如果一切順利的話,希拉蕊史旺(Hilary Swank)可望以10月23日上映的電影《艾蜜莉亞(Amelia)》,贏得她個人第三座奧斯卡獎。這部電影在講述美國傳奇女飛行員艾蜜莉亞‧埃爾哈特(Amelia Earhart)的一生。另一部眾所注目的秋季上映電影《野獸冒險樂園(Where the Wild Things Are)》,則是改編自暢銷童書,內容描寫一位男孩航行前往一座充滿野獸的島嶼,最後成為島上野獸的國王,預計在10月16日上映。
被數百萬青少女列為最想看的吸血鬼浪漫電影《暮光之城第二集 ─ 新月(Twilight - New Moon)》,將於11月25日在美國上映。這部電影的第一集,在全球累計高達三億八千萬的票房。好萊塢網站(Hollywood.com)票房分析師保羅(Paul Dergarabedian)表示:「由於第一集的成功,身為續集的《新月》,成為大家屏息以待、極具票房潛力的電影。如果第二集的票房表現不如第一集,那麼暮光之城系列電影的成功只是偶然的。不過我認為第二集將有亮眼的成績,因為大家都很期待這部電影。」
而與《新月》同一天上映的,還有電影《華麗年代(Nine)》,劇情改編自1982年的百老匯音樂劇,是秋季電影中最眾星雲集的一部,參與演出的包括丹尼爾‧戴‧路易斯(Daniel Day-Lewis)、潘妮洛普‧克魯茲(Penelope Cruz)與妮可基嫚(Nicole Kidman)等人。至於該片導演,則是以火紅音樂劇電影《芝加哥(Chicago)》抱得奧斯卡獎的羅伯‧馬歇爾(Rob Marshall)。好萊塢網站票房分析師保羅(Paul Dergarabedian)認為這部電影將會賣座,他說:「如果能很策略性的把音樂劇電影擺對位置,可能會有很出色的票房成績,像是電影《媽媽咪呀(Mamma Mia)》的全球票房就超過《鋼鐵人(Iron Man)》不少。」
此外,兩部秋季電影中的記錄片,也為電影產業製造不少話題。9月11日在美國上映的電影《時尚惡魔的聖經(The September Issue)》,將為觀眾揭開時尚雜誌《Vogue》鮮為人知的一面。而另一部由擅用諷刺手法的導演麥克摩爾(Michael Moore)所製作的電影《資本主義:一個愛的故事(Capitalism: A Love Story)》,則將於10月23日在美國上映,內容在探討大企業與美國政府在全球金融海嘯中的關係。好萊塢網站票房分析師保羅說:「一般來說記錄片很無趣,觀眾也不愛看,但是導演麥克摩爾卻熟知如何為記錄片製造趣味高潮,因而成功型塑自己為記錄片巨星。」
就在流行樂之王麥克傑克森(Michael Jackson)逝世四個月後,取自他為"This Is It"音樂會彩排時的珍貴鏡頭,將在重新彙編後以電影形式發行,於10月28日上映。如果覺得今年暑假動作冒險片看不過癮,沒關係,11月13日上映的天啟災難片《2012》,一定可讓觀眾一飽眼福。當然,任何一季上映的電影,如果沒有幾部喜劇片參雜其中,好像就會有點遺憾。因此,今年秋季也不例外,由喬治克隆尼(George Clooney)所主演的《心戰部隊(The Men Who Stare at Goats)》,以黑色而幽默的手法來詮釋美軍。
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Oscar season arrives with new fall films Hollywood gets ready to launch a star-studded fall film season, complete with Oscar contenders, comedies, and action-packed adventures.
STORY: As the summer box office season comes to a close, Hollywood is preparing to debut its fall-line up. And while the span between September and November is usually packed with Oscar contenders, the 2009 fall season has a wide variety of movie genres - from dramatic to comedic to action-adventure.
If all goes well, Hilary Swank could see her third Oscar win this season with her portrayal of Amelia Earhart in "Amelia." Focused around the doomed aviator's life and final flight, the film offers a historic looks at one of the world's most famous feminist icons. It opens October 23.
Another hotly anticipated fall release is "Where the Wild Things Are," the film adaptation of the popular children's book. The story follows a boy who sails to an island inhabited by monsters and becomes their king. It will hit theaters on October 16.
Top on the viewing list of millions of teen girls is "New Moon," the sequel to the highly successful vampire romance "Twilight." Its predecessor raked in more than 380 million dollars worldwide, big shoes to fill for any sequel, according to Hollywood.com box office analyst, Paul Dergarabedian.
""New Moon" is one of those where everybody is kind of holding their breath because this is a big potential franchise. If the first movie did well, but the second one doesn't, that's just a blip on the radar. But this one I think is going to do really well. People are really psyched up for it."
"New Moon" hit theaters on November 25. Also releasing that same day is "Nine," the film adaptation of the 1982 Broadway musical and one of the most celebrity-packed films of the season. Directed by Rob Marshall, the man behind the Oscar winning hit musical "Chicago", "Nine" stars Daniel Day-Lewis, Penelope Cruz, and Nicole Kidman, among others. Dergarabedian says it will be a money-maker. "If you strategically place a musical in the right spot, it could be a huge hit. "Mamma Mia" earned more than "Iron Man" worldwide, so musicals are a force to be reckoned with if they're packaged properly."
Two fall documentaries are already creating a buzz in the industry. Opening September 11, "The September Issue" takes a rare look behind the scenes at "Vogue" magazine. And documentarian/satirist Michael Moore releases his next film, "Capitalism: A Love Story," on October 23. The movie examines the relationship between big business and the U.S. government in the wake the global financial crisis that began in 2008.
"This guy knows how to really create a fervor around a documentary, which is kind of funny because it used to be that documentaries were boring and people didn't want to see them. Michael Moore was one of those people who really changed the landscape for documentary film by making himself a superstar," said Dergarabedian.
Four months after his death, Michael Jackson will still be selling tickets. Hundreds of hours of footage from his "This Is It" concert rehearsals will be compiled and released as a film on October 28. For those who didn't get enough action-adventure over the summer, the fall offers "2012," an apocalyptic disaster movie that opens on
November 13. And no movie season would be complete without a few comedies. "The Men Who Stare at Goats" stars George Clooney and takes a dark, albeit funny look at a U.S. military unit that investigates psychic phenomena.