

奎茲(Arne Quinz),於上周五(914)晚間,發表他的最新都市景觀雕塑,讓布魯塞爾(Brussels)的居民驚嘆連連。現在讓我們帶著觀眾朋友,到比利時去看一看。


奎茲說:「對我而言,激發人們的想像空間是非常重要的,我嘗試著開拓大家的心胸。我希望這件藝術創作,不僅帶給布魯塞爾市民心靈上的力量,同時成為彼此間的溝通橋梁,讓大家聚在一塊,臉上浮現笑容」。他並表示這次創作的概念,在於「凝結的速度(speed caught in time)」。【shows 1219


※ 正式新聞稿與影像:「新唐人電視台」、「新唐人亞太電視台

※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO: Light and sound come to life in a new urban sculpture in Brussels. Cityscape, an 18 metres high wooden sculpture designed by Belgium artist Arne Quinze, goes in display in Brussels.

STORY: Brussels residents marvelled at a new urban sculpture on Friday night (September 14) when Belgian artist Arne Quinze unveiled its latest work with a mesmerizing show of light and sound. 

The sculpture came to life under rays of light and a soundtrack where birdsongs followed noises from the wilderness.  Depending on which angle you are looking the art piece from, its shape evokes a bird, a crocodile, a cloud or a spaceship. 

This huge ephemeral wooden sculpture was created by Belgian artist Arne Quinze. It will try and seduce passers by for a year.  ''For me it was very important to create an atmosphere that that people start to dreaming again and that they are like floating in the universe that they can make themselves, I try to open their minds and I hope people make their own imagination,'' Quinze explained. 

Cityscape took about 2 weeks to build and stands proud at 18 metres high. Erected on a barren building site, it spreads across 40 metres by 25.

Quinze has made similar sculptures in the Nevada desert last year.  What the artist wants to do with this massive city sculpture is to convey energy and movement as well as reviving a previously abandoned site. Quinze says he wants people to see it as "speed caught in time".

He is also really keen to get people to interact with it walking through the 12 metres high beams of wood which, when assembled, look like a forest of giant matchsticks randomly packed on top of each other. 

''You have sculptures where you can look at it and on the other way you have sculpture that absorbs you. And I hope that this sculpture at the same time gives also an energy to the rest, to the rest of the city and again that also work as a communication tool that attract the people, that they come together and they have just a smile on their face,'' Quinze said.

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