INTRO: Bushfires continue to rage across southeastern Australia; Tasmanian residents warned of possible need for evacuation if burning embers threaten homes.
STORY: Fire crews in Tasmania, and southeast Australia on Friday (October 13) continued to fight a number of large bushfires, sparked by record October temperatures.
Three firefighters working on blazes in Tasmania's capital city of Hobart have been taken to hospital suffering from smoke inhalation. The fire is still burning freely in a few places but is mostly under control, fire authorities say.
The big concern now is whether the wind picks up to fan the fires once more. Authorities are warning Tasmania residents they still need to be prepared to defend their homes from burning embers.
In Victoria, a much needed cool change from Thursday's 36.5 Celcius is helping firefighters as they continue to battle blazes in the state's east, but the predicted hotter temperatures are of concern. County Fire Authority spokesman, Ross Anderson said, "The on-coming weather is a bit daunting with 30 plus degrees, strong south-westerly winds."
The state of New South Wales is facing the same fears about upcoming high temperatures in the coming days. Emergency services are gearing up to battle yet more bushfires as temperatures are set to soar into the mid-30s Celcius. END
主播:星期五(十月十三日) 澳大利亞東南部省份和最南端的离島省份塔斯馬尼亞省的消防人員不斷地与大火奮戰,澳大利亞破紀錄的十月高溫在多處引燃了森林大火。
主播:星期五(十月十三日) 澳洲東南部和最南端的離島省份塔斯馬尼亞省的救火隊不斷的與大火奮戰,澳洲破紀錄的十月高溫引燃了森林大火。
新南威爾斯省(New South Wales)也面臨氣溫即將上升的威脅。當氣溫上升至攝氏35度左右時,緊急救援服務將投入更多的救火工作。
配音澳大利亞東南部森林大火繼續肆虐。 有關當局已警告塔斯馬尼亞省的居民,如果大火餘燼未滅,他們仍需隨時准備撤离家園。
三名消防員在塔省省府霍巴特市(hobart)救火時因吸入大量濃煙,目前已被送往醫院治療。消防部門表示,大火仍然在一些地區肆虐,但大部份地區已被控制住。 澳大利亞地方消防服務中心的發言人