


【配音】人權團體表示,自從1983年斯里蘭卡爆發內戰以來,已經造成大約七萬人死亡。在經過將近四年的短暫和平之後,從去年開始,政府軍與泰米爾之虎反叛軍(the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE))之間的內戰,持續進行,斯里蘭卡當地有上百人遭到殺害或是綁架,而從2006年上半年至今,大約造成五千人喪生。無論是政府軍或是反叛軍,都受到踐踏人權的指控。

(Louise Arbour)表示:「由武裝衝突、抵制恐怖主義所採取的緊急措施、薄弱無力的法律規範,以及普遍的刑罰豁免,所共同交織出來的環境背景,令人十分擔憂。目前仍有為數眾多的綁架或失蹤,懸而未決。我認為現階段我們所能夠做的,就是收集資訊,進行分析,並且公諸於世。」【shows 2 & 4


◎ 杰贊:其實接受調查好處多多,也許可以藉此洗刷不實的指控。如今,斯里蘭卡政府卻拒絕配合聯合國,似乎是欲蓋彌彰、令人起疑呢!!

※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO: Sri Lanka rejects calls for a UN human rights monitoring mission. Sri Lanka rejects calls for a United Nations human rights monitoring mission to the island as the U.N.'s rights chief voices concern about alleged abuses.

STORY: Sri Lanka on Saturday (October 13) rejected calls for a United Nations human rights monitoring mission as the U.N.'s rights chief wound up her visit to the island, expressing concern over widespread alleged abuses.

"In the context of the armed conflict and the emergency measures taken against terrorism, the weakness of the rule of law and the prevalence of impunity is alarming. There are a large number of reported killings abductions and disappearances which remain unresolved," said U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, Louise Arbour. "I think the contribution we can make is in information gathering, analysis and credible public reporting."

Rights groups say hundreds of people have been killed or abducted in Sri Lanka since last year, when a civil war that has killed around 70,000 people since 1983 resumed after a near four-year lull. Around 5,000 people have been killed since early 2006 in the latest chapter of the two-decade war between the military and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). Elements of the military, paramilitaries and separatist Tamil Tiger rebel have all been accused of abuses.

The Sri Lankan Minister for Human Rights and Disaster Management rejected the offer. "The government of Sri Lanka's consolidated position is that we are not willing to discuss in anyway a UN presence in Sri Lanka for monitoring purposes, neither are we ready to discuss the opening of a office of the High Commissioner n Sri Lanka," Mahinda Samarasinghe told reporters.
shows 6

Sri Lanka says reports of abuses by its security forces are overblown and designed to tarnish its image. It has slammed foreign governments and rights groups for the criticism. The Sri Lankan authorities did not allow Arbour to visit rebel-held territory during her trip.

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