【主播】法國巴黎時裝周,於星期六(10月6日)繼續熱烈進行。英國設計師約翰‧加里亞諾(John Galliano),除了展示2008年春夏時裝外,再次發揮創意,把伸展台化身為巨大的電影布景。現在就讓我們來看一看。
【配音】加里亞諾以往服裝設計的主題非常廣泛,從藝妓到野蠻人,都是他的取材對象。在加里亞諾的時裝秀場上,比利時女演員娜塔莎‧雷吉妮(Natacha Regnier)表示:「每位設計師都依照自己的風格,在時裝界獨領風騷。而懸掛在伸展台天花板上的玻璃球與鳥籠,則讓時裝秀場營造出三零年代電影的氣息」。 ( Ps.沒有shows )
除了加里亞諾外,在這次的巴黎時裝周裡,還有幾位設計師也花盡巧思,讓自己所設計的服裝,在具有舞台效果的伸展台上,呈現於世人面前。例如設計師高田賢三(Kenzo),就從亞馬遜雨林獲得靈感,讓伸展台上充滿各種原野鳥鳴聲。另外,英國設計師亞歷山大‧麥昆(Alexander McQueen),則讓模特兒從巨型蜘蛛的腳下現身,在充滿點點星光的伸展台上走秀。
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Galliano show features stuffed ostrich and children's merry-go-round for spring/summer 2008 collection . British designer John Galliano presents his 2008 spring/summer collection in Paris.
STORY: Paris Fashion Week continued on Saturday (October 6) with John Galliano's show who managed to turn his catwalk into a giant filmset.
Throwing kisses at supermodel Naomi Campbell who sat in the front row, girls in silver tops with sparkling collars and sharp suit jackets paraded past an old-fashioned merry-go-round and underneath a fish hanging from the ceiling.
Galliano, whose past collections have been based on themes ranging from ghosts to geishas to goths, is one of several designers who presented his summer collections in theatrical settings in Paris this week.
On Kenzo's catwalk, birds squawked and chirped earlier on Saturday in a show inspired by an Amazonian rainforest.
On Friday, British designer Alexander McQueen let models emerge underneath the legs of a large spider and at Chanel, the girls paraded out on a star-covered catwalk dominated by a giant version of the fashion house's signature bow.
"Each designer has his own style and creates his own universe," Belgian actress Natacha Regnier told Reuters at Galliano's show, where models presented layered cardigans with diagonal buttons, wrapped together by ribbons in the back. "
"It's very atmospheric, like in 1930s films," Regnier said, looking at mirror balls and birdcages hanging from the ceiling.