【主播】為了有效持續遏止印度邊境地區嚴重的非法移民問題,印度有關當局在北部邊界地帶,發行了內建晶片的智慧卡(smart cards),這將有助於當地合法居民的身分辨識。
【配音】這張智慧晶片卡,又被稱為多功能全國身份識別證(Multipurpose National Identification cards (MNIC)),原先只是一個實驗性質的計畫,在2003年時,由印度聯邦內政部 ( the federal Home (Interior) Ministry ) 在國內20個與鄰國交界的地區,進行試驗。
目前,位於印度北方烏塔普拉德什邦 ( Uttar Pradesh ) 的瑙坦瓦 ( Nautanwa ) 鎮,當地邦政府已經正式發行這種智慧卡。從治安觀點來看,隨著尼泊爾國內毛派份子活動的日益頻繁,擁有45萬人口、位於印度與尼泊爾邊界的瑙坦瓦鎮,它的地位顯得十分重要。
一位持有智慧卡的民眾表示:「這張卡片將成為身份與居住的證明。我們住在邊境地區,而想要辨認出從邊界滲入的恐怖份子,相當困難。而這張智慧卡正好能夠解決這個問題」。【shows 9】
※ 正式新聞稿與影像:「新唐人電視台」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Indian authorities issue microchip-based cards to check infiltration in border areas. Provincial authorities issue microchip based multipurpose 'smart cards', which will double up as identification cards, in India's northern border areas, and help keep a check on illegal immigration.
STORY: To keep a check on rampant illegal immigration along India's border areas, authorities are issuing microchip based 'smart cards', which would double up as identification proof, to resident citizens.
Launched in 2003 by the federal Home (Interior) Ministry, the 'smart cards' or Multipurpose National Identification cards (MNIC) project was initiated as a pilot project in 20 border districts.
Provincial authorities have started issuing smart cards in Nautanwa (瑙坦瓦) town of Gorakhpur(哥拉克布爾) district in northern Uttar Pradesh state(烏塔普拉德什邦). Located on India-Nepal border, Nautanwa, with a population of 450,000, has a sizable strength of Nepali origin people. Nautanwa is also considered significant from the security point of view due to increased Maoist activity in Nepal.
"This card will act as an identity and residential proof. We live in the border area and it is difficult to identify the terrorists entering from the border area. This card will thus enable to authenticate the residence of the locals and identify the terrorists," said Ram Prasad Singh, A Multi Purpose National Identity Card Holder.
The card resembling a Debit or ATM card is being issued only to people residing for more than 15 years in the town. The card carries a photograph of the person along with fingerprint mark. An embedded computer chip would hold all vital information of the bearer. Residents would also be provided with a unique 'Individual Code Number'. The 'smart card' would also help residents avail public services like healthcare, education and banking. The cards are being home-delivered by the authorities through postal department to the citizens.
"The cards are being produced in Kolkata production centre and is being distributed through the Indian Postal Services. The cards comes through speed post to the respective post offices from where the local postman afterwards delivers the card at the doorstep of the local residents," said Pratap Singh, Assistant Director, Pilot Project, Multi Purpose National Identity Card, Maharajganj.【shows 13】
A month after the MNIC pilot project was launched in November 2003, the Citizenship Act of 1955 was amended to provide for compulsory registration of all citizens and issue of a national identity card.
The pilot project was launched in border-states like Jammu and Kashmir, Gujarat, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Assam, West Bengal and Tripura, besides other states like coastal Tamil Nadu and Goa, and national capital Delhi.