【主播】以明年春夏季女性服飾為主軸的時裝秀,在昨天(9月22日)於意大利的米蘭開展。超級名模納奧米‧坎貝爾 ( Naomi Campbell ),也在這次的時裝展中現身。現在就讓我們帶著觀眾一塊來看一看。
【配音】坎貝爾身穿名為〝拉克斯比基尼小姐〞的女裝(Miss Bikini LUXE),在伸展台上展現卓越風姿。而她此行的另一個目地,則是為了宣傳「救濟時尚 ( Fashion for Relief ) 」的慈善活動而來。
這次米蘭春夏女性時裝周,共有多達80位的設計師參展,其中包括了知名品牌喬治‧阿瑪尼 (Giorgio Armani) 、范斯哲 (Versace) 與杜嘉班納 (Dolce & Gabbana)。
※ 正式新聞稿與影像:「新唐人電視台」、「新唐人亞太電視台」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Milan's womenswear fashion shows launch with Naomi Campbell. Supermodel Naomi Campbell drops in for a sparkling start to Milan's spring and summer womenswear shows.
STORY: Milan's womenswear collections for next spring and summer kicked off on Saturday (September 22).
Supermodel Naomi Campbell(納奧米·坎貝爾) strutted her stuff at Miss Bikini LUXE. Campbell, who is in town to promote her "Fashion for Relief" charity, wore a sparkling sequinned swimsuit and chiffon cover-up from the collection by Alessandra and Francesca Piacentini.
The LUXE collection mixed minimal bikinis covered in gold mosaic or coloured sequins with chiffon scarves, shawls and dresses using seventies-style prints. Diamond Seduction used underwear as outerwear, stretching lace bodices down to the thigh for a cocktail dress or using fine organza for denim shorts.。
Around 80 designers showcase their collections this week on the catwalk, including big names like Giorgio Armani ( 喬治‧阿瑪尼;阿曼尼 ), Versace(范斯哲;凡賽斯) and Dolce & Gabbana(杜嘉班納).
搬新家嚕 ~ 新網誌在此:http://pa701009.blogspot.tw/,懇請舊雨新知繼續支持捧場啦!
- Sep 24 Mon 2007 01:09
〈新唐人亞太電視新聞編譯〉ITALY-FASHION 春夏女性時裝展 米蘭開跑