【配音】這本名為「淑女字典 ("The Ladies Dictionary; Being A General Entertainment For The Fair-Sex / A Work Never Before Been Attempted In English") 」的書,原先為一位約克郡的書商所有。不久前,這位書商去世了,倫敦寶龍拍賣場(Bonhams auction house)在對書商的收藏進行分類時,發現了這本不尋常的女性書籍。
寶龍專責書籍拍賣的馬修‧海利(Matthew Haley)表示,這本書揭露了17世紀女性不為人知的一面與對於美麗的追求。海利說:「淑女字典這本書告訴我們,女性會想盡各種辦法讓自己更美麗,無論是狐狸油、處女蠟或者是其他能夠有助於變漂亮的東西」。【shows 4】
※ 正式新聞稿與影像:「新唐人電視台」、「新唐人亞太電視台」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: From turpentine for sagging breasts to goose fat for complexions, a newly discovered book reveals the unusual beauty routines of 17th century women.A book dating 1694 catalogues the unconventional beauty treatments given to women at that time revealing that while treatments may have changed, women's quest for physical perfection remains the same.
STORY: A book containing beauty treatments of women in the 17th century is to go under the hammer in early September in London.
"The Ladies Dictionary; Being A General Entertainment For The Fair-Sex / A Work Never Before Been Attempted In English" was in the possession of a Yorkshire book seller until his recent death. Bonhams auction house in London were sorting through his book collection when they discovered the unusual women's book.
Matthew Haley, the book specialist for the auctioneers, said the book reveals the unconventional and some worrisome beauty treatments of 17th century ladies. "The book tells us really that women will go to extreme lengths in search of beauty. They'll slap on oil of foxes and virgin's wax and anything they can find really," said Haley.
Women in the 17th century were not skinny, so today's size zero models would not be de rigeur at that time, neither would overly obese women. But should a woman wish to shed a few extra pounds, the book says to bathe in a bath of claret (wine) mixed with wormwood (absinthe), roses, rosemary, chamomile and sage.
Wearing too much make-up was a no no, with the author stressing "a painted face is enough to destroy the reputation of her that uses it and expose her to all manner of reproaches.
Just as some of today's women are concerned with losing weight, healthy complexion, and how far to go with a man on the first date, the encyclopaedia reveals 17th century women had similar concerns.
If anything, the book reveals that while beauty regimens may have changed, women's, and modernly, men's quest for beauty is natural. The 500-page book will go up for auction at Bonhams on September the 11th.