

INTRO: Grapefruit-sized stone removed from a woman's bladder in Israel,challenging world record.


STORY: Israeli doctors have removed a grapefruit-sized stone from the bladder of an Israeli woman after she left it untreated for years, possibly breaking world records.

The stone, removed in its entirety, had a diameter of 13 centimetres (5.1 inches) and weighed almost 1 kilogram (2.2 lbs).

Doctor Haim Farhadian, who carried out operation at the Western Galilee hospital in northern Israel on Tuesday (October 24) said : " In the urology examination there was a suspect of stone in the blood(生來就有的), but we couldn't recognise the real size of the stone. So in the operation room, first we tried to break the stone by endoscopic (內視鏡的) means, but when we looked at it we saw it was a tremendous huge stone, so we have no choice other than open the bladder to operate through the abdomen and to take the stone out through the incision(切口) in the bladder."

48-year-old patient Moneera Khalil was surprised when the doctors explained what was in her body. "I could not believe such a thing was inside my body. I am happy everything ended well and that the pain is gone," Khalil said.

The Guinness Book of World Records lists a bladder stone weighing 260 grams (0.6 lb) with a diameter of 7 cm (2.75 inches), taken from a man in Yemen in 1998, as the largest ever removed.

Haim Farhadian said the woman had been hospitalised three years ago after suffering similar pains but had refused treatment.

Dehydration(脫水) can often cause dissolved(溶解) minerals in a person's urine to form masses inside their kidneys(腎臟), uterus(子宮) or bladder(膀胱). Such "stones" causes abdominal(腹部的) pain by obstructing(阻礙) urine flow.

The stones usually do not grow beyond two inches and are often passed naturally.






這顆膀胱結石的直徑,長達13厘米( 5.1英吋),而重量方面,則約1公斤左右 ( 2.2)

本週二 ( 十月二十四日 ) 於以色列北部西伽利利醫院 ( the Western Galilee hospital ) 進行這項摘除手術的翰‧法爾迪恩( Haim Farhadian )醫師表示:「在檢驗泌尿系統時,我們懷疑這顆膀胱結石是這名婦女生來就有的,但我們無法確認其究竟有多大。因此,在進行手術時,我們首先採用將結石打碎的方式,但當我們透過內視鏡看見這顆極為巨大的結石後,我們不得不從這名婦女的腹部進行摘除手術,切開其膀胱後從切口取出這顆結石。」

當醫生向現年48歲的女病患莫妮拉‧克莉爾(Moneera Khalil)說明其病情時,她本人感到十分驚訝。克莉爾表示:「我無法相信自己的體內存在著這樣的東西。我很高興一切都圓滿的落幕了,而且病痛已經消失了」。

在目前的金式世界紀錄(The Guinness Book of World Records)中,世界上最大的一顆膀胱結石,是在1998年自一名葉門(Yemen)的男性病患體內所取出來的。這顆膀胱結石,重達260公克,直徑長達7厘米。

翰‧法爾迪恩( Haim Farhadian )醫師表示這名婦女在三年前,曾經因相類似的病痛而住院治療過,但後來卻拒絕繼續接收治療。



       ※ 延伸閱讀:多維新聞網 ─ 「以色列醫生摘除人體內最大結石 重1公斤





星期二參加這項摘除手術的西伽利利醫院 ( the Western Galilee hospital ) 的法爾迪恩( Haim Farhadian )醫生表示:“在檢驗泌尿系統時,我們怀疑有結石,但無法确認其究竟有多大。因此,在進行手術時,我們首先試圖采用透過內視鏡將結石打碎的方式,但當我們看見這顆极為巨大的結石後,我們不得不從這名婦女的腹部進行摘除手術,切開其膀胱後從切口取出這顆結石。”

當醫生向現年48歲的女病患克莉爾(Moneera Khalil)說明其病情時,她本人感到十分惊訝。克莉爾說:“我無法相信自己的体內存在著這樣的東西。”

目前的吉尼斯世界紀錄(The Guinness Book of World Records)中,世界上最大的一顆膀胱結石,是1998年自一名葉門(Yemen)的男子体內取出來的,重260公克,直徑為7厘米。

        ※ 正式新聞稿取自「新唐人電視臺整點新聞


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