

【主播】一名紅十字國際委員會( the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) )的官員,於週六 ( 929) 證實,先前遭到塔利班(Taliban)劫持的四名工作人員,在三天前已平安獲釋。

【配音】這四名工作人員,有兩位是阿富汗人,一位是馬其頓人,另一位則是緬甸人。他們在上週三 ( 925 )於阿富汗首都喀布爾西南方的沃達克省(Wardak),被塔利班抓走。

羅全斯汀(Franz Rauchenstien)表示:「我們真的非常、非常的高興四位遭到劫持的工作人員,能夠全身而退。對於這起事件的平安落幕,我們感到無比欣慰」。【shows 5


※ 正式新聞稿與影像:「新唐人電視台」、「新唐人亞太電視台

※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO: ICRC says Taliban free 4 kidnapped staff.  An official for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) says Taliban insurgents have freed four staff who were kidnapped in Afghanistan.

STORY: An official of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) confirmed on Saturday (September 29) that Taliban insurgents freed four ICRC staff kidnapped in Afghanistan three days ago.

"Yes, I can tell you we are very very happy, it is a very very big day for us our four colleagues who have been held by an armed group during four days. They are safely back. They are safe and sound and we are, I can't say how happy we are," said Franz Rauchenstien, deputy head of the ICRC delegation in Kabul.
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The four men, two Afghans, a Macedonian and a citizen of Myanmar, were seized by the Taliban in Wardak province, southwest of the Afghan capital Kabul on Wednesday (September 25). 

The ICRC team was returning from a failed mission to facilitate the release of a German engineer kidnapped by the Taliban in July. The Taliban have kidnapped dozens of Afghans and foreigners in recent months as part of their campaign to create an atmosphere of insecurity, and undermine the government and its Western backers.

The ICRC said the four were safe and unharmed. In August, the ICRC helped facilitate talks between the Taliban and South Korean officials that led to the release of 21 Korean hostages after more than a month of captivity. Two other Koreans were killed. The ICRC deploys 60 expatriates and some 1,300 Afghan nationals in Afghanistan.  Its officials visit several thousand detainees in Afghanistan each year to ensure they are being treated humanely in accordance with international law.

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