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2007年巧克力頂級定制女裝秀 (The "2007 Haute Chocolate Couture Collection")」,為從前天正式開始的國際巧克力展覽,揭開序幕。

(Ashley Moss)則對她的餅乾服讚不絕口:「這真是太神奇了,因為身上穿的跟平常的衣服完全不同,所以我感到很興奮。這是我第一次穿由餅乾製作而成的衣服」。【shows 4

(Ortrud Muench Carstens)表示,陽光是她作品的最大殺手,她說:「這些巧克力服不僅必須低溫保存,而且溫度的控制相當嚴格。有一天我在製作時,把窗戶打開了,陽光照射進來,結果巧克力服就融化了,如果你靠的夠近,應該不難發現到」。【shows 7

(Metropolitan Pavilion)舉行,從119日開始,一直到1111日。而實際上,這個星期也是紐約市的巧克力週,當地許多餐廳、旅館與零售商,都會提供顧客特別的巧克力商品。

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(113)在美國紐約中央公園(Central Park)舉行了奧運馬拉松項目的選手選拔競賽,由萊恩霍爾(Ryan Hall)贏得參賽資格。而另一位參與選拔的長跑冠軍萊恩(Ryan Shay),則在參賽過程中猝死,令人扼腕。



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【主播】上星期,墨西哥市一所大學(Mexico City's Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana)的廚藝系學生,舉辦了一場頗富創意的時裝秀,他們把墨西哥菜餚中常用的食材搖身一變,成為製作流行服飾的新材質。 


帕絲翠娜(Patricia Pastran)的廚藝系學生,她穿著自己所設計的〝豆服〞亮相。她表示:「這次的食材時裝秀非常有意義,學生們不僅玩得很開心,還能展示自己在烹調以外的創意。而人們也可以藉此機會,認識一下自己國家可能沒有的食材【shows 12】」。

奎撒達(Carmina Quesada)說:「經驗告訴我們身為一個廚師,必須老是關在廚房裡。但是透過伸展台,我們希望向大家展示食材的多種用途,不僅可以拿來烹調,甚至做成服裝也未嘗不可【shows 14】」。

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【主播】法國巴黎時裝周,於星期六(10月6日)繼續熱烈進行。英國設計師約翰‧加里亞諾(John Galliano),除了展示2008年春夏時裝外,再次發揮創意,把伸展台化身為巨大的電影布景。現在就讓我們來看一看。

【配音】加里亞諾以往服裝設計的主題非常廣泛,從藝妓到野蠻人,都是他的取材對象。在加里亞諾的時裝秀場上,比利時女演員娜塔莎‧雷吉妮(Natacha Regnier)表示:「每位設計師都依照自己的風格,在時裝界獨領風騷。而懸掛在伸展台天花板上的玻璃球與鳥籠,則讓時裝秀場營造出三零年代電影的氣息」。 ( Ps.沒有shows ) 

除了加里亞諾外,在這次的巴黎時裝周裡,還有幾位設計師也花盡巧思,讓自己所設計的服裝,在具有舞台效果的伸展台上,呈現於世人面前。例如設計師高田賢三(Kenzo),就從亞馬遜雨林獲得靈感,讓伸展台上充滿各種原野鳥鳴聲。另外,英國設計師亞歷山大‧麥昆(Alexander McQueen),則讓模特兒從巨型蜘蛛的腳下現身,在充滿點點星光的伸展台上走秀。

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【主播】明年春夏季女性服飾為主軸的時裝秀,在昨天(922)於意大利的米蘭開展。超級名模納奧米坎貝爾 ( Naomi Campbell ),也在這次的時裝展中現身。現在就讓我們帶著觀眾一塊來看一看。

【配音】坎貝爾身穿名為〝拉克斯比基尼小姐〞的女裝(Miss Bikini LUXE),在伸展台上展現卓越風姿。而她此行的另一個目地,則是為了宣傳「救濟時尚 ( Fashion for Relief ) 」的慈善活動而來。


春夏女性時裝周,共有多達80位的設計師參展,其中包括了知名品牌喬治阿瑪尼 (Giorgio Armani) 、范斯哲 (Versace) 與杜嘉班納 (Dolce & Gabbana)

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奎茲(Arne Quinz),於上周五(914)晚間,發表他的最新都市景觀雕塑,讓布魯塞爾(Brussels)的居民驚嘆連連。現在讓我們帶著觀眾朋友,到比利時去看一看。


奎茲說:「對我而言,激發人們的想像空間是非常重要的,我嘗試著開拓大家的心胸。我希望這件藝術創作,不僅帶給布魯塞爾市民心靈上的力量,同時成為彼此間的溝通橋梁,讓大家聚在一塊,臉上浮現笑容」。他並表示這次創作的概念,在於「凝結的速度(speed caught in time)」。【shows 1219


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【配音】這本名為「淑女字典 ("The Ladies Dictionary; Being A General Entertainment For The Fair-Sex / A Work Never Before Been Attempted In English") 」的書,原先為一位約克郡的書商所有。不久前,這位書商去世了,倫敦寶龍拍賣場(Bonhams auction house)在對書商的收藏進行分類時,發現了這本不尋常的女性書籍。

寶龍專責書籍拍賣的馬修‧海利(Matthew Haley)表示,這本書揭露了17世紀女性不為人知的一面與對於美麗的追求。海利說:「淑女字典這本書告訴我們,女性會想盡各種辦法讓自己更美麗,無論是狐狸油、處女蠟或者是其他能夠有助於變漂亮的東西」。【shows 4


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INTRO: Competitors pitch, dunk and juggle to win a gold medal in the mobile phone throwing championships. Contenders from eight different countries employ a variety of different styles in the mobile phone throwing world championships in Savonlinna, eastern Finland.

STORY: Competitors from eight different countries took part in the mobile phone throwing world championships in Savonlinna, eastern Finland, on Saturday (August 25, 2007).

Men, women and children competed in different heats; traditional style with traditional over the shoulder throwing, where the length of the throwing is crucial, and freestyle heats, where the performance, aesthetics and creative choreography all help influence the result.

Martin Puehl from Germany, who finished outside of the podium, told Reuters Television why he was taking part in the competition "I am just here for fun, having fun. I like the idea of the competition and it's just great fun..Olympic spirit."
shows 8

This year, Finnish competitor Tommi Huotari took gold in the traditional heat, with a throw of 89.62 metres in the distance event, a few metres short of the world record.  "I am sure that everybody would like to throw his phone every once in a while so now I got to fulfill this dream and it felt nice," he said.

To highlight the playful side of the competition, a freestyle event judged on aesthetics is included. The gold in this event was shared by Taco Cohen from the Netherlands and the youngest competitor Elina Pitkanen of Finland who is only 1 year and 11 months old. 

Cohen, who also celebrated his 19th birthday on Saturday and whose act included acrobatics
and juggling, told Reuters while juggling:  "For this event I have not really practised. I have just seen the Dutch championship and I was nearby so I enlisted."  "Because I won the Dutch championships, I was told to come here, and they flew me in," he explained further.

Before taking the podium as the world champion in mobile phone throwing Tommi Huotari admitted: "Actually this was the first time..I have never tried before but it seems good so I will be here next year also."


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INTRO: An Indonesian entrepreneur creates a successful business by turning marine life into art.An entrepreneur in Indonesia shows how creative thinking led him to start a successful business involving nothing more than crabs, shells and brightly coloured paint.

STORY: For those who love pets of the fishy variety, an Indonesian businessman could offer a colourful new addition to their collection. One man in West Java has come up with a creative way to promote the sale of an unusual household pet.The Strawberry Land Hermit Crab(
草莓陸寄居蟹) or "coenobita perlatus(橙紅陸寄居蟹)" is popular among Indonesians who keep the low-cost and low-maintenance crustaceans as pets. 

But now, 24-year-old Hany Faroko, has stumbled upon an innovative idea that has helped promote the pet internationally.All it takes is a small business, made up of a handful of workers including his brother, a few spraypaint guns, some shells, and a dash of creativity. He and his business team collect shells from the millions found along the coast of West Java and then set about intricately decorating each one.
Once the shells are dry, the hermit crabs, which he collects from Papua, are placed back into their new colourful homes. Some 2 tonnes of crabs are brought from Papua to Jakarta every two weeks to keep his business running.

Faroko's company started off by selling unpainted hermit crabs. But the idea to paint them was born some eight years ago when he saw other types of shells decorated by artists in the United States.
His new and improved business now sees him selling the painted hermit crab shells to locals in Indonesia as well as to customers abroad in both the United States and South Korea.

Each crab sells for around one and a half to two U.S. dollars, depending on size, but the big money comes from exports. His income has doubled since he started painting the shells and his company's nett profit each month now equals tens of thousands of dollars.


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INTRO: Burj Dubai becomes the world's tallest building.

STORY: Burj Dubai(
比斯杜拜塔;杜拜大樓), a tower under construction in the United Arab Emirates(阿拉伯聯合酋長國)' trade hub, became the tallest building in the world on Saturday (July 21) measuring 512.1 metres (1,680 ft), its developer said.

Emaar Properties, the company developing the Dubai tower, said in a statement "Burj Dubai is now taller than Taipei 101 in Taiwan, which at 508 metres has held the tallest-building-in-the-world title since it opened in 2004." "Burj Dubai has now reached 141 storeys, more storeys than any other building in the world," the statement said.

Burj Dubai, which is set to be completed next year, aims to be the world's tallest building according to all four criteria listed by the Chicago-based Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, which measures buildings to the structural top, the highest occupied floor, the top of the roof and the tip of the spire or flag pole.

Once completed, Burj Dubai will have consumed 330,000 cubic metres of concrete, 39,000 tonnes of steel and 142,000 square metres of glass, Emaar said. It will have 56 lifts travelling at 1.75 to 10 metres per second.

The tower will be the centrepiece of a 20 billion U.S. dollar development that will include residential, commercial and retail property. Dubai, the Gulf Arab trade and tourism hub, has embarked on a series of mega-projects in recent years, developing three palm-shaped islands off its coast and a cluster of man made islands shaped like a map of the world.

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INTRO: Indonesian soccer fans flock to street arena to see Zinedine Zidane play. Thousands of Indonesian soccer fans gather to see retired French footballer Zinedine Zidane play in a futsal match in Jakarta. 

STORY: Authorities closed a Jakarta main street for three hours on Sunday (July 8) to create to create futsal street arena for a special match between retired French football star Zinedine Zidane and Indonesian players.

Frenzied supporters poured into the street to see the 34-year-old three-time FIFA World Footballer of the Year take to the field to play a match with pop stars, national team players, and officials.

From hours before kick-off, soccer-mad men and boys lined the streets to catch a glimpse of the former Juventus and Real Madrid midfielder. Others climbed on walls to photograph him during the game.

Zidane ended his soccer career with a red card after head-butting Italian defender Marco Materazzi in World Cup final last year. He is on three-day visit to Indonesia ahead of the Asian Cup which is being co-hosted by Indonesia, Malaysia Thailand and Vietnam during the July 7-29, 2007 period.

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INTRO: Ten years after the Asian financial crisis, Thailand's most famous victim finds his fortune in the market.

STORY: Ten years after problems in Thailand triggered the Asian financial crisis, its most famous victim, stock guru-turned-sandwich seller Sirivat Voravetvuthikun (Pron: Si-ri-vat Vor-ra-vet-vut-ti-koon), discovered his fortune in a new business. 

Sirivat, known in Thailand as "Mr. Sandwich", was a classic riches-to-rags story in 1997 when Thailand's crash wiped out his estimated $8.7 million (U.S. dollars) assets and threw him onto the streets where he began selling sandwiches to survive. 

A high-flying stock analyst a decade ago, is back on the lecture circuit. But this time he urges Thais to learn from his mistakes.  Sirivat, 58, took the market by storm in the late 1970s when, at 28, he was the youngest chief executive of a major brokerage, Asia Securities. Under his 11 years at the helm, it grew into the biggest brokerage in Thailand. 

By the early 1990s, his reputation had earned him the trust of a dozen wealthy Thais who hired him to manage their investment portfolios.  His downfall was a resort condominium project at Khao Yai National Park, northeast of Bangkok, where he had invested more than 300 million baht (almost $10 million U.S. dollars) in borrowed money. 

"I am happier now after being acquitted from bankruptcy three years ago. Right now I own a small business, but it isn't big like what I had before. Before I sold condominiums for five million or 15 million baht, but now my sandwiches only cost 20, 40 or 50 baht. But I'm still happy because I don't need to borrow money from anybody," he said at one of his trendy coffee shops in a Bangkok hospital, part of a food and drinks company that grew from his street days. 

After years of litigation, Sirivat was declared bankrupt in 2003 with unpaid debt of nearly one billion baht. Apart from selling sandwiches and sushi near mass transit stations and shopping malls, he runs Coffee Corner shops at two hospitals in Bangkok and provides a coffee break catering service.

His spectacular fall made headlines in and outside Thailand, dramatised by two arrests as Bangkok police cracked down on a surge of street hawkers after the collapse. He plans to open another eight coffee shops before listing his business on the Thai bourse's small companies board in the second half of 2009. 

Sirivat, now wary of relying on bank loans to speed up his business growth, said he cannot afford to make another mistake.  "I still have some ambitions. I still have an idea. I'm still strong to fight. As I said, I want to sell at least 100,000 sandwiches a day to the people of Bangkok," said Sirivat.

In 1997, Thai baht was floated and it had weakened to almost half its previous price against the dollar. Exchange rate volatility was inevitable under a managed float system by the government.  Analysts say the attacks on the baht before it was floated on July 2 exposed the inefficiency and weakness of the local financial market. The crisis spread across the region which most affected countries were Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea and Philippines.

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Denmark's Crown Princess gives birth to second child.

Denmark's Australian-born Crown Princess Mary gave birth to her second child on Saturday (April 21), a healthy baby girl, her husband, Crown Prince Frederik said. 

39-year-old Frederik said the birth at
Copenhagen University Hospital took six hours and had been as beautiful and impressive as that of the couple's first child, Prince Christian, in October 2005. The baby princess, third in line to the Danish throne after her father and her older brother, had been expected at the beginning of May.In a statement the royal court said the baby princess weighed 3,350 grams (7.4 lbs) at birth and was 50 cm (20 inches) long.

35-year-old Princess Mary, was Mary Donaldson, a real estate agent from
Tasmania, until she married Frederik in May 2004 after a romance that began when they met in a bar in Sydney
during the 2000 Olympics.

Frederik's mother Queen Margrethe and the royal family, said to be
Europe's oldest royal house, are highly popular in Denmark.


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INTRO: World's oldest woman dies.

STORY: A Salvadoran woman believed to be the world's oldest woman died in her hometown of San Agustin.

National records report that Cruz Hernandez was born on
May 3, 1878, which would make her 128 years old when she died. Family and friends gathered for her funeral mass and burial on Friday (March 9). 

According to her daughter, she wasn't ill when she died."She died because of her age," Maria Hernandez said. "Her illness was gone."

Hernandez had 13 children and at least 60 grandchildren, 80 great-grandchildren and 25 great-great grandchildren.

National birth registry officials sent Hernandez's documents to the Guinness World Records organization but never heard back.

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INTRO: Carnival continues at full steam with street processions like the"Cordao do Bola Preta" block, which lured 150,000 revelers early on Saturday. 

STORY: The second day of Brazil's raucous(
喧鬧的) Carnival celebrations kicked off Saturday (February 17) in Rio de Janeiro with tens of thousands dancing and singing in the streets, defying(對抗) a recent surge(波濤洶湧) of gun violence in the city's slums(貧民窟). 

Rio has some 300 blocos – block(
集團) parties(一行人) - and its most traditional, founded in 1918 with the name "Cordao do Bola Preta," (Black Ball String) lured(吸引) nearly 150,000 people into the downtown area early on Saturday. 

The main parades start on Sunday (February 18) but neighbourhood groups known as "blocos" begin to party in the streets of
Rio long before the large samba schools go down the Sambadrome avenue. 

To the beat of drums revelers(
尋歡作樂的人) wearing masks, garments or holding protest signs, chanted(吟誦) the group's song or "marchinha"(進行曲) as they danced freely with the large crowd.

With violence a pervasive reality throughout
Rio de Janeiro, vice-president of the "Cordao da Bola Preta" Pedro Ernesto Marinho said their block is on happy side of the city, where peace and joy reigns. "Bola Preta is the happy side, Bola Preta transmits peace, joy and tranquility. It's the tradition of peace and joy," he said.This year's festivities are being held under the shadow of gunfights(槍戰) and turf(勢力範圍) battles that have killed dozens of people in recent weeks and exposed Rio's dark side.

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INTRO: Badgley Mischka's 60's chic(時髦的) and Vera Wang's Russian(俄國的) insipirations (靈感) are the highlights(最精采的部份) of New York Fashion on Thursday (February 08). 

As New York Fashion Week draws to a close, American designer duo(二人組) Badgley Mischka(巴傑利‧米施卡) and wedding gown wear sweetheart Vera Wang(王薇薇) showed their Fall 2007 collections on Thursday (February 08).

The label(
商標) of Badgley Mischka has behind it designers James Mischka(詹姆斯·米奇卡) and Mark Badgley(馬克·班格雷), who have worked together for almost twenty years, starting in 1988.

The Badgley Mischka label is generally known for its "refreshing(
清新的), light take on(呈現) glamour(迷惑)" and for Fall 2007, the glamor designed by the duo is inspired by the classicism(古典主義) of the 60's and icons(圖像) like Mia Farrow(米婭法羅).

While Badgley added that the swinging(
活耀的) London aspect(樣子) was present through subtle hints.  "Subtle hints of that, I mean it's not that literal but there's definitely a group of very short leggy cocktail dresses that have sort of a 60's mood to them and some of the silhouettes(輪廓) are little more cleaned up, also sort of reminiscent(懷舊) of more simple, monastic(儉樸的) 1960's shape, so there's definitely a touch of that here," explained Badgley.

On the runway(
伸展台), the duo's Fall 2007 collection included models in tweed(花呢) jackets and pants, jersey(針織) sweaters, tweed suits(套裝), boucle(飾有簇毛) coats(大衣) and wool dresses(連衫群). The colour palette(獨特色彩) included a generous(大量的) sprinkling(噴霧) of black and white as well as shades(色塊) like chocolate, cream, coffee, navy(深藍色) and amethyst(紫色).

Badgley and Mischka added sportswear to their line-up starting this year, where they took everyday business wear and added touches(
感動) of glamor, making it a little less office-like, the duo said

Another cream(
最精彩的部分) of the crop(同一批) designer to unveil on Thursday was Vera Wang. Wang, who is most famous for her elaborate wedding gowns, designed a somewhat(一點兒) more austere (樸素的) line-up for fall, using turn-of-the century Russia as inspiration.

Wang's colour selection reflects the time period, with the majority of pieces in hues(
色系) of brown and black, with only a selection of headscarves(頭蓋巾) adding bold(明亮的) colours like emerald and ruby.

Wang's mélange(
混合物) of poverty(貧困) meets royalty(皇室、高貴) is reflected in her designs, with heavy furs(毛皮) and wools(羊毛) mingled(混和) with sequence (連續;接續;一連串) and silk.  So be it the roaring(喧鬧) sixties or the severity of 1900's Russia, fans of both Badgley Mischka and Vera Wang should be prepared for a return to yester-year(過去的時光) when their collections hit stores for fall 2007.

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INTRO: Vintage and classic beauties roll out on
New Delhi streets.

STORY: Over a hundred vintage and classic beauties rolled out on the streets of the Indian capital
New Delhi on Sunday (February 11), much to the delight of curious onlookers.

The rally organised by a national(國營) daily(日報) 'The Statesmen' is an annual event, and scores of car enthusiasts gathered to be a part of it despite the cloudy skies. The Chief of the Indian Air Force S. P. Tyagi who flagged off the rally said he was overawed(嚇到了) by the spectacular(壯觀的) show(展示).

With spirits not dampened(
使消沈) by the weather, excited participants drove through the streets of New Delhi(新德里), traveling(飛馳) back in time.

The cars divided into three categories(類型) - the vintage(古董車), post-war(二次大戰後式) and classic(經典款) categories -- were assessed(評估) by a panel of judges as per their maintenance(保養), performance(性能) and how close they were to what they used to originally be.

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INTRO: Germany hosts 42nd annual "Golden Camera" award, honours(
榮譽) Nicholas Cage, Lionel Richie, among others. 

STORY: Hollywood actor Nicholas Cage received the 'Film International(
參加國際比賽的選手)' award for being "one of the most versatile(多才多藝的) actors of his generation," according to the jury.

"I grew up watching German expressionist(
表現主義的) silent films. My father and my whole family really was interested in German cinema," Cage told reporters on the red carpet.

Claiming to be "Europe's most prestigious and successful entertainment award," the Golden Camera "pays tribute(
敬意) to outstanding artistic achievements since 1965 and is sponsored(主辦) by 'Hoerzu' television guide.

Soul legend Lionel Richie, who received an award for his lifetime achievement, told reporters during a news conference earlier on Thursday how honoured he felt by receiving a Golden Camera.

Pierce Brosnan, better known as the former James Bond, was honoured for his involvement in saving the environment. "Besides his successful acting career Pierce Brosnan has been active for international charity organisations like UNICEF for many years," the jury wrote, "but above all for the environment." 

According to the sponsors of the Golden Camera, "the award itself is a replica of the world's first electronic TV camera, a handmade 600g masterpiece(
絕無僅有的物品) of 18 carat gold plated sterling silver(纯銀).

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INTRO : Hundreds take plunge into frigid
Lake Michigan

STORY: The Milwaukee Polar Bear Club has its own tradition to usher in the New Year, and it's not for everyone. Hundreds of cold weather enthusiasts stripped down to their bathing suits Sunday (December 31) afternoon and jumped into
Lake Michigan

The annual
event boasts a history of more than 50 years. The highest temperature reached on Sunday was 42 degrees Fahrenheit (6 degrees

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INTRO: David Blaine frees himself during latest entrapment stunt.


STORY: David Blaine's latest stunt ended with a crash on Thursday (November 23) when the performer escaped from shackles(腳鐐、手銬) in a gyroscope(迴旋儀;陀螺儀) 50 feet above New York's Times Square, leapt(跳躍) and fell through a plywood(膠合板) stage below.

After two days twisting and turning in the air, Blaine unhooked himself, jumped and crashed through the stage about half an hour after being given the go-ahead(許可) to try to escape.


He emerged moments later, able to walk but appearing woozy(頭昏眼花的), and greeted a few hundred spectators before being whisked away in a taxi. Blaine has locked himself in a fish bowl(魚缸), a block of ice and a coffin in previous stunts. He once spent 44 days in a box suspended over the Thames in London. This time he spent a little over two full days in the gyroscope.

Then promoters of the event gave him 16 hours to break free as of Thursday afternoon, which would have taken him into Friday. Blaine needed only a few minutes to escape despite the cold and rain.


"It's actually harder than I thought it would be," Blaine said while trying to remove the shackle around his waist. Many in the crowd had gathered after watching New York's Thanksgiving Day parade, which passed near the stunt(特技表演) site just off Times Square.


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