【主播】上星期,墨西哥市一所大學(Mexico City's Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana)的廚藝系學生,舉辦了一場頗富創意的時裝秀,他們把墨西哥菜餚中常用的食材搖身一變,成為製作流行服飾的新材質。
一位名叫派翠西雅‧帕絲翠娜(Patricia Pastran)的廚藝系學生,她穿著自己所設計的〝豆服〞亮相。她表示:「這次的食材時裝秀非常有意義,學生們不僅玩得很開心,還能展示自己在烹調以外的創意。而人們也可以藉此機會,認識一下自己國家可能沒有的食材【shows 12】」。
廚藝系的學生,希望透過這場獨特的時裝秀,展現出美食的另一種風貌。對此,這場食材時裝秀的協調負責人卡米娜‧奎撒達(Carmina Quesada)說:「經驗告訴我們身為一個廚師,必須老是關在廚房裡。但是透過伸展台,我們希望向大家展示食材的多種用途,不僅可以拿來烹調,甚至做成服裝也未嘗不可【shows 14】」。
※ 正式新聞稿與影像:「新唐人電視台」、「新唐人亞太電視台」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Mexican culinary students create latest food fashions. Mexican culinary students turn tasty materials such as beans, corn, and chilies into ready-to-wear fashions.
STORY: Beans, corn, and chilies are basics in Mexican cooking, but some creative culinary students in Mexico City have turned them into ready-to-wear fashions. Culinary students at Mexico City's Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana, put on a fashion show on Friday (October 12) in which pineapples and oranges took the place of silk and organza
"It is an important event and as a student you have a good time and it is something different where you can show more than just making a dish. You are showing what is gastronomy, and people can learn about new ingredients that may not exist in their countries," said culinary student, Patricia Pastrana, who modeled her own bean encrusted dress.【shows 12】
The students hoped their unique fashion show would show gastronomy is more than just cooking. "They are always telling us that to be a chef you have to be locked in the kitchen but on the catwalk we want to show that you can do many thing with food, not just eat it. You can use food for different things, in this case dresses, why not?," asked event coordinator, Carmina Quesada.
Other tasty materials featured in the 16 designs were salami, seaweed, coconut, and basil.