


【主播】星期六(1020),許多示威者聚集在世界銀行 (the World Bank) 與國際貨幣基金會 (International Monetary Fund) 位於美國華府 (Washington, D.C.) 的總部外,進行抗議,要求先進國家停止對第三世界國家制定經濟政策,並且團結起來對抗設立於第三世界、剝削當地勞力的工業。

【配音】今年度國基會與世銀的秋季會議主軸,圍繞在全球經濟成長趨緩、世界性信貸風暴與節節攀升的油價危機等議題上。會議中,與會的多國財政領袖,呼籲國際貨幣基金會與各國日具影響力的國有投資基金,進行更加嚴密的金融監控,以穩定經濟市場,這對七大工業國(Group of Seven)而言,格外重要。

早在上周五(1019 ),七大工業國的財政部長與中央銀行已先行會面並達成共識,一致認為金融市場的持續動盪將會傷害七國的經濟成長。然而相反的,對於同樣是國際貨幣基金會成員的發展中國家而言,卻是振興國家經濟力量的大好時機。


※ 正式新聞稿與影像:新唐人亞太電視台

※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO: Demostrators protest against IMF meetings as global finance chiefs call for broader effort to calm markets. Soaring oil prices and rocky credit markets lead to calls for calm as demonstrators protest against the work of the IMF.

STORY: Demonstrators protested outside the World Bank and International Monetary Fund Washington, D.C. headquarters Saturday (October 20), calling on the world's leading nations to stop making policies for third world countries. Protesters also rallied this weekend against sweatshop labour in the third world.

Inside the meetings, global finance chiefs called for a more broad-based effort to calm financial markets, including tighter scrutiny by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other institutions of increasingly powerful state-owned investment funds. This year's fall meetings of the IMF and World Bank come amid a slowing pace of global growth and heightened risk from recent turbulence in world credit markets and soaring oil prices.

That has particularly affected Group of Seven rich nations whose finance ministers and central bankers met on Friday (October 19) and concluded that their growth will suffer because of ongoing turmoil in markets. By contrast, developing countries that are well represented among IMF members have been emboldened at these meetings by the fact that their growth rates are thriving and have used the opportunity to flex their economic muscle.

After years of hearing from developed countries about the importance of prudent economic policies, developing nations felt they clearly had the upper hand, with China and India leading world growth and rich countries' economies slowing. Meanwhile, developed countries called on the IMF to increase its monitoring of growing state-backed wealth funds that hold surplus reserves mainly from oil exporters and China.  Those funds are investing amounts which cause some nervousness among rich members of the Group of Seven industrial nations, which want to ensure the investments are for profit-making reasons only and are not politically motivated.Developing countries also took the opportunity to push for a greater say in the voting power of institutions like the IMF. Brazil warned bluntly that under-represented countries were likely to "go their own way" unless they get a greater stake.

Intense political sensitivities are involved in trying to divvy up voting power more frequently. Some old powers like Britain and France potentially could see China move past them in voting status if an intensely negotiated formula truly acknowledges China's fast-growing economic might.


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