whisking them from battered, isolated islands. 

Some survivors, mostly lobster divers who were at sea when the deadly Category 5 storm hit, lived to tell their tale by tying themselves to floating wood as they were battered by Felix's 160 mph (260-kph) winds and mammoth waves. 

"The crew of the ship had to jump into the water to help them because most of them were very weak. When we took them into the ship, they were not able to eat or drink, their stomachs were totally blocked," recounted the Captain of the Patrol ship, Eduardo Sanders. 

Hurricane Felix tore into the border area of Nicaragua and Honduras this week and killed at least 130 people. The dead were mainly Nicaraguan Miskito Indians, including some fishermen whose bodies washed up in Honduras.

Nicaragua's navy is continuing the search for survivors although the chance of finding more alive are dimming.


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