HEADLINE: Kiriat Shmone Recuperating After The War
ANCHOR: Kiriat Shmone situated to the North of Haifa, has received 1000 katiusha rockets during the 45 days of war forced by the Hezbollah on Israel. No losses in life have been encountered
but the losses in property are very severe. Most public institutions and local attractions have been damaged and the question is… if the local government can overcome all and start the school at the beginning of September, as planned. Here is our NTDTV Correspondent Isabella Xiong with more.
STORY: The panoramic city of Kiriat Shmone has seen better days. Only a few days ago, before the cease-fire agreement, the city has marked its one-thousandth katiusha rocket.
[Haim Barbibay, Mayor of Kiriat Shmone]: “Since 1968, Kiriat Shmone has been under perpetual threats of being attacked by the katiusha rockets. Since then we live in the shadow of the katiusha.
But this one and a half month was the hardest in the life of Kiriat Shmone. Thank God no one was killed. Two people got injured and another 45 people suffer from shock and anxiety.”
The local government is striving day and night to restore everything the way it was before the war. Construction workers can be seen everywhere. The schools are their main target since the school semester is starting next week. But the big question that everybody is asking is: WILL EVERYTHING BE DONE ON TIME?
[Ofer Zafrani, Vice Deputy Director, Danciger School]: “Our school was hit three times by three katiusha rochets. Almost all school was ruined, you can see that all the class room without anything left, all the glasses, all the doors, all the walls, all the floor, everything is ruined.”
Abraham, School Janitor has found this katiusha rocket in one of the classes on Saturday eve.
[Abraham, School Janitor]: “The rocket has destroyed a few floors. The katiusha touched the wall, that beam, then the other beam, and then the window frame and enter inside the classroom. 8 classrooms were ravaged, 4 on this side and 4 on the other side.”
Some residents have fled the city during the war and came back after the cease-fire. The psychological difficulty that the people are in, is very big. The children are the ones that suffered the most.
[Ofer Zafrani, Vice Deputy Director, Danciger School]: ”Our children that were in the shelters during the last week are feeling after trauma, they are afraid, every noise, are making them shaking and they feel very bad.”
The local government and the management of the schools are doing everything in their power to restore the confidence in the parents and children. The first thing is to detect the children that are suffering from anxiety and try to give the appropriate help and support.
[Haim Barbibay, Mayor of Kiriat Shmone]: “There is no reason for this destruction, no reason for this war, no reason for this suffering that the people encounter. In spite of the destruction of houses and the huge quantity of katiusha, no one was killed and we are happy it is like this. Because buildings can be fixed, but people can not be brought back.”
2000 private homes and 3 schools have been severely damaged but all this can be fixed because is just a matter of money, but all the people who have been injured, their wounds won’t heal for a long time. Reporting from Kiriat Shmone, Isabella Xiong, NTDTV Israel.
【標題】奇瑞特錫蒙市 (Kiriat Shmone) 的戰後復原
【主播】在為期四十五天由真主黨(Hezbollah) 對以色列所挑起的戰爭中,位於海法 (Haifa) 北部的奇瑞特錫蒙市 (Kiriat Shmone),已遭受一千枚卡茲夏火箭彈 ( katiusha rocket ) 的襲擊。儘管沒有人員傷亡,但財物上的損失則相當慘重。大部份的公家機關與當地的風景名勝已遭摧毀。問題是,當地政府能否克服目前的種種困境,並按照原定計畫於九月初讓學生返校就學。以下是新唐人電視台新聞特派員 熊‧伊莎貝拉 (Isabella Xiong) 所作的深入報導。
【配音】就在幾天前,停火協議尚未達成之際,奇瑞特錫蒙市剛遭受到第一千枚卡茲夏火箭彈 ( katiusha rocket ) 的襲擊。如今,奇瑞特錫蒙市 (Kiriat Shmone) 的全市外貌,已經復原許多。
奇瑞特錫蒙市的市長 翰‧拔伯貝 (Haim Barbibay) 表示:自1968年起,奇瑞特錫蒙市一直處於遭受卡茲夏火箭彈 ( katiusha rocket ) 攻擊的威脅下。同時,我們也自此生活在卡茲夏火箭彈的陰影下。
丹錫格學校 (Danciger School ) 的 副主任 歐福‧列佛尼 ( Ofer Zafrani ) 表示:我們的學校被三枚火箭彈擊中。幾乎全校被摧毀殆盡。你能看到所有教室無任何東西倖存,玻璃、門牆、地板等各種東西都被徹底破壞。
在亞伯拉罕, 一位學校管理員於週六傍晚,在學校的一間教室中發現了這枚火箭彈。這位學校管理員表示:這枚火箭彈穿過了幾層地板後,碰觸到這面牆壁、那根橫樑,然後是另一根橫樑,接著則是這個窗架後,進入這間教室裡面。一共有八間教室受到波及,這邊與那邊各四間。
丹錫格學校 (Danciger School ) 的 副主任 歐福‧列佛尼 ( Ofer Zafrani ) 表示:在經歷過這場戰爭後,上週曾棲身於避難所的孩子們,他們的心靈變成非常的脆弱與恐懼。任何聲響,都會讓他們感到非常的驚恐。
奇瑞特錫蒙市的市長 翰‧拔伯貝 (Haim Barbibay) 表示:這些破壞、這場戰爭以及人民所遭遇到的痛苦,一切都毫無正當理由。儘管很多的房子坍塌了,還有大量的火箭彈攻擊,但是並沒有造成人員的死亡,我們對此深感欣慰。因為建築物壞了可以重建,而人死卻不能復生。
共計有2000戶民宅與三所學校遭到嚴重毀損,但這些只要花錢都能修復的好。然而,對所有受過戰爭創傷的人民而言,他們身心靈的受創,即便時間過得再久也是無法痊癒的。以上,是由新唐人電視台新聞特派員 熊‧伊莎貝拉 (Isabella Xiong) 於以色列,所作的深入報導。
【主播】在以色列与黎巴嫩真主党45天的冲突中,位于以色列海法市 (Haifa) 北部
的奇瑞特锡蒙市 (Kiriat Shmone),遭受了一千枚真主党火箭弹的袭击。尽管没有
弹 ( katiusha rocket ) 的袭击。
奇瑞特锡蒙市长翰·拔伯贝 (Haim Barbibay) :“自1968年起,奇瑞特锡蒙市就一
直处于遭受卡兹夏火箭弹 ( katiusha rocket ) 袭击的威胁下。同时,我们也自此
丹锡格学校 (Danciger School ) 副主任 欧福·列佛尼 ( Ofer Zafrani ) :”我
丹锡格学校 (Danciger School ) 的 副主任欧福·列佛尼 ( Ofer Zafrani ) :
奇瑞特锡蒙市市长 翰·拔伯贝 (Haim Barbibay) :“这些破坏、这场战争以及人
以上是由新唐人记者伊莎贝拉(Isabella Xiong) 于发自以色列的报导。
Edited by - Hilary on 08/29/2006 08:41:04
Edited by - Hilary on 08/29/2006 09:03:41
Edited by - Hilary on 08/29/2006 09:14:27
Edited by - Hilary on 08/29/2006 09:17:47
Edited by - Hilary on 08/29/2006 09:01:33