【主播】美國國務卿賴斯(Condoleezza Rice)昨天(11月3日)再度抵達耶路撒冷(Jerusalem),讓巴勒斯坦與以色列雙邊的領導人,在舉行探討巴勒斯坦國家定位的會議之前,先行展開對談,以減少兩方認知上的差距。
負責領導以色列協商團隊與巴勒斯坦進行交涉的以色列外長理文妮 (Tzipi Livni),先前在耶路撒冷的中東政策會議上,已經與巴勒斯坦總理法耶茲(Salam Fayyad)會過面。每年美國與以色列就中東議題所展開的高規格「沙班論壇(Saban Forum)」,也曾邀請理文妮與法耶茲出席。這兩人在論壇期間曾經友好握手,並且被安排一同共進晚餐。
至於賴斯未來的訪問行程,將於星期天與星期一,分別與以色列總理埃胡德·奧爾默特(Ehud Olmert)和巴勒斯坦總統馬哈茂德·阿巴斯(Mahmoud Abbas)會面。近幾星期以來,以色列與巴勒斯坦雙方都強調會遵行2003年所立下的協定,減少兩邊發生衝突。
※ 正式新聞稿與影像:「新唐人電視台」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Condoleezza Rice arrives in region to prompt Israeli-Palestinian talks.
STORY: U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice arrived in Jerusalem again on Saturday (November 3) for more talks aimed at bridging differences between Palestinian and Israeli leaders ahead of a conference on Palestinian statehood.
On her third visit to the region in six weeks, Rice hopes to push both sides to agree on a joint document on statehood to be presented at the meeting in Annapolis(安納波利斯), Maryland(馬里蘭州), officials said. The joint document is intended to lay down the principles by which a Palestinian state can be established.
Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, who is heading the Israeli negotiation team with the Palestinians, met Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad in Jerusalem during a conference on Middle East policy.
The "Saban Forum" annual U.S.-Israel dialogue, which brings high-level politicians and academics to discuss Middle East issues, hosted Livni and Fayyad on its opening session. The two shook hands and later set together at a dinner table.
Rice will meet on Sunday Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who faces stiff opposition within his own coalition to any concessions on borders or a division of Jerusalem. On Monday she will meet with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who is under pressure to show his people he can deliver an end to Israeli occupation and can also withstand a challenge to his authority from Hamas Islamists, hostile to Israel, who seized control of the Gaza Strip five months ago.
In recent weeks, both sides have stressed their commitment to implementing the first phase of the long-dormant "road map" accords of 2003, which commit Palestinian leaders to suppressing militants and Israel to reining in Jewish settlement.
搬新家嚕 ~ 新網誌在此:http://pa701009.blogspot.tw/,懇請舊雨新知繼續支持捧場啦!
- Nov 04 Sun 2007 16:59
〈新唐人電視新聞編譯〉ISRAEL-RICE CONVOY 賴斯三訪耶路撒冷 促以巴先行展開對談